Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 158 What Could've Been a Pleasant Day

St. Petersburg, Ruthenia Empire. October 17, 1927.

“Why did you bring me along with your work, Alexander?” Sophie asked, as they walked down what seemed to be a sort of clothing factory, while they were holding hands. The sounds of sewing machines threading cloth all around them.

Behind them, a dozen Imperial Guards that served as their security detail followed them at their pace.

Even with modernized uniforms, the Thomas in Alexander cannot deny the charms of old aesthetics in their dress.

As such, they still wear the kiver shako headwear, have full mustaches, and modernize their old uniform. There are some key differences as the clothes have bulletproof vests underneath and exchanged the bolt action rifles for modern assault rifles and submachine guns.

“Because I have a favor to ask you,” Alexander simply said, avoiding making eye contact with her and instead staring straight forward. He was grinning though, the way he always did when he was about to ask her something.

“Geez, fine. I guess I’ll follow along,” Sophie gave up on getting a response for now. It could wait until later. “What is it anyway?” she continued. She looked around to see where exactly they were. Factory workers going about their work. Some men and women were looking at them as they walked by, their faces plastered with surprised expressions, which only made Sophie look away shyly.

Alexander stopped dead in his tracks once a plump man in a black suit appeared in front of them.

“Your Majesties, you have graced us with your presence today, to which we are truly honored. ” The man bowed before them. “You can call me Bogdan, I’m the one who handles and manages the operation here. May I have the honor of escorting you into the model room?”

Alex nodded his head. “That would be great,” he held Sophie’s hand tightly.”Is everything ready?”

“Yes, Your Majesty. We’ve worked day and night deciding what to pick the best outfit that will suit Her Majesty’s gracious figure.”.

Sophie felt herself blush slightly as she turned to face Alexander. “Alexander? What’s the meaning of this?”

“In that case, we shall get going,” Alexander smiled stiffly at the man, ignoring Sophie’s question, instead pulling her along, leading her toward their destination.

They arrived in a large storeroom where hundreds of clothing of various designs and colors were hanging on the clothing racks, as well as numerous other accessories lined the walls. Alexander guided her toward the middle of the room where the clothes ringed around them.

A group of photographers on the side was looking at them inquisitively as they prepared their equipment. Not believing that they are seeing the father and mother figures of the Ruthenia Empire.

Alexander winked and waved his hand toward them, which made them turn around quickly and hurry back to their jobs, with their cheeks flushed. They were just noticed by their Emperor, it’s truly a great honor for them.

Sophie’s eyes wandered around the showroom and noticed that some of the clothes displayed on the clothing rack are quite different from the ones she commonly sees in the clothing store.

“What am I to do here, Alex?” Sophie looked up at him, her eyes pleading for an answer.

“You and I, my darling, are going to be the fashion models to try out the new Imperial Dynamic Systems apparel store.”

“Wait, you opened another business?” Sophie gasped, not really expecting that he would open a brand new store that deviates from their specialty, which is an automobile, machinery, aviation, and defense.

“Of course,” Alexander smirked. “Clothing industry is a lucrative business. Every person in this world needs it. However, the clothes that we are selling are different from our competitors. They used natural materials such as cotton, silk, leather, linen, and wool whereas the Imperial Dynamic Systems utilized new synthetic materials like nylon, rayon, polyester, and acrylic.”

“Nylon…polyester…” Sophie repeated the pronunciation. “What are those?”

“Well, those materials are derived from crude oil using chemistry, you know, the ones that power a vehicle. We have lots of it thanks to Ruthenia’s huge untapped reserves within its landmass. I was considering opening synthetic fiber factories a few years ago but was delayed due to a plethora of ongoing sophisticated technological developments. I prioritized those first and now that all is starting to come together, I decided to start manufacturing the synthetic cloths.”

“I see,” Sophie smiled softly at him, not exactly knowing his thought process.

Truth be told, Alexander doesn’t have experience in running a clothing store nor does he has an idea to open one. But one thing he knew is how those apparel are created and how they were designed thanks to their ubiquitous appearance in everyday life. Hence, he compensated for his weakness by hiring Britannian, Sardegnian, and Francois tailors and apparel owners as well as fashion designers for their expertise to realize his vision for the Imperial Dynamic Systems’ apparel store.

And also use their network to spread the word of his new goods to them in hopes of opening a market for synthetic textiles and clothes in the world market. After all, what is a CEO without good business sense?

Just as Alexander mentioned earlier, the primary source of the material is crude oil or petroleum. They were produced similar to plastics. Well, they are plastics. You might be wondering how plastics are made. Let me oversimplify it for you.

