Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 181 Stubborness

It was three p.m in the afternoon. In the capital city of the Choson Empire, Hanseong. Emperor Gojong was having a meeting with the Resident General, Ito Hirobumi in the Gyeongbokgung Palace. He was the man responsible for forcing the Choson Empire to become Yamato’s protectorate.

“Your Majesty, we’ve received grave news from Tokyo, the Ruthenian Empire has waged war against our Empire. The Ruthenians have already entered the peninsula through Sinuiju.”

“Is that so…that’s really unfortunate,” Emperor Gojong said, appearing to be disappointed but deep inside, he was glad.

By sending secret emissaries to the Hague to get international support, Emperor Gojong hoped that a nation would hear their plea but to no avail. Although he heard that the Ruthenians actually tried to help them recognize their situation to the world, they utterly failed from the unanimous vote.

With this, the Choson Empire was stripped of its independence and became a subject of the Yamato Empire. They can set up foreign legations and even the newly built legation building in Washington D.C was forced to close.

It was a mistake of him of betraying the Ruthenian Empire and listening to his pro-Yamato advisers and he long regretted it ever since, even getting nightmares out of it.

“That’s right. The Yamato Empire worries about your safety, Your Majesty. That’s why we must evacuate you to a safe place, Tokyo.”

“You want me to go to Tokyo? Your Excellency Ito? I appreciate the offer but there is nowhere else for me to go. I have to be here with my people in times of crisis,” Emperor Gojong said somberly with a slight nod of his head.

“Your Majesty, this is not an offer, rather it is a demand.” Ito Hirobumi replied with a firm voice. “The Emperor of the Choson Empire will be safe as long as he stays here in our country. The men outside will be assisting you with every necessary preparation.”

Emperor Gojong sighed somberly. His assertive tone alone was enough to remind him of his position. He was not an emperor of a sovereign country, but rather a puppet to keep the people of the Choson Empire in line.

But he won’t yield here. This war is a providence to him. Should the Yamato Empire lose in this war, then it is certain that the chains shackling them bound to the Yamato Empire will be shattered.

And not to mention the nobles of the Choson Empire who went to Tokyo never returned again. In fact, he kind of understood the situation he was in. The Yamato Empire won’t take their chances of letting a former head of state of the Choson Empire stay in Hanseong and cooperate with the Righteous Army.

“Your Excellency, in times such as this, you must understand that the people look up to their emperor. Should I leave this country unnoticed, chaos will ensue. If you want the Chosonese to accept you then I suggest that you listen to my reasons. I can’t go to Tokyo, I will stay here in my palace. Besides, I’m confident with the soldiers you sent here as my guards.” Emperor Gojong insisted.

Ito clicked his tongue annoyed at the stubbornness of the young emperor. However, he can’t say his frustrations outright as it would be too disrespectful towards the ruler of another empire.

After a few minutes of arguing back and forth, Ito finally gave up.

“If it’s what you say, Your Majesty. However, for safety precautions, we will increase the security of the palace. This way we will be rest assured that nothing harm will come to you during your stay here,” Ito said politely as he stood up from his seat and grabbed his cane.

“I am glad that you accepted it, Your Excellency,” Emperor Gojong nodded, agreeing to Ito’s suggestion.

Ito didn’t pay any heed to listen to any words coming out from him any longer as he left the throne hall. With heavy footsteps, Ito clenched his fist while walking away to find his aide waiting outside.

“Hayashi!” Ito called out to his aide who was smoking.

“Your Excellency…!” Hayashi stopped smoking immediately when he saw Ito and bowed down respectfully.

“My apologies, Your Excellency. How did the meeting with the emperor go?” Hayashi asked curiously as he walked toward his superior.

“The emperor was a stubborn man, I can’t persuade him to go to Tokyo.”

“That will be bad, Your Excellency, we have direct orders from Tokyo. We have to get the emperor of the Choson Empire out of here as soon as possible…”

“You think I’m not aware of that?” Ito glared at his subordinate who just lowered his eyes in shame.

“… My deepest apologies,” Hayashi mumbled before standing straight and staring into his superior’s eyes.  “Still, my point still stands.”

“I am aware of that. That’s why I’m giving you another mission. You have to look after the Emperor. I want you to limit his contact with any people. Who knows, he might be collaborating with the rebels who have been giving us a headache ever since our occupation,” Ito rubbed his hair in frustration and shook his head.

“Leave it to me, Your Excellency. I will make sure he is well guarded against all sides.” a cunning smile crept onto Hayashi’s lips. “Anyways, Your Excellency, how would you explain this to Tokyo? I’m sure they won’t reasonably hear your explanation as to why you failed to bring the emperor to Tokyo.”

“There’s no need to worry about that. Tokyo gave me one week. I thought I would be lucky on this visit but it turns out it wasn’t that easy. The Emperor also made a good point as to why he opposed leaving Hanseong but I couldn’t care less about it. If he is still stubborn by the end of the week, then I will be forced to drag him out of his throne myself,” Ito gritted his teeth while talking, his grip on his cane tightened.


Somewhere, thirteen thousand feet above, behind the thick clouds of the sky, a Bogatyr Cargo Aircraft was flying through the air at a cruising speed above the  Chungcheongbuk-do province. It was carrying twelve special forces of the Ruthenia Empire with the mission of making contact with the Righteous Army in Chungju.

They were all seated on each side of the cargo bay with their crates, varying in size, containing their equipment and armaments attached in the middle.

“Okay, one thing to remember once we are on the ground. We will link up with the Righteous Army and get them to our side. They will be crucial for our operation of retaking Hanseong from the Yamato hands.  They are in Uamsan mountain, where their base of operations is located. Once we establish contact, we will notify Overwatch who will then send the cavalry. If any of you have questions, ask them now. Because I’m not the type of person who will repeat everything I just said.”

“Sir so sir!” The Special Forces soldiers replied together resolutely.

“Ten seconds to drop location,” the pilot announced through the intercom system.

“Stand up!” the captain of the special forces for the operation shouted his command.

The loadmaster opened the ramp, producing a whooshing sound that resonated inside the cargo bay.

With the ramp fully open, their equipment in crates slid out of the cargo bay into the open air. The special forces followed by jumping out of the plane.

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