Reincarnated as an Imperial Prince

Chapter 150 Growing Ruthenian Influence

St. Petersburg, Ruthenia Empire. Winter Palace.

Alexander was having his morning coffee all the while watching the daily news on the television. It has been helpful to him since he can keep an eye on any development happening within his country. Usually, before the inception of television, he would get the current status of the various administrative regions throughout Ruthenian through telephone calls or a written report.

But now, thanks to this new form of media, Alexander can casually sit back in his seat and watch how Ruthenia is progressing.

The video that was being shown by the news anchor on television right now is the construction of the Kerch Strait Bridge. A bridge that connects the Kerch Peninsula of Crimea and the Taman Peninsula of Krasnodar Krai.

He remembered the time when he advocated for a revamp of Ruthenia’s outdated infrastructure. It was one of his major policies. Seeing that coming to fruition couldn’t make him any more than happier.

Then the video transitioned to another location where it shows the construction of the Sayano-Shushenskaya Hydroelectric Power Plant located on the Yenisei River, near Sayanogorsk in Khakassia, Ruthenia. It would be the largest power plant in Ruthenia once built but Alexander doesn’t think that he would see it anytime soon.

It was inspired by the alternate world where he originally lives, where the Soviet Union took them 15 years to complete the dam. Fortunately for Alexander, he knew to plan things out that will stave off that construction time. By delegating it to the private construction companies, not only would it be efficient but also quicken the construction due to only focusing on one project with sufficient personnel.

So by means of calculation, the Ruthenian Empire would be able to see the largest power plant in the world in the next five years, or more specifically, 1932.

The construction started in 1923. Though Alexander had managed the construction time for six years, five years is still a long time. Well, that goes for the other ambitious construction projects..

The construction may be long, but the end result is worth it.

Nationwide building stimulated the economic growth of the Ruthenia Empire, providing jobs to the common folks who are now earning a minimum wage enough to support their family while providing a good quality of life. Before he took the throne, everything was miserable. Peasants or commoners are neglected and are expected to work for the person whom they believed destined to rule over them.

Alexander stressed that this kind of government is outdated in the industrialized world, where the common people have a major role in the development of one nation.

So he pushed for major radical reforms that transformed Ruthenia into something the world never expected it to be, a constitutional monarchy, where people had a voice in their government. Though it was quite effective in getting the country out of ruin, the only disadvantages are the conservatives and traditionalists who posed as hardliners for his administrative policy.

He must admit, they are quite a pain in the ass.

“Hmm…I wonder if I should resort to dictatorship?” Alexander thought silly while sipping his coffee.

“Your Majesty…may I come in?” a voice sounded from behind the door.

Hearing that, Alexander set down his coffee mug and called out “Enter.”

The door opened and Alexander immediately recognized the man. It was Sevastian, his National Security Advisor.

Alexander wiped his mouth with a white handkerchief before speaking.

“Are you here for the report?”

ɴ[0)ᴠᴇʟ “Yes, Your Majesty. There’s quite a lot of it so please bear with me,” Sevastian replied politely. He took out a folder filled with reports.

He handed it to Alexander to which he opened it to peruse.

“First of all, in the matter of the security of the Grand Duchess, the security vehicle was successfully delivered in Tokyo by a Bogatyr Cargo Aircraft. The team on the ground took it out for the ride and I must say, it gathered a lot of attention…”

Alexander was reading the part in the document about the security issues of his sisters. He smiled in satisfaction. “Looking at him makes my heart feel at ease. I won’t have my sisters to ride in a car where its body can be easily pierced by a bullet round. Yamato must be aware of the incident that has transpired in the Sakhalin and I’m sure they’re itching to get back at us…”

“Well, if the Grand Duchesses were harmed during their stay in the Yamato Empire, just say one word and we’ll be at war with them.”

“I hope they won’t do something funny or otherwise I might consider that option,” Alexander chuckled. “Okay, what’s the next report?”

