Records of Rebirth

Chapter 192 - Objection!

Ophelia stared at the purple scaled serpent in front of her. 

They were in the middle of their speech lessons, where she would say a phrase in their 'snake tongue' and try to get her to understand its meaning.

[Now, try to repeat after me.] Ophelia said.

'She' nodded, but her eyes strayed towards the stack of fruits, the hiss out of her mouth barely coherent as she gobbled down one of the fruits. 

Ophelia snapped. [No. Pay attention!]

The mirrored snake curled up once more, her dark eyes downcast and pitiful.

Why did it seem like she was the bad guy who was forcing her to study?

Typhon who was beside her sighed. [Take it easy, it will take some time.]

[Easy?] she hissed at him. [Why don't you stop being a distraction and be serious too!]

You would think that since 'she' was also a snake like them, she would understand their language easily, but that was not the case.

[I am helping.] Typhon amusingly complained. ['She' wanted to leave as soon as Arsinoe mentioned the cells. I'm the one who asked her to stay.]

Ophelia glared at him. [Don't make excuses!]

[Fine.] Typhon settled down to rest on the platform, and now two pairs of eyes stared at her, while the dark fae stretched and yawned.

Ophelia continued her lesson and tried to ignore the irritation building up from their behaviour.

'She' was normally very cooperative and had made plenty of progress on her lessons in the past.

However on this occasion, she seemed to be having trouble.

First there was the distraction of the fruits.

'She' hadn't stopped eating them since she tried them – even going as far as to gorge herself into a long nap.

It was an odd feeling to realise the snake she admired was really a terrible glutton, but Ophelia did not let it deter her from teaching, because she found it strangely adorable.

But now after hearing of the events on the lower floor, 'she' was even more distracted in her curiosity to go down and investigate.

Typhon, who would normally assist her in her speech lessons, was also the same. He kept staring down the platform and would react at any loud noise.

Ophelia didn't really blame them – she was curious too.

But was it so hard to pay attention for a while?

Soon, the scruffy fairy who had been quietly spectating, suddenly came over to her to say.

[Um...the 'bad serpent' says she wants a food break. She says you shouldn't worry, that the 'big serpent' will take over her lesson in the lower cave.]

Oh really? 

Ophelia glared at the two distracted idiots, her patience waning. 

Typhon refused to meet her eyes and 'she' fidgeted awkwardly while securely wrapped around the fruit bundle.

Wasn't this just an excuse to go off and play?

[Alright fine!] Ophelia snapped. [Go and do whatever you want! I don't care?]

In an instant, she felt a burst of wind as the purple scaled serpent spread her dark wings and vanished down the platform with the fruit bundle in tow. 

Really? So she could understand that, but not the other things she tried to teach? 

Typhon gave her a sympathetic look before following right after, which made her hiss in anger.

This traitor!

[See you later, pretty serpent!] The dark fae enthusiastically waved before speeding off too. 

And Ophelia was left on the platform to tremble in anger.

These...these irresponsible fools!

She blamed it on the little fairy brat. 

Throughout her lessons, 'she' had been distracted by everything the dark fae said telepathically, and would occasionally burst into laughter.

Typhon was no better. Since they came back from their hunt, the three were thick as thieves.

[What about my lessons?] Ophelia hissed in anger. [What's so interesting about some creatures in the lower cave?]

Sometimes she thought they saw her as too 'delicate' to get involved with certain things – especially Typhon. 

Ophelia thought she would have been a great help in the Middle Stratum, but they left her behind and never even gave her a chance.

It wasn't her fault she looked like this!

It was like they had forgotten what was truly important, which was getting everyone stronger, however dangerous it might be.

Ophelia wanted to follow them down to show them her wrath, but when she lifted one of her many wings, there was a little snake curled up under her feathers that made it difficult to move.

Arsinoe had fallen asleep as soon as she was declared captain – likely very overwhelmed by all the pressure and attention, and Ophelia didn't want to wake her.

Noises of activity coming from the cave below wafted up to her senses and she decided, as soon as Arsinoe woke up, she would go down to the lower cave and tell them exactly what she thought about their behaviour.

She didn't need their protection, she was strong already!

Ophelia wished she could be like Cygnus who was hardly bothered by anything.

She saw him giving lessons on speed below and saw another snake who was almost as quick as he was, which made her double take.

It seemed he already had his hands full with the competitive nestlings, especially the new progeny he had introduced – she seemed very promising. But unlike him, Ophelia was having some difficulty with her lessons.

She twitched as she felt something nudge against her, and when she looked down, she saw Arsinoe's awkward sleeping form had sprawled out to envelop more of her feathers.

What was she, a feather cushion?

She wanted to lift her wing to shake off the rude snake but decided against it when she thought of how worn-out she must be.

For her to fall asleep so carelessly, the cell must have been hellish for her.

Unfortunately, the peace did not last long.

