Reborn To Love

Chapter 172 Rest In Peace

Chapter 172 Rest In Peace

Four days had passed, and it was evident that He Xinyan was winning.

It wasn't a small difference. . . It was huge!

He Xinyan was able to get companies to buy large bulks of the product, whereas Li Yuyan was having a hard time selling products one by one on the streets.

Bai Jiawei was very displeased, but there wasn't any time left.

--- Country Z

Bai Jiawei paced around his office frustratingly and finally slammed one fist onto the table.

He had just received information about how many products He Xinyan and Li Yuyan had each sold, and the difference was clear.

In the past few days, he had been trying to talk with all the shareholders and get them to vote for Li Yuyan, but only a few succeeded.

Many of them were hesitant, and several rejected him right away.

Bai Jiawei couldn't risk it. There was no way he could let He Xinyan win. . . Giving He Xinyan the position of CEO basically meant giving him the company!

All his hard work would have gone to waste!

It was also partially because Bai Jiawei felt guilty for killing He Xinyan's mom. If the company went to He Xinyan, then what he did would have gone to waste!

He couldn't let the He family gain power again! It was his! His!

Bai Jiawei would much rather give it to his daughter with Li Huiran than He Xinyan, because they were no threat to him. However, He Xinyan was different. . .

The more Bai Jiawei thought about it, the more anxious he felt. He couldn't let this happen! No way!

Bai Jiawei took a deep breath and stopped walking.

He Yuxin was dead. He Xinyan's grandpa, He Qin, was also dead.

They were all dead.

Except He Xinyan.

Bai Jiawei narrowed his eyes and clenched his fists together.

Maybe it was time to destroy all of them now.

--- Country Y

Li Yuyan was inside her hotel room, sitting on the couch.

Her feet shook up and down rhythmically, and it was evident that she wasn't very happy.

After a few minutes, her phone suddenly rang. When she saw that it was 'Dad',. Li Yuyan immediately picked up.


Bai Jiawei frowned, "Yuyan, how are you doing?"

"Ugh, not good! Dad, we can't let He Xinyan win this round. Or else the shareholders will definitely vote for her! Dad, she can't be CEO! I have to be!"

Bai Jiawei was still a little annoyed at Li Yuyan, but now wasn't a very good time to show it.

"I know, I know. . ." Bai Jiawei paused and furrowed his eyebrows together. He looked to Li Huiran, who was sitting next to him, and pressed his lips together.

He had told Li Huiran his plan already, and she supported it. However, he still didn't know if it was safe or right to do it. . .

Li Huiran stared at him and used her hands to signal him to hurry up and tell Li Yuyan.

Finally, Bai Jiawei sighed and cleared his throat, "Yuyan, I thought of something."

Li Yuyan sat up straighter, "Dad, what is it. As long as I can win, I can do anything!"

Bai Jiawei frowned, "You don't have to do anything for this. . . I will."

"Dad, what is it?!" Li Yuyan asked again as a sparkle flashed past her eyes.

"Yuyan, you have to promise me that no one will know about it except me and your mom. You cannot tell anyone, no matter what!"

Li Yuyan blinked a few times. What was Bai Jiawei thinking?

". . . Okay, dad."


"Okay, I promise I won't tell anyone. Dad, what is it?"

There were several seconds of silence before Bai Jiawei finally said softly, "He Xinyan's grandpa and mom are both dead. Maybe. . ."

Bai Jiawei paused and felt as his heartbeat and breathing quickened.

"Tell her! Tell her!" Li Huiran whispered next to Bai Jiawei.

Last night, Bai Jiawei had told her about his idea, and of course, she was very excited! She had dreamt in her sleep of that little b**** dying, just like her mother. However, Li Huiran was always scared that Bai Jiawei would be mad, so she never brought it up.

However, even the heavens were helping her! She would have never thought that Bai Jiawei wanted the same thing. This was the perfect opportunity! She couldn't wait to say goodbye to that little b**** forever!

By then, the entire He Corporation and all the money will all be hers! Just thinking about it made Li Huiran wiggle in excitement.

