Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 154 Trailing the Culprit Part 1

Finishing up his report, Zero left the embassy to carry out his duties of investigating the true nature of the operation funded by Shinzo Sakawa.

Outside, Zero pulled a pack of cigarettes and a lighter out of his pocket and grabbed one stick.

He put it in his mouth and lit it up with the lighter. The flame flickered for a few seconds before it caught fire and ignited his cigarette. Once done with that, he put the rest back in his pocket and started walking away from the building. Looking around his surroundings, Zero made sure he wasn’t followed or being watched. Confirming that he wasn’t being trailed,  he headed over to his car parked across the street.

Zero entered the vehicle and inserted the key in the ignition. Once starting, the engine roared to life.

He puffed another puff from his cigarette as he started driving through the streets and towards the temple where Shinzo Sakawa held his seminar.

The drive was quiet save for the radio playing softly in the background. As usual, Zero was too deep into thought about today’s assignment. It was unlike any job he had taken before.

‘Zero’ you see, is his codename. His real name is in a dossier somewhere in Ruthenia.

He was given a different identity before being assigned to Tokyo.

Two years ago, he was sent to the Yamato Empire to conduct espionage on the government of the Yamato Empire. It was hard at first because he was a foreigner that would stand out instantly because of his appearance, but as days goes by, he was able to blend in with the everyday crowd in Tokyo..

The reason why he was stationed here is that he is fluent in the written and spoken Yamato language. It was a crucial skill that got him employed in the Foreign Intelligence Service.

Since then, he was providing invaluable intel to the Ruthenian government mostly through wiretapped conversations and photography.

However, this time, the stakes is greater. Should he fail to unveil the nature of the operation Shinzo has concocted, it could put the lives of the Grand Duchesses of the Ruthenian Empire at risk. It’s something he won’t allow to happen.

Neither does the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service he is working under.

So now, it was all up to himself. He has to find out who and what was involved in this secret operation.

Throwing the cigarette butt out of the window, Zero pressed on the pedal, speeding up the car.

After five minutes, he arrived at the temple. Children, students, parents, and some high-ranking officials were exiting the temple. He eyed the crowd, searching for Shinzo Sakawa, and there he saw him in the middle, surrounded by several men dressed in military uniforms.

He grabbed his special bento box and opened it. Inside the specially designed bento lunch box contains sushi rolls, condiments and a specially designed waterproof camera with a periscopic reticle.

From outside, it looks like he is eating his packed meal.

But he is looking at the reflected reticle inside the box and taking pictures with a small spy camera.

Zero took the pair of chopsticks inside to press a hidden button inside to start taking pictures, while having a snack as he works.

While his eyes are peering into the camera, Zero notices that Shinzo is carrying a briefcase. Who knows, he could be carrying an invaluable document inside. Hell even the details of the operation itself.

Once Zero finished taking photos, he slipped his bento box back into the extra spacious glove compartment and observed them.

Meanwhile, just 20 meters away from the car, Shinzo was shaking the hands of military personnel.

“Thank you for attending the seminar and bringing along your colleague.”

“I should be the one thanking you, Shinzo-san. It was an eye-opening seminar of yours. Those damn Ruthies…they’ve stolen our land in the north,”

“We will have it back, don’t worry. The Yamato Empire spirit is stronger than Ruthenians.”

“Right, I should take my leave now,” the military personnel bowed his head and Shinzo returned the gesture.

Moments after that, he beckoned his aide who has been following behind him to come closer.

“What is it, Shinzo-dono?”

“We must execute the operation later. The Grand Duchesses of the Ruthenia Empire will have a luncheon meeting with the Imperial Members of the Royal Family. This is our chance to force both countries into a war.”

“Are you really sure about that, Shinzo-dono?”

“Our government has grown weak over the years. They always follow what the western powers say as if they are our masters and we are dogs. We won’t be used by them any longer. By attacking the convoy of the Grand Duchesses of the Ruthenia Empire later, the Ruthenians can use it as casus belli and declare war on Yamato. Our homeland will be forced to go to war with them and then use that opportunity to reclaim the lands that were supposed to be ours,” Shinzo scoffed and continued. “Just because the Ruthenians have grown a lot in recent years doesn’t hide the fact that they are still weak. Just like the Rutho-Yamato war, we will triumph, solidifying our position on the world stage.”

“I understand, Shinzo-done. In that case, I shall inform the teams that will participate in the operation later.”

“I’ll be counting you on that.”

His aide bowed his head and returned to the palace to make a phone call.

Shinzo Sakawa entered his vehicle and drove off.

Having witnessed all of that, zero turned on the engine and trailed the vehicle Shinzo was in.

Zero has already learned the habit of Shinzo as he has been watching him for months, identifying his likes and dislikes, his behavior, and his routine.

The vehicle he was on was taking him to his house, where Shinzo will be vulnerable and security is almost non-existent. That’s how he was able to plant the listening device in his room and his shoes.

Just as they were about to arrive at the house, Zero parked his car 100 meters away from the point where Shinzo’s driver dropped him off. When Shinzo entered the house, Zero quickly moved into action.

He stepped outside the vehicle and headed toward his abode. As soon as he got there, he climbed up the walls and stealthily crept through his windows.

This is the first time he sneaked into someone’s house to steal something while the owner is inside. So, he has to be careful of his steps if he doesn’t want to be found out.

He listened to the footsteps of his target getting further away. He memorized the interior of the house. And knowing his habit, it is certain that Shinzo is heading to the bathroom to take his fifteen minutes bathtub where he’ll soak himself in hot water for relaxation.

Zero waited for the sound of a closing sliding door. Then, he heard it.

Now it’s the perfect time to enter. Zero climbed up the window and silently landed on his feet on the floor. He walked quietly across the living room as he scanned the room, finding the briefcase.

He found it resting on the couch.

Zero opened it carefully in case of any inbuilt alarm systems as he was trained so and grabbed the papers. He checked the contents of the papers and the moment he read the title, his eyes widened.

With automatic trained response, his hands reached into his pocket for another camera as he muttered under his breath.

“This is…”

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