“This is from the Defense Minister, it has been reported that we have delivered over 600 T-25 ‘Bear’ main battle tanks to Manchuria. Also delivered are 800 ‘Polkan’ jeeps, 150 ‘Tarantula’ Assault Vehicles, 300 ‘Iron Sow’ Infantry Carriers, 150 Sleipnir Armored cars, and 500 ‘Ox’ Utility Trucks. As for the air assets, 20 Zhar-ptitsa Attack Helis, 50 Kolokol Helis, 4 Perun Air Battleships, 5 Mjölnir Ground Attack Planes, 40 Black Stork Helis, 15 Bogatyr Cargo Aircafts, 80 Hailstrom, and 10 Aletina Super heavy bombers. There’s still a lot more arriving there but that’s it for now. As for the navy, the modern Pacific Fleet is due to arrive in five days.

Sevastian breathed after speaking a lot of technical names for each of their military assets.

It seems Alexander has, after much discussion with his ministers, decided to break the secrecy of his jet planes. Ground Attack Plane Mjölnir and Super heavy bomber Aletina will be the first two jet-powered planes to be seen in the expected coming war for Choson. Their appearances will send waves into international politics.

“Your Majesty, you sure are militarizing the Far East. Is there something I should know about?” Sevastian inquired.

“There’s nothing really,” Alexander replied flippantly. “This is for the security of the Far East. I don’t want Manchuria or Vladivostok to rely on the homefront. In case of war with Yamato, the Far East won’t be defeated easily…”

Alexander continued to read the reports in the file. “So fuel storage tanks, radar facilities, military bases are all nearing completion huh? I wonder what’s the reaction of other countries about this military build-up.”

“That’s going to be my report next, Your Majesty,” Sevastian said. “They are speculating that you are preparing for expansion in the Far East. The Britannia Empire and the Deutschland Empire have raised their concern about the military build-up. Should we stem the delivery to ease the tension?”

Alexander shook his head. “We are not violating anything so why would we stem down our militarization? They should know that all that is to protect Manchuria and not an invasion force…at least not yet,” he jested.

“Your Majesty, are you really planning to expand beyond Manchuria?” Sevastian’s eyes widened in surprise.

Alexander beckoned him to come closer. Sevastian leaned forward and once his face got closer, Alexander whispered.

“I do,” Alexander answered.

“Your Majesty…you really are not joking about this, don’t you?”

“Look, imperialism has been the major policy of every empire. Why do you think that there were a lot of territorial concessions the west had in the Han Dynasty? The Yamato forcing the Choson to become their protectorate, Britannia’s world domination…I’m saying we do what our neighbors do. Compared to them, I have strategic goals in the Far East, specifically the Choson peninsula. They are rich in natural resources, a thing that we can exploit.”

“So the reason you granted the Chosonese asylum is to spread influence in the Choson Empire?”

“That is correct,” Alexander confirmed. “Sooner or later, we will be at war with the Yamato Empire. I can feel it…”

“And if they do go to war with us. I’m sure the western powers will intervene. Especially the Britannia Empire. They are the ones who are the wariest of us.”

Alexander scoffed and muttered a name. “Diana.”

“I beg your pardon, Your Majesty?”

“It’s nothing. Forget what I just said,” Alexander replied. He then added, “Anyway, let’s get back to our discussion, shall we?”

“Right,” Sevastian nodded. “We have signed a joint venture with the Austrean Empire, Angorian Empire, and Kingdom of Bulgaria about the oil construction pipeline. Each country was to supply all necessary construction materials, machinery and equipment with the goal to supply them with oil efficiently. Construction starts at the Almetyevsk in Tatarstan, the heart of the Ruthenian Empire.”

Sevastian continued. “As for the economy, our exports in oil, wheat, machinery, electronics, and cars have increased by 20%. Our imports are decreasing, showing signs of independence. GDP increased by 10 percent last year and is expected to increase more in the coming years. With this, it’s safe to say that the Ruthenia Empire is growing exponentially! All thanks to you, Your Majesty.”

Alexander nodded slightly in agreement. He knew that this was no mere exaggeration because he personally witnessed the rapid growth of his empire.

“Let’s try to keep it that way.”

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