Regressor’s Life After Retirement

Chapter 47


[Visit to old workplace]

As soon as you arrive in front of the guild building, Baek Young-hee rushed out from the lobby.

“I’m the team leader! Where on earth have you been! Do you know what happened while the team leader was away? “I keep turning off my phone… Eup!”

“Wow. “Then I start drooling.”

I covered Baek Young-hee’s mouth with my hand and pushed her away as she was nagging so close to me that it was burdensome.

He then pointed to Sirutteok, who was following behind with a large backpack.

“I heard enough about the situation from that guy.”

Sirutteok looked at Baek Young-hee and bowed his head.

Only then did Baek Young-hee take a step back and look at the three of us carrying a lot of luggage.

Sirutdeok was carrying a large backpack on his back, and the little boy was carrying a bear bag and a chicken doll made by Jang Young-shin in his arms.

It looked like…

“Are you going to take refuge somewhere?”

“…Is there a spare room in the guild?”

If a disaster began, it was obvious that the tent would be blown away as if caught in a storm, so I packed only the important items and brought them to the guild.

Actually, I was a bit tired of living in a tent.

It’s nice to be able to enjoy Mother Nature leisurely, but there are a lot of inconveniences.

The plan was to build a house in earnest once the first disaster passed.

Baek Young-hee sighed and said.

“Leave your luggage here for now. I’ll have someone move it. “Let’s go see the CEO right away.”

“Sirutdeok. You stay here. “Let’s move our luggage and get some rest at the accommodation.”

“yes! older brother!”

We put down our luggage and rice cakes and got into the elevator. Next to him, Baek Younghee pursed her lips and said.

“Team leader, we’re in big trouble now. Did you know that only the team leader didn’t come to the emergency call? “Do you think my dad would be angry?”

I looked at Baek Young-hee with an expression asking what she meant.

“Is it something for an office worker who works 5 days a week to be upset if he doesn’t answer his phone on the weekend?”

Baek Young-hee just shook her head as if she couldn’t find the words to reply to my extremely common sense rebuttal.


After a while, we arrived in front of the representative’s office.

In front of the representative office door, Wang Guho, who had been called in advance, was waiting with a timid look.


When Wang Guho saw me, his eyes widened. I grinned at him.

“How are you?”


At that moment, Wang Guho ran up to hug me.

Of course, it was unthinkable.

As I dodged slightly to the side, Wang Guho lost his balance and rolled on the floor.



I said, looking down at Wang Guho, who was sitting down and rubbing his head.

“Is this crazy? “Why are you suddenly attacking me?”

Wang Guhao said with an aggrieved expression.

“It wasn’t an attack, it was because I was happy to see you… I thought you were the only one who abandoned me…” When

I looked again, I could see relief and joy on Wang Guhao’s timid face.

Looking at that shy smile, I sighed.

Ugh. When will this idiot become human?

I grabbed Wang Guho’s arm and said, lifting him up.

“It’s relief. “No matter how much people ignore you and call you a useless person, I will never abandon you.”

Wang Guho looked touched by my words.

“Team leader….”

Because you still have so many things to use.

The little boy also comforted Wang Guho by patting his thigh.

“He’s a good guy. “Because you’re kind, I won’t throw you away.”

“Thank you too, Lily… But my name is Guho… I told you this before…”

The little boy tilted his head and looked at me.

“Aid? Hogu? Two names? Ho-gu-ho?”

“Team leader…”

I knocked on the door of the representative office, ignoring both people’s gaze at the same time. When


knocked and went inside, Baek Chang-soo was looking at the documents with a serious expression.

Baek Young-hee stepped forward and said.

“CEO. “I brought in the rental team leader.”

Baek Chang-su put down the documents and sighed softly.

“Sit there.”

There was a heavy atmosphere in the room.

Baek Young-hee said while looking at her father.

“Team Leader Lim said he traveled beyond the restricted area over the weekend. So I said my cell phone was dead….”

“I have no excuses. Because that’s okay.”

Baek Chang-su massaged the space between his eyebrows with his thumb and index finger. He looked quite tired.

He called me in a serious voice.

“Team Leader Lim.”

“yes. CEO.”

“Did you hear about the disaster?”

“I heard it on the way.”

Did you just listen? I did all of that.

Baek Chang-soo nodded and looked around at the people in the room with a serious face.

“What I’m going to say from now on is confidential, so please keep it a secret.”


