Reincarnated as a dragon’s egg ~Lets aim to be the strongest~

Chapter 232: – Contact

Chapter 232

232 – Contact

“Dragon-god-sama! You came to save me!”

Remaining on his knees, the large man bows his head profusely .

“Your appearance had not been seen for a long time, so we thought you must have gone away somewhere… To return in time for the breeding season of the abyss, this Baron has nothing but thanks . I am honoured to meet you once again!”

No, you’ve definitely got the wrong dragon! I’m sorry, but I don’t know anything about the previous generation . That dragon really has gone away somewhere I expect .

For that matter, what are you doing telling me about the mating season of the abyss for? Are you a devil? I want nothing to do with those bugs .

The miko-like girl walks forward and lines up next to the man . She uses her hand to cut the air, chanting “Tei, Rei” under her breath . She then points her staff at me and closes her eyes .

『This is dragon-god-sama’s miko, Bibi . Although your form has changed, we are relieved to be able to once again accept your help . 』

Her voice appears directly in my head . It seems she can use [Telepathy] . She spoke normally when she came to deliver the tribute, but that might have been because it was part of a ceremony or something . Though I can understand her just fine normally… Well, I’ll be able to communicate too this way, so I’m grateful .

It’s not like I couldn’t use [Humanisation Technique] to hold a conversation, but this way might be better seeing as I’m less likely to mess up . From what Adofu told me about them, I was under the impression that the Lithovars are a dangerous tribe . They might be the type to show hostility to outsiders, so as soon as they figure out that I’m not their dragon-god, they might that hostility on me .

But then I did just save them from that demon beast… If I’m going to be exposed eventually maybe I ought to prove myself now before things get too complicated . I really don’t want to have to see their hostility, but if I were to keep insisting that I was their dragon-god, I get the feeling that our relationship could become irreparable . There’s only the two of them, so persuading them now might be easier .

Alright, I’ve decided my plan of action . In the worst case if it becomes a battle, the overwhelming difference in combat strength should make it easy to neutralise them .

Just like with the ball rabbit, to talk back I need to imagine suddenly thrusting my intention towards my conversation partner . The truth is, I’m different from the previous generation of dragon-god…

“Dragon-god-sama must have ran out of patience with us and left… I am, I am…!”

The large man, Baron, sobs into his hands . He slams his head on the ground then quickly bows his head, tears of joy leaking from between his fingers .

No, I just told you I’m different from that dragon, umm………

『Dragon-god-sama, what did you do?』

Once again, I received a message from [Telepathy] . Flustered, I involuntarily bow my head a bit

Baron suddenly raises his head . His face paint has been ruined by tears and his face is covered in dirt, but his expression is beaming .

…I’m an idiot for getting swept up like that .

I look away from Baron’s passionate gaze .

“Baron, stop showing such disgraceful behaviour in front of dragon-god-sama! You’re bothering dragon-god-sama, you know?”

“But, but!”

The dragon-god’s miko, Bibi, opens her eyes and chides Baron .

She’s quite short, and her unblemished skin makes her look rather young . I’d guess that she’s around 15 to 17 years old . However, because of his physique, Baron looks to be her elder . I’d guess that he’s in the middle of his twenties . Although, going by their exchange, Bibi the superior here .

As expected, the position of dragon-god’s miko is an important one . Contrary to her age, she seems much more composed than Baron, so I get the impression that in her past, she’s already experienced some hardships .

Anyway, I can’t help with the fact that I bowed my head . With this I’ll have to switch to plan B . I don’t know where the first generation has gone or what they’re doing, but I just have to become the second generation of dragon-god .

Well, with this I’ve reduced the risk of them becoming hostile, as well as avoided them becoming confused . Before I get found out, I should be able to build a relationship of trust with them without issue . Judging by the two of them, they’re not as bloodthirsty a group as rumoured . They must be misunderstood somehow, I think .

…Besides, being pampered by them wouldn’t be bad either .

After seeing the look in Baron’s and Bibi’s eyes, I turn away to face the sky . This is bad, this is bad, I can’t help but start to smile . I’m meant to be a dragon-god, so I need to be sharper .

It’s been a long time since anyone has looked at me with those eyes . Not since I was a little plague dragon and saved that village from the rock dragon… It didn’t even last an entire hour that time though…

It’s finally here, the guardian deity route! It’s the popular phase of my dragon life!

…Though it’s about time for me to return . The wight should be waiting for me . I left her with a treant as a bodyguard, but if a high-rank monster comes it won’t be able to do much .

I turn around .

“Are you leaving already, dragon-god-sama? Everyone is worried, so please come to our village just one time…!”

“Telling everyone what’s happened here and calming them down is my job! Baron, please be silent! To go as far as to trouble dragon-god-sama so…”

No, it would be nice to visit them once, or rather, I want to go see them… But I can’t exactly take my eyes off the E-rank wight for such a long time . It might have to wait until the wight’s grown up a bit more .

“Besides, did you forget that we’re here to collect medicinal herbs for the traveller? Even now, that person is suffering, you know?”

“B-but… No, that is correct, Bibi-sama . ”

Baron hangs his head, crestfallen… The sight of this large man shrinking down in front of a girl looks pitiable somehow .

But they’re looking after a traveller, huh . As I thought, they’re not the dangerous tribe that the rumours make them out to be… Hmm? A suffering traveller? Something about that catches my interest .

I look towards the area of forest where the wight should be waiting for me . The image of the wight worriedly pointing towards where her former companions, the Lithovars, floats to the surface of my mind . Did she want me to resolve her worries? I wouldn’t think so, but…

I turn around again, facing Bibi and Baron .


Would you mind telling me about that traveller?

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