Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 207 A Friend In The South Secured

One hour after their happy time, Alexander and Sophie entered the black sleek-looking royal car. It wasn't the Bukavac this time but a car that existed in Alexander's past world. The presidential car of the president of the United States, the Beast.

Alexander wanted to know for himself how the United States president from his past life felt when riding in one of the most protected cars on Earth. He was able to copy the design thanks to his close relationship with the current administration before he died.

He was a main supplier of weapons to the United States after all, and knowing that Alexander or Thomas wouldn't betray the United States or not work for the best interest of the country, he was given a chance to peek at the schematics. Even though it was just a quick glance, for him, it was all the time he needed to make a copy of one.

Recreating it in a world whose technology was similar to that of the 1930s and early 1940s, was a challenge, but thanks to the advancement of the manufacturing industry which is part of his main domestic policy, he was able to create a perfect copy of it.

Of course, it won't just stop there, Alexander has a lot of things to introduce to this dark technological era.

Feeling the interior of the Beast, Alexander finds it more comfortable than the Bukavac, it's not too gaudy and only exudes a humble aura yet powerful atmosphere that would make one enthralled.

Inside the vehicle, was his National Security Advisor Sevastian who is sensing something about the royal couple.

"Your Majesties, it seems like you enjoyed the morning. I can tell by your expressions," he said as if to tease the two.

Alexander simply let out a soft "hmph" before speaking. "It must be because of the progress of the war. We are winning on all fronts and it makes me happy."

"It made me feel happy as well," Sophie added. "As the mother of the Ruthenian Empire, I pray every night for the soldiers fighting for our country, to give them the strength and courage that they will need to fight valiantly on the front line."

Sevastian gave a small smile at her heartfelt words. His gaze flickered to Alexander and grabbed the file resting by his seat. "Your Majesty, this is the final draft of the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation that you and the Chilean Foreign Minister will sign at nine o'clock in the morning."

After saying that, Sevastian handed the file to Alexander who took it, examining it carefully. He flipped through the pages until he reached the end.

Sevastian watched Alex's reaction closely before asking, "Is everything satisfactory?"

Alexander nodded while looking at the last page. "Yes. I believe this document is enough. With this treaty, we will be able to exert our influence in South America. They have raw minerals that we need to further our technological advancements. I would like to contact every country and establish diplomatic ties."

Sevastian gave him an approving nod and replied. "It's a great idea, Your Majesty. Would that be your major foreign policy in South America? If that is so, then I would be glad to help. Anyways, Your Majesty, since we are talking about exerting our influence, I remember that you asked me about the ongoing conflicts happening around the world. Are you implying that we perhaps intervene in their affairs and work with the government or group that will be beneficial to the Ruthenian Empire?"

"That was the plan," Alexander answered without missing a beat. "Until the Yamato Empire decided to go to war against us. Due to that, the plan was delayed but the Foreign Intelligence Services is watching closely. Speaking of the war, how are things in the Choson Peninsula unfolding?"

"I just got off the phone with the Joint Chief of Staff an hour ago. He said that our Armed Forces just took the city of Kaesong. It's a city fifty-three kilometers away from the capital city of the Choson Empire, Hanseong. He also said that they are going to launch an operation to take the capital city with the Righteous Army in 21:00 at Moskva Standard Time."

"So basically, three o'clock in the morning?" Alexander hummed while giving a slight nod.

"Once we capture Hanseong, conquering the south would be an easy feat for our army. After all, almost eight percent of the forces of the Yamato Empire in the Choson Peninsula were killed in the offensive in the north."

While the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire and his National Security Advisor were having a chat, Sophie was listening and watching them, wanting to learn about the current situation even if it's a little. Alexander noticed it and he smiled at her.

"Sorry, darling, it seems like our conversation bores you," Alexander told her. She shook her head and giggled lightly. "It's okay, don't mind me. It's your duty to listen to your National Security Advisor right?"

At that moment, the car came to a stop.

"It seems like we are here," Sevastian stated as he looked out of the window and gazed at the front facade of the Mikhailovsky Palace.

A man exited from the front door of the Beast and headed towards the back door. The man opened it, allowing the royal couple and Sevastian to step off the vehicle.

"Thank you, Rolan," Alexander thanked. Sevastian and Sophie nod at the man who has been by their side for almost five years.

Rolan returned the gesture. He walked by them towards the palace's entrance. The moment they got there, he tapped Alexander's elbow lightly with his finger to get his attention.

"What is it, Rolan?" Alexander asked.

Rolan pulled out a letter from the inside pocket of his suit jacket and handed it to Alexander.

"I'll take a look at this once the meeting is complete," Alexander said as he put the note in the inside pocket of his suit.

After that, he entered the palace and was immediately escorted by the palace staff to the room where the official delegates from the Chilean Republic were waiting.

As soon as they arrived at the room, the door was opened by the palace guards. Inside the room was the Foreign Minister of the Chilean Republic, Emilio Bello Codecido.

Emilio rose from his seat as soon as he saw the two royals entering the room. He approached the Emperor and the Empress of the Ruthenian Empire and gave a formal bow.

"Your Majesty, sir, and Your Majesty, ma'am. It's a pleasure to meet you in person."

"The pleasure is mine," Alexander smiled, followed by Sophie. "Now, shall we proceed to the dining table?"

"Yes, in fact, we've prepared our popular breakfast cuisine from Chile. I hope you two will enjoy it!" Emile said with a bright smile.

"Of course," Alexander and Sophie intoned, they strode all the way to the table where a freshly-baked breakfast cuisine of Chile is served on the table.

"What do you call this?" Alexander asked as he took his seat.

"It's the empanada, Your Majesty. It's a baked dough with beef inside," Emilio explained.

Alexander grabbed his fork and a table knife and made a small cut in the dough. Then he picked up the bite-sized empanada with a fork to see the inside. Tendrils of smoke wafted from the food and it had a sweet aroma of beef that lingered in the air. He put it into his mouth and let out a satisfied hum.

"This tastes good," he commented as Sophie and Sevastian did the same thing. They all nodded in agreement.

Emilio was pleased to see their reactions.

"Your gestures alone made me happy. While I'm in St. Petersburg, I tried some of your cuisine as well as the food in your fast food restaurant where common folks often eat. It was delicious, I hope we can bring it to our country so that Chilean people would be able to eat Ruthenian food."

"Don't worry, once we sign the treaty, we can start exchanging goods. Things like electronics, automobiles, home appliances, and foods will be exported to your country."

"I can't wait for that to happen."

They enjoyed their breakfast and discussed the treaties. Two hours later, the media arrived at the Mikhailovsky Palace to capture the important moment.

In a room, there's a large rectangular table where the Foreign Minister of the Chilean Republic and the Emperor of the Ruthenian Empire sit. Behind them was a poster titled "Rutho-Chilean Economic Friendship." A flag of both countries fluttered in the wind.

On the television, they are seen signing documents after documents. The people of the Ruthenian Empire watched it unfold.

Two minutes later, they both stood from their seats and walked into the center where they exchanged a handshake. After that, they faced the camera and smiled. The Chilean Republic has officially established diplomatic ties with the Ruthenian Empire.

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