Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 164 Fishy

For a while, Alexander waited for the staff to contact the ambassador of the Yamato Empire to the Ruthenia Empire to get further information about the attack. Though already knew that something fishy happened behind the scenes, this call serves as a formality between two nations that are on a brink of war.

As he waited, Alexander mumbled inwardly, reflecting on his past mistake of letting his sisters go to the Yamato Empire. Who knew this could happen? Who expected it? Yamato was such a peaceful country in this world that has rich culture and history. Yes, granted that their countries have a precarious relationship after the conclusion of the St. Petersburg Treaty. He never knew they would stoop so low as to attack members of the Imperial Family of the Ruthenia Empire.

But he can’t rest easy yet, his sisters are still in a hostile land that at any moment, could be endangered. Getting them out of there takes precedence, and retaliatory options will follow.

Alexander leaned back to his seat and stared blankly at the ceiling as he pondered for another thought. There, he remembered he made a promise to god that if something happens to his sisters, he will unleash hell upon this world. Stupid as it sounds, but that was his heart speaking. No one can really stay rational when emotions are in the way.

On this day forth, Alexander promised himself that he won’t make these mistakes again. Because the truth is told, his family was getting killed from assassinations and attacks. And today’s incident was an attack. He sighed, it felt like a curse to him or his family.

“How much longer?” Alexander shot an impatient look at the staff who handle phone calls in the Command Ops.

“Sorry Your Majesty, but they are not answering,” the staff replied to him with an apologetic expression. “No matter how many times I call them, no one is picking up?”

All eyes flickered to the staff.

“What does that mean?” Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sergei uttered.

“Are they refusing to communicate with us?” Alexander added.

“It looks like the Yamato Empire has officially cut off communications,” Sevastian pointed out. “It seems like the Yamato Empire knew that an attack would happen and there were ready consequences. An incident of harming intently the Grand Duchesses of Ruthenia is something that the Yamato Empire won’t be able to reason with.”

“How about the Emperor of the Yamato Empire? Isn’t he the one in control of his nation?”

“You see, Your Majesty, there’s a power struggle between the military and the royalty in the Empire of Yamato. It might look like the king has the power but it turns out to be the military.”

Alexander’s eyes go wide upon hearing that. He contemplated briefly. The head of state was the emperor yet the power goes to the military. He secretly glanced distrustfully at his generals and ministers as he realized how vulnerable his position is.

No, that is not the time for that thought, there’s a pressing issue that requires his attention. He can deal with that later.

“So, similar to a puppet?”

“That’s one way of putting it, Your Majesty,” Sevastian replied.

“Okay let’s sum up what we’ve discussed so far. So, this attack was planned by a business tycoon named Shinzo Sakawa with supposed aid from his government. We attempted communication but the Yamato Empire won’t answer the call. Our first priority is getting my sister out of there,” Alexander paused as he looked at the Minister of Defense, Alexei. “What options do we have?”

“Well, Your Majesty, in order to evacuate the Grand Duchesses and the staff, we will need Yamato’s cooperation. If we task one of our planes to fly over their airspace without authorization or permission, they will shoot it down.”

“But we have planes ready, right?” Alexander asked.

“Yes sir, there’s a Bogatyr aircraft on Vladivostok. It’s two hours away from Tokyo. It’s fueled and ready. It is now only waiting for our orders.”

“Very well, if the evacuation force is ready, we only need to contact the Yamato Empire,” Alexander looked at Sergei.

“What is it, Your Majesty?” Sergei inquired.

“I want you to ask the Britannia Empire to open a back channel with the prime minister of the Yamato Empire and find out why he is not answering our calls.”

“On it, Your Majesty,” Sergei picked up a telephone and dialed a number.

Meanwhile, a staff member made a beeline to where Alexander was sitting and whispered.

“Your Majesty, we have an incoming call from the Ruthenian Embassy,” Alexander’s gaze flickered to the woman who informed him.

“Who is it?”

“It’s Her Imperial Highness, Christina Romanoff, Your Majesty,”

“Then patch her through and put her on speaker,” Alexander ordered her to do so and slammed the table. “Lower your voices, everyone, I have an important call.”

When Alexander ordered them to lower their voices, a voice came from black metallic boxes fixed on the corners of the wall.


Everyone gasped at the voice of the Grand Duchesses.

“Christina…it’s nice to hear your voice. How are you? Are you okay? Were you hurt?”

“We’re fine…brother,” Christina assured. “None of us were hurt during our trip back to the embassy…Brother…we’re scared…” her voice began breaking.

“I know I know,” Alexander hushed his sister gently. “There, there. Just hold on a little longer, okay? Everyone here is doing their best to get you all out there safely. I promise.”

A sob escaped Christina’s lips. “I’m sorry brother…for asking you a favor of going here…It’s my fault that Tiffania and Anastasia were in danger…”

“No, this is not your fault,” Alexander said firmly. “I’m the one who has come to a decision, so all blame goes to me. I am the one who put you in danger. I should be the one apologizing. Christina, I want you to be strong for your sisters okay? We are all watching you here. We will not let a single soul hurt the three of you. I will not let it happen, never.”

“Okay…” Christina breathed shakily before she cleared her throat. “Thank you, brother…”

“I’m just here for the three of you, okay? You can contact me anytime. Help is on the way soon. Just follow what Rolan says to the three of you and you’ll be safe. I will see you all at home.”

“Okay…” Christina replied. “Bye, Brother.”

pᴀ(ɴᴅ)ᴀ ɴoᴠᴇʟ “Goodbye, Christina,” Alexander replied softly, ending the call and turning to the ministers and generals around the table, looking at him somberly.

“Your Majesty!” Sergei raised, putting the telephone down. “According to the Britannians, the Empire of Yamato is denying any involvement in the attack. They say they are looking into the matter and will conduct a proper investigation.”

“That’s a ruse,” Sevastian commented. “If they are saying they are not involved then why did they not tell us in the first place? Why do we have to reach the Britannia Empire to learn that they are not involved? Your Majesty, this is an affront, an attack on the Grand Duchesses of Ruthenia Empire is an attack on the whole of Ruthenia Empire itself,”

“I agree,” Alexander agreed to Sevastian’s words. “Mister Alexei, find out what retaliatory options we have against the Yamato Empire ASAP!”

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Alexei and the Joint Chief of Staff rose from their seats and congregated in another area where they’ll draw up plans.

“We shall make it resoundingly clear that no good will come from provoking the Great Ruthenian Empire.”

Meanwhile, on the other side of the world. Shinzo Sakawa put the telephone down after receiving news of a successful attack on the Ruthenian convoy.

All things are going according to plan. Phase 1 is attacking the convoy, thereby provoking the Ruthenian Empire, the second phase is–

Shinzo grabbed a sharp knife from beside the telephone, he gritted his teeth, and stabbed himself in the shoulder. The blood began to flow and stain his light-colored clothes. Forming a crimson blotch upon his garments.

–getting the public and the world to be on Yamato’s side.

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