Baek Young-hee and Wang Gu-ho nodded with nervous expressions. Aside from Wang Gu-ho, it seemed like this was Baek Young-hee’s first time hearing this story.

Of course, I knew what Baek Chang-soo was going to say.

“I went to the Blue House and met the Great Sage Aximus. He called me aside and prophesied…”

To be honest, I felt a little unfamiliar, but I tried my best to control my facial expression and listened to his story.

“Seventh Knights Templar. Let the Wheel of Fortune take them wherever they go. Then they will bring light. … What does this mean?”

Younghee Baek carefully presented her opinion.

“If you say the 7th Knights… don’t you mean our 7th team?”

That’s correct. Instead of saying that, I nodded.

“I think so too.”

Wang Guhao also nodded timidly.

“Me too… But what happened after that…”

From then on, everyone rested their chins and began to think over the prophecy.

“Let the wheel of fate lead…”

“They will bring light…”

“As expected, the prophecy is abstract.”


No, is there anything to interpret?

I suppressed my frustration and pretended to think about it for a moment before speaking.

“I think it’s something like this. When disaster begins, have Team 7 carry out a solo operation. Then everything will work out fine. Something like that…”

Now that I say it with my own mouth, it seems too blatant.

When the disaster started, I had no intention of just staying still and killing the monsters that came.

It was a very tedious and tiring task, and it was not efficient.

Instead, I planned to enter the core gate and destroy the core.

The reason why the name of the first disaster is [Night of the Seven Moons].

Among the hundreds of gates that appear simultaneously that day, seven special gates with seven colors open.

This is Core Gate, also known as ‘Seven Moons’.

It affects surrounding gates, and if one core gate is destroyed, dozens of gates nearby will also disappear.

In the past, finding out about this fact late led to enormous damage.

In other words, if the core gate was quickly destroyed, the damage from the disaster could be minimized.

I informed Suho Kim of the locations where the six core gates would occur and their internal environment.

Orange Moon – Plains

Yellow Moon – Desert Zone

Green Moon – Rainforest Blue Moon – Ice Fortress Navy Blue


– Steel Prison

Purple Moon – Polluted Land

However, the location of the one red moon [Flame Valley] was not mentioned.

Because it contains something I really need.

[Soul Stone]

This time, I was planning to achieve my dream of becoming a handsome man.

Baek Chang-su tilted his head and said at my opinion.

“Team 7 is a solo operation… I haven’t thought about that either…”

His daughter said with a similar expression.

“Is prophecy really that simple? “There may be more to it, like a hidden meaning.”

There are no hidden meanings! No!

I resisted the urge to shout and tried hard to persuade the two people.

“Did the Great Sage make a difficult prophecy on purpose? If it were easier for us to understand, wouldn’t it be easier to prevent disaster? “I just think it’s easy.”


“I see…”

Even if they kept racking their brains, there was no way they could come up with any other interpretation.

In the end, Baek Chang-su nodded.

“Okay. When a disaster begins, Team 7 will conduct a solo operation according to Team Leader Lim’s judgment. However, be sure to report when moving.”

“yes. All right.”

In this way, an excuse was created to ‘accidentally’ find Core Gate and enter it.

All that was left was to prepare to attack Core Gate as easily and quickly as possible.




Three more days passed since then.

“Team leader T…”

Wang Guho called me, breaking into a cold sweat. Wang Guhao had been doing the Mabo pose for an hour now.

I was sitting on a chair next to him and flipping through the records I had taken with my smartphone.


When I glanced at him, Wang Guhao trembled and said.

“It’s already been two hours….”

Oh, it’s been two hours.

“wait for a sec. “I almost read it all.”

I was scrolling through my smartphone with one hand and tracing Wang Guho’s blood chart with the other.

Sigh! Puff, puff, puff!


Wang Guho took a deep breath and looked at me.

The experience of mana moving freely within the body is not something that can be easily achieved.

“The way mana just moved within the body. “Can you remember?”

“yes? Oh no….”

“We’ll do it one more time, so remember it well.”

Puff, puff, puff!

Wang Guho trembled as if he had been electrocuted.


I was currently teaching martial arts to Wang Guho.

In fact, the term “teaching” is illogical, and it would be more accurate to say “punishing.”