"Well. . . He Xinyan's grandfather and mom are both dead, so I thought maybe she could go join them." Bai Jiawei said, "That way, the company will definitely be yours."

Li Yuyan was shocked after hearing what Bai Jiawei said. Although she always wanted He Xinyan dead, she had never actually thought about doing it.

Moreover, she would never even think that Bai Jiawei would be the one to say it. He was He Xinyan's father!

Li Yuyan always knew that Bai Jiawei wanted to give her the company, but she always thought it was because Bai Jiawei thought she was more capable. Or, it was because she was more likable than He Xinyan.

However, now it seems like there was much more than that.

Bai Jiawei wanted to kill He Xinyan.

After several seconds, a small grin crept up Li Yuyan's face.

"Dad, you want to kill her?"

Bai Jiawei gulped when hearing the word 'kill', and he looked down, "Well. . . I mean, her mom and grandpa are all dead, and she's the only He descendant left. We can kill her too - I mean! I mean, her mom and grandpa's death don't have anything to do with me, but. . . but. . ."

Li Yuyan raised one eyebrow, but didn't question Bai Jiawei any further.

She smiled, "Dad, I am happy to inherit the company from you! I will definitely be filial and respect you in the future."

Bai Jiawei nodded his head. That was what he was afraid of with He Xinyan. He felt like he couldn't control her, and he was scared that if he gave the company to He Xinyan, all the work he had done in the past would go to waste.

He had worked so hard to take the company from the He family line, so why should he give it back to them now?

"Okay. Since you agree, I will do it."

Both Li Huiran and Li Yuyan smiled.

Goodbye, He Xinyan.

We won't miss you.

--- Country X

He Xinyan was lying on the bed inside her hotel room, and she was video calling Gu Yechen.

She was very tired for the past five days, and she was on the verge of falling asleep.

"Gu Yechen. . . will you come and pick me up from the airport tomorrow?" He Xinyan murmured softly.

Gu Yechen smiled gently, "Yes."

He Xinyan yawned and closed her eyes. In the next second, she was asleep.

When she woke up the next morning, she saw that the phone call lasted for two hours. Two hours!

He Xinyan's mouth fell open in surprise. Gu Yechen watched her sleep for two hours?!

She quickly charged her phone before going to get ready to leave. She packed everything up and left the hotel.

The taxi she had called had already arrived when she reached the front of the hotel, and she entered the car.

"XX Airport," He Xinyan said with a smile to the driver.

Before long, they were on their way to the airport.

He Xinyan was very excited to return to Country X. She missed Gu Yechen a lot too. She had thought that five days would be very short, but these past five days have been unusually long.

The airport was about an hour's drive away from the hotel she was staying in, and she scrolled through the phone as they drove.

Halfway through the ride, He Xinyan closed her phone and looked out into the window.

She won this round, so she only needs to win the shareholder vote now. He Xinyan wasn't very confident, so all she could hope for was that the shareholders were loyal and righteous.

He Xinyan took a deep breath and leaned forward.

"Sir, about how much longer -" He Xinyan's eyes widened, "Careful!"

She immediately lunged forward to turn the steering wheel, but it was still too late.

A second ago, they were still the only car on the road, which was weird since at this time, there was usually heavy traffic.

Suddenly, a large black truck appeared, and it drove straight for them.

Before they could react, the truck crashed into them, and their car flipped in the air several times before it landed on the road with a bang.

The airbags deployed, and there was a beeping sound coming from the car.

Both the driver and He Xinyan were unconscious, and a large patch of red stained the white airbags.

The truck didn't receive much damage, and a few seconds later, it drove away.

--- Country Z

Bai Jiawei was inside his office when he received a call.

He looked up from the computer and quickly picked up the call and walked over to the wall.

"Hello," the other side said.

"Hello. How did it go?" Bai Jiawei whispered softly, looking back to make sure the door was closed.

"Good. She is definitely dead."

Bai Jiawei let out a sigh of relief, "You're sure?"

"Yes. The damage was really bad. It would be a miracle if she was still alive."

Bai Jiawei grinned, "Okay. I will send you the money soon."

He hung up the call and sat back down.

Rest in peace, He Xinyan.

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