Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 202 Quality Time

In the capital of the Ruthenia Empire, the day has been going as usual. People going about their daily lives, with all sorts of people milling about and making a nuisance of themselves. Even though the country is at war with the Yamato Empire, the populace in the western hemisphere doesn't even feel that they are at war.

That's given when the war theater is over nine thousand kilometers away from home. Even the headlines on the news weren't all about war but the development of the Ruthenia Empire on all fronts. The reason for this is that the Ruthenian Empire suffered no significant losses in the war unlike its counterpart in the East.

Kind of ironic when one thinks that this nation was once on the brink of civil collapse four years ago when the Yamato Empire was getting its ass kicked in the Far East.

With the war going favorably on the Ruthenian side, Ruthenian citizens couldn't just be bothered. But for their brothers living in the Far East, it's a completely different story, especially when the whole Far East is under strict martial law.

It's a necessary precaution to ensure the safety of the Ruthenian citizens in the Far East. Yamato's attempt on bombing Vladivostok justified such an action, resulting in even stricter measures of protection being taken on the Far East to make sure it won't happen again.


In the official residence of the Emperor of the Ruthenia Empire, in its garden. Alexander was having quality time with his daughter who was sitting on his lap. A book was laid in her lap which she was reading with great interest as he played with her long golden hair.

Anya didn't even bat an eye while he was doing that. She's too engrossed in reading a romance novel she took from the Gothic Library of the Winter Palace.

He couldn't tell whether Anya has mastered the mastery of reading because she was flipping through the page a little bit fast compared to average children.

Alexander wanted to test that.

"Anya, can you read the next paragraph for me?" Alexander asked as he stopped stroking her hair. Anya looked up briefly before turning back to her book.

"Why?" She responded.

"Nothing...I just want you to read it for me so I can join along the adventures that are playing on your mind."

"Okay!" she agreed enthusiastically. "Okay, this reads...Ernest walked alongside his crush Stephanie who was looking off into the distance while wearing a beautiful smile on her face...then," Anya continued reading the paragraph Alexander wanted her to read fluidly.

Alexander was impressed by his daughter's reading ability. To think that she can read hard-to-pronounce sentences without stuttering or faltering is amazing.

"Thank you, Anya, what a lovely story that is. Well, are you ready for your first portrait painting? Mama is coming anytime soon with her tools."

"I'm excited, papa!" Anya exclaimed. "I want to have a portrait similar to mama, papa, and my big sisters. I want to hang it on my bedroom wall."

"You will have that soon. I will hang a copy of it on the wall of my office too." Alexander told her with a chuckle.

Just as they were having adorable chitchat, Sophie arrived with the palace servants carrying her tools and canvas.

Alexander lifted Anya gently and set her down on the ground as he stood.

Anya noticed her mama's arrival and so she rushed up to her. "Mama!" Sophie laughed heartily as she caught Anya and lifted her up in her arms. "Excited for your portrait today?"

"Yes!" Anya said.

"Good afternoon, darling," Alexander greeted his wife and planted a kiss on her cheek. "I've already prepared the place where she'll be taking her portrait. What do you think?" He extended his hand toward the place where Anya would stand for portrait painting.

The backdrop of the portrait was quite simple. A flora growing in the gardens of the Winter Palace.

Sophie nodded. "It's good but before that, we have to dress Anya."

"Fine by me," Alexander shrugged.

Sophie carefully brought Anya down and beckoned the royal maids to escort her to a room where they can dress her.

While waiting for Anya, the royal couple started a discussion about how their days went. It was a usual topic for a conversation to pass the time.

,m Fifteen minutes later, the royal maids of the Winter Palace returned to the garden with lovely smiles on their faces. Hiding behind them was Anya, Alexander tried to peek but the maid didn't let him.

Maybe Anya wants to surprise them?

Just as he thought about that, the maid slowly walked away to the side, allowing Alexander and Sophie to see Anya.

She looked breathtaking; wearing a shoulderless pink gown that matched the flowers that bloomed around her like some sort of fairy tale princess. Her long golden hair was adorned with a flower pin holding it up high that made her look adorable. Lastly, she holds an umbrella above her head with a bright grin on her face and a rose bouquet hanging from her hand.

Alexander could only gasp at how beautiful his daughter looked when he saw her. Even Sophie was smiling widely to see their baby girl looking so charming and adorable. "How do I look? Mama, papa?" Anya asked as she waved happily.

"You looked like the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my life, Anya," Alexander complimented her as he looked at Sophie.

Sophie felt her gaze when he said that. It sounds as though she's the one he's referring to as the most beautiful woman he'd seen in his life. It made her blush a little.

"Just as your father said, Anya. You are beautiful, just like me," she teased jokingly. "Okay, shall we get started? Anya, I want you to stand there and once you are there, I want you to look at me. Mama is going to paint you.

Anya nodded obediently and walked over to the place Sophie asked her to go. Then, she posed in a side view with an innocent smile on her lips and looked over her shoulder. "Like this?"

"Yes, that's perfect, Anya. Now stay like that for thirty minutes, Mama is going to do her best to paint a beautiful portrait of you."

"Okay!" Anya agreed.

"Alright then! Let's begin," Sophie grabbed her brush and began brushing on the blank canvas resting on the easel.

As promised, Alexander watched with rapt attention as Sophie painted their daughter. This is the privilege Alexander missed ever since the war started. Constantly needed on the command ops and the sudden visit of the Chilean Ambassador interrupted most of his plan to spend time with Sophie and Anya.

He just hoped that no one would come over and ask for his audience. And if there's one, he will not entertain it.

"Your Majesty."

A voice that he didn't want to hear for the rest of the day called out for him. He slowly glanced over his shoulder, eyes widened. It was Sevastian.

Sophie heard his voice too so she stopped painting. The innocent expression on Anya's face turned into worry, fearing that her father is going to leave her for work.

"Papa?" Anya called out worriedly.

"Everything's fine Anya!" Alexander fumbled nervously but he still managed to give a reassuring smile. He went around Sevastian and wrapped his arm around his shoulder. "In fact, Sevastian came here to watch. Right Sevastian?" he gave a threatening look at Sevastian. Indicating that he should play along otherwise he is fucked later.

"Uh..." Sevastian gulped visibly. "Of course, Your Imperial Highness. I came here to watch it. You look so beautiful in that dress," he complimented as if his life depended on it.

"Ah...I thought father has to leave again for work," Anya somberly said.

"That's not true sweetie," Sophie assured her. "Just like your uncle said, he's going to watch."

Anya was convinced and so her face lit up again. "Really?! Okay then!" She returned to her pose.

"Why are you here Sevastian? Didn't I tell you that today is my free day?" he whispered.

"Your Majesty, I came here to report about the recent development of the war. The First Imperial Fleet of the Yamato Empire has been defeated in the Battle of Yellow Sea."

"Is that so? That's good then. You could've informed me of that in the evening. You almost ruined my quality time with my wife and daughter."

"I'm sorry, Your Majesty. It won't happen again. Anyways, tomorrow is a big day as you will sign the diplomatic relations agreement between the Chilean Republic."

Alexander sighed. "Thanks for informing me. Now join me and watch until this portrait session ends. I don't want you lying in front of my daughter."

"It's okay, Your Majesty. I don't have an appointment for the next three hours."

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