All plastics are made of molecules called “monomers” containing carbon. Using chemical reactions or additives, the monomers are linked together like a chain, and they become polymers. There are two types of it, thermoplastic, which softens when heated and can be recycled, like carpet, clothes, and furniture, and thermosets, which, once molded and rigid, stay that way, like electrical fittings, work surfaces, or car bodies.

Take nylon for example. Nylon fabric is a polymer, which means that it is composed of a long chain of carbon-based molecules known as monomers. To make a nylon polymer, diamine acid is forced to enter into a reaction with adipic acid. This type of polymer is commonly known as PA 6,6, or nylon 66. PA 6,6 is also called a nylon salt, and this crystallized salt is then heated to form a molten substance.

This substance is then extruded through a spinneret, a device that looks similar to a showerhead that has a plethora of holes from it. Then they are stretched to increase their strength and elasticity and then lastly wound onto a process called “drawing”.

Nylon is commonly used to make women’s stockings, form-fitting bottoms, and sportswear.

Plastics are truly a wonderful invention of humankind that molded the modern world. Almost everything in the modern world is made of or contains plastics. Without plastics, there is no modern world. No medicine, no computers, communications, or travel. It’s simply a life comparable to the 1850s.  Though revolutionary, it presents an environmental challenge that the modern world still faces today.

Alexander is aware of the consequences of his action, but just like nuclear energy, plastics are also a must-have material if he wants to modernize the Ruthenia Empire. Nothing comes out for free they say.

Bogdan approached them again and looked at Sophie. “Your Majesty, the fitting room is ready and the staff that will be helping you is also there as well.”

“You should go, Sophie,” Alexander placed a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll wait for you here.”

Sophie took his hands into hers, giving them a gentle squeeze before standing.

Before she leaves, Sophie faces Alexander. “I don’t know what to expect but if my participation could help you in any way, then I will be glad to help.” Sophie smiles at him before turning around, heading in the direction of the fitting room where Bogdan leads her into.

Alexander doesn’t know what the team has prepared for Sophie. He can only imagine. But whatever she wears, he’s certain that it will fit her perfectly.

To pass the time, Alexander looked around the showroom, walking over to some clothing racks and checking them. All of the designs were inspired by his past life. Using his photographic memory, he scanned the outfit of every person he encountered from different countries and drew them for the fashion designer of this world to see.

Just as how an ordinary person would react, they were surprised at his design, because the paradigm is not aligned with the mainstream design of this era. Some however are excited, as it turns out that some of the designers have similar ideas but are more dated than his.

He has to reject some of the designs as too ridiculous, silly, or too outlandish.

It seems fashion designer madness is the same across the multiverse.

Twenty minutes had passed, and they were still not finished. Alexander was tapping his foot impatiently. He has browsed the showroom thrice already. Do girls really take a lot of time to change?

Just as he thought of that, Bogdan finally exited the fitting room along with the other support staff.

Bogdan strode all the way to Alexander and spoke. “Your Majesty, she is ready.”

“Great! Where is she?”

Bogdan clapped his hand, signaling one of the staff to motion Sophie to make her entrance.

Moments after, Alexander’s jaw dropped slightly ajar. “Woah…”

She was wearing a mid-thigh, winter bell dress of white, with golden buttons down her front center. Rimmed along the hems of the dress and sleeves, is fur as fluffed as fresh snow. Her slender figure tailored bodice is of dark leather like the bark of a pine tree, decorated with a bow of green and red over her heart, and a golden belt around her narrow waist. warm black tights protect her legs from the upcoming cold season, and tall, knee-length white boots She wears a shawl as pristine as the snow-white of her dress and scarf, and a hat Ushanka sat upon her head.

Her outfit evoked a Christmas vibe from it. And it is turning him on. Once Sophie approached him, Alexander whispered to her ears. “I would like you to wear that outfit on Christmas.”

Sophie giggled, “You liked it?”

“I sure am,” Alexander breathed.

“Your Majesty,” Bogdan voiced, getting the attention of Alexander.

“What is it?”

“It’s your turn.”

“Fine,” Alexander said and looked back at Sophie, “I’m going to surprise you as well…” he smirked.

However, before Alexander can take one step forward, he heard rushed footsteps heading in their direction.

“Your Majesty!”

He immediately recognized the voice, it was Sevastian.

Sevastian ground to a halt and panted heavily. “I was looking for you, Your Majesty. There is an urgent matter that you have to look into.”

“What is it?” Alexander asked, confused at the urgency on his subordinate’s face.

Sevastian leaned over and whispered something to Alexander.

Alexander’s face sank into a frown. “Shit…contact the Minister of Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff…”

“What happened?” Sophie was curious as to what caused her husband’s face to contort into such a grim expression.

“My sisters…they are in danger.”

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