When Morgana saw her alone, she took the opportunity to come up to the platform to show her disapproval. Galahad was also with her, along with a haggard looking Artemis who seemingly appeared from nowhere.

Conveniently, Typhon, who had created the mess, wasn't around to sort it out. 

And so, it was up to her to calm down the raging captains.

[Are you sure you want to do this?] Morgana tried to reason with her. [Arsinoe is too emotional. She reacts too easily to provocation, it's almost no fun teasing her anymore. There are sillier snakes in my team that would make far better captains than she would.]

Hearing this, Ophelia almost felt sorry for the nestlings who were under Morgana's tyranny.

[I agree.] Galahad echoed Morgana's complaints. 

He glared at Arsinoe's sleeping form, leading Ophelia to drape her wings over her, to hide her from their harsh stares. 

She wondered why he disagreed, Galahad had often praised her in the past.

But she noticed he seemed more irritable than before. Was he jealous his default position as 'pet' was being taken?

[Where is Typhon?] Artemis looked around confusedly. [I need to show him something. I thought he was here? And what's this about a captain?]

Ophelia sighed. It seemed Artemis wasn't here to complain.

In fact he had no idea what was going on.

[Didn't he leave to find you?] Morgana said to him. [He went down to the cells with 'her'.]

[Oh really?] Artemis was surprised. [I should go then…]

But Galahad stopped him. [You're a captain, you should say something too.]

[About what?] he asked.

[Just about the worst thing ever.] Morgana said in mock sorrow.

[Arsinoe is now a captain.] Galahad explained, similarly horrified. [Don't you have any objection?]

Ophelia did not like where this was going.

[Typhon has his reasons.] she said to Morgana. [And 'she' understands the need for a captain like her, which is why she agreed.]

Morgana noticed the edge in her voice, and after seeing the sharp glint in her eyes, she changed her tune accordingly. To say she disagreed with 'her' decision would be in direct conflict with Ophelia's views. 

[I'm not saying her decision is wrong.] She carefully replied. [But it was done out of sympathy, which isn't necessarily a good thing.]

Ophelia cruelly laughed. [Weren't you just praising 'her' method for dealing with our foes? Or is 'she' only right when she acts in the same way you would?]

Morgana could see she was in a bad mood, so she proceeded with caution. [I'm just thinking of what's best for everyone.]

[How so?] Ophelia asked.

[Arsinoe is too hot headed.] Morgana savagely grinned. [She truly believes she is my competition, and that makes her act careless. I feel bad for whoever will be in her team – I don't think they will last a single hunt.]

[Aren't you being too harsh?] Ophelia frowned.

[It doesn't change the fact that she's young and stupid.] Morgana disagreed.

[Young?] Ophelia laughed. [We are all the same age. And Artemis will be with her.]

[Untested, then.] Morgana rolled her eyes.

[She saved her entire team.] Ophelia defended her. [Isn't that true Artemis?]

[Only about half.] Artemis grumbled.

[She hasn't led a team before.] Morgana shot back. [That's very different.]

[I don't see a problem with it.] Artemis casually replied after a pause. [I was going to give her my title if she beat me, she seemed up for it. I would have preferred her to become my tester in exchange, though.]

At his words, every captain turned to him in shock, including Ophelia.

[What is wrong with you?] Galahad was appalled. [Why would you give it away?]

But it was Morgana who grew enraged.

[You what? How could you promise her? She's just an entitled hatchling. She shouldn't even be here!]

Ophelia could feel a headache coming. [Enough. The decision has been made.] 

She was surprised there were so many conflicting opinions about this little snake.

When she lifted her wing, Arsinoe was still asleep, seemingly unbothered by all the chaos she had created. She was even smiling.

But then Ophelia realised something. 

Wasn't Morgana unusually irritated?

[Tell me you're not envious of her?] she gave Morgana a disapproving stare. [She's just a hatchling. This reaction is unnecessary.]

Morgana hissed in fury. [I'm not! Why would I be jealous of this no experience hatchling?]

[Keep your voice down, don't wake her.]

Ophelia was a little upset with them.

Typhon had recommended Arsinoe because he needed someone to share the workload, and also because he didn't trust Morgana to assist her. 

None of these things were Arsinoe's fault...she was simply misunderstood by the others.

[I agree it's a risk.] Ophelia said. [But any mistakes she makes can be corrected by us, she's still learning - just like you all were in the beginning. I also know she will do well, because the nestlings admire her courage.]

The captains seemingly had no more complaints, although Morgana was still angry. 

Ophelia smiled. It was tiring, but at least they listened.

But then Morgana grumbled. [Typhon and I need to talk.] 

Ophelia sighed. 

The peace was nice while it lasted. 

[Leave them alone. They are fixing the mess left by Artemis.]

[Hm?] Artemis looked puzzled. [What mess?]

[Apollo.] Ophelia said simply. [Have you forgotten already?] 

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