『To deal with the Heavenly Demon, we must first deal with his numerous subordinates. But if you lose strength while fighting them all alone, you won’t be able to face the Heavenly Demon, right? So, you too must create power. Rebuild the Geomwangmun!』

I was not interested in rebuilding the ruined Geomwangmun, but the martial arts that the Geomwang had left behind seemed quite useful.

『I have left a few suitable martial arts, so when you recruit my subordinates, teach them one by one.』

Among them, the one I chose for Wang Guho was ‘Geumgang Daeryokgong’, a martial arts that focuses on external attacks.

According to Geomwang’s story, you can learn even if you are just a little bit smarter than a monkey.

『I taught it to monkeys, so it will be easier for people. But that Geumo guy ran away a while ago… I’m sure he wouldn’t hurt anyone.』 I

heard this guy is also irresponsible.

Anyway, I was teaching martial arts to Wang Guho in the same way that the Emperor of Swords taught the monkey.

[Geumgang Daeryukgong] was a martial art that focused on external attacks, so the luck technique was very simple.

Because it made the body stronger and aided herbivory.

It is said that the monkey taught by Geomwang was so clever that he learned this method in just 10 attempts…

Sigh! Puff, puff, puff!

“Do you understand now?”

“Still well….”

Puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff, puff!


“I think I know a little bit…”


“This is enough, right?”


After a total of 30 attempts, I hit Wang Guho on the back of the head instead of using his blood sword.


“Hey, you bastard, worse than a monkey!”

Wang Guhu scratched the back of his head and muttered.

“I think I almost know… “I’ll try it alone.”

I sighed and nodded.

“Now you take care of it. “I want to teach more, but I don’t have time.”

I left Wang Guho, who had entered the clouds alone, and approached the little boy who was fighting a chicken alone on one side.

The little boy was dabbing his cheeks alternately with seasoned chicken sauce and fried chicken sauce with a happy face.

“Eat quietly.”

I sat next to the little boy and wiped his cheek with a wet tissue. Then, by surprise, he picked up a chicken leg and put it in his mouth.

At that moment, the little boy screamed in sorrow.

“I was saving it to eat later!”

I taught the little boy the truth of life while eating chicken.

“There is no later. Basically, if you don’t eat good things quickly, they will all be taken away. “I’m eating another leg?”


The little boy protected the chicken with both arms. But such a weak defense could not stop my golden snake.

Whick! I snatched up the second chicken leg and put it in my mouth.

“Hmm. “This place is good at making chicken.”


I argued with the boy who was jumping at me for a while and then looked out the window.


This morning the indigo rainbow disappeared.

The moment only one purple band remained, an alarm sounded throughout the city and a mass exodus began.

Citizens packed their bags and moved to designated shelters, and the military, police, and superhuman guilds moved to designated defense points.

Nowadays, it is no wonder that a disaster begins at any time.

There was a tense and eerie atmosphere in the city.

“It will probably start tomorrow evening.”

So, there was something I had to do tonight.

I looked back at the little boy patting his chubby belly. Only ruins remained where the chicken had been.

“Did you enjoy the chicken?”

The little boy nodded with satisfaction.

“huh! it was tasty!”

“Then shall we go pay for the meal?”


The little boy looked at me and quietly got up from his seat.

“Suddenly I needed to go to the bathroom…”

I grabbed the back of the kid who was trying to run away to the bathroom.

“Where are you running away to?”

“It’s true!”

Ugh. I’m starting to wonder who I’m learning this from.

I didn’t want to work, so I headed to the window with the struggling little boy by my side.

“Wangguho. “We are going out.”


There was no answer, perhaps because he was concentrating on his luck. I glanced at Wang Guho and opened the window.


Since our accommodation was 10 stories high, the night wind blew quite strongly.

I pointed to my old workplace in a tall building.

“Let’s go over there.”

The sign on top of the building said:

When the disaster began, I planned to enter the ‘red moon’ of the core gates.

It was a terrain filled with rising flames and boiling lava, so fire-retardant clothing and items to suppress the flames were needed.

In particular, to deal with boss monsters, you need an item called ‘Bingryong’s Fang’.

“This is quite clever.”

Coincidentally, ‘Bingryong’s Fang’ is stored in the Black Hound Guild’s secret warehouse.

Besides, today, when everyone was preoccupied with the disaster,

was a great day to rob an empty house.

After a while I visited my old workplace.

[Visit to old workplace] End

ⓒ Ganjjajang

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