Reborn to Be A Beast Master

Chapter 8

C8 – The Stone Tablet of Origin

Every year, new evolutionary paths for pets are discovered, but typically they involve new species. Little Snowball, a pet with a century of domestication, shouldn’t have had any new evolutionary routes. Yet, against all odds, it happened—and they all bore witness to it. The experience left them feeling as though they were in a dream.

It took some time before they snapped out of it, their faces lighting up with sheer astonishment. “Bro, this is a huge discovery!” one exclaimed. “Imagine the shock when others find out Little Snowball has an evolutionary form!” another added.

“Xie Yang, you’re incredible!” they all agreed, their conversation bubbling over with excitement and amazement. Bai Tian, in particular, was genuinely thrilled for Xie Yang. Previously, with only Little Snowball by his side, Xie Yang’s chances of becoming an apprentice beastmaster, much less getting into the Beastmaster Academy, were slim.

Now, the situation had changed dramatically. The evolved Ice Crystal Soul was undeniably formidable. Even if it couldn’t evolve further, its mature strength would be formidable. Xie Yang had easily secured his qualifications to be a beastmaster.

“So that’s why you were eager to take the assessment—you were ready all along,” Bai Tian said, playfully chiding Xie Yang. Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui exchanged glances, feeling sheepish. They had doubted him, thinking his efforts were in vain. Clearly, Xie Yang had full confidence in his success.

After all, Little Snowball was a second-rank pet. Xie Yang passing the Apprentice Assessment was a foregone conclusion, and even the higher-level challenges seemed well within his reach. This realization cast Xie Yang in a new light for them.

Before, he was simply their friend’s brother, nothing more. But now, as a high school student with a second-rank pet, Xie Yang had earned the title of genius in their eyes. A young, promising genius is always seen differently, and at eighteen, with his tall and handsome stature, Xie Yang was no exception.

From any perspective, he met the aesthetic standards of young girls to a tee.

At that moment, their fondness for Xie Yang could be said to have reached its zenith.

On the return journey, Xie Yang acutely sensed that Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui had warmed up considerably in their demeanor toward him.

Zou Xinrui remained somewhat bashful.

Moo Shuqin, on the other hand, was far bolder, brushing against his arm in what seemed like a mix of deliberate and accidental touches.

Xie Yang felt rather helpless about the situation.

But he quickly put it out of his mind. Midway, he took a moment to review his list of achievements.

He had just unlocked a new one:

First Victory: You’ve triumphed in your inaugural pet battle. Completing this achievement earns you 100 achievement points and a Soul Crystal (Achievement completed, reward pending collection).

Xie Yang claimed it without delay and immediately utilized the Soul Crystal.

Seeing his Soul Attribute increase to 2.8 on the panel, he nodded in approval.

Then, without hesitation, Xie Yang invested the full 100 achievement points into Growth Points.

He boosted the Growth Point of the Ice Crystal Soul to 44% in one fell swoop.

The power level of the Ice Crystal Soul surged to the second rank, sixth layer.

“With this boost, I’m even more confident about passing the Apprentice Assessment,” Xie Yang thought to himself.

Over ten minutes later, they reached the Beastmaster Association’s towering edifice.

They had arrived just in time for the bi-monthly Apprentice Qualification Assessment.

The entrance was bustling with activity.

The majority were young students like Xie Yang and his companions, their faces a mix of nerves and excitement.

Moo Shuqin and Zou Xinrui were also feeling the pressure.

This was, after all, the final Apprentice Qualification Assessment before the higher-level exams.

Failure meant being unable to apply to the Beastmaster Academy—a prospect neither could bear.

“Don’t worry. Just relax; you’re both sure to succeed,” Bai Tian whispered, offering reassurance.

They proceeded to the counter to line up, register, fill out their information, and collect their numbers. After navigating through the process, they had spent a good half hour.

After sitting quietly in the waiting room for some time, it was finally their turn to undergo the assessment. Thirty individuals rose and trailed the staff up to the second floor of the building. Xie Yang scanned the group. Among them, only about a dozen appeared to be students. The rest were older, with the youngest being in their twenties and a few middle-aged men in their thirties and forties. This wasn’t unusual, though. Earning the title of apprentice Beastmaster, despite being the entry-level rank, was no easy feat. It was common to hear of people attempting the Apprentice Assessment upwards of ten or twenty times. For many, the title of Beastmaster would remain out of reach for their entire lives.

Shortly thereafter, they were ushered into a large, well-lit room, comparable in size to a standard basketball court and completely empty save for a two-meter-tall stone tablet standing solemnly in the center. Intricate patterns were etched across its surface. “The Stone Tablet of Origin,” someone murmured in awe from within the crowd. Curious eyes turned toward the tablet, a relic from the era of the cataclysm. Centuries ago, as ferocious beasts spilled from dimensional rifts, these Stone Tablets of Origin emerged across the globe. Their origins were a mystery, but it was well-known that the earliest Beastmasters gained their powers to command beasts from these very tablets. For modern Beastmasters seeking advancement, success hinged on passing the trials of the Stone Tablet of Origin and undergoing its baptism.

Today, the Stone Tablet of Origin is a treasured and enigmatic artifact, held in high esteem and safeguarded by both the commonwealth and the Beastmaster Association. Only during a qualification assessment do ordinary Beastmasters get the chance to encounter the Stone Tablet of Origin within the Association’s walls.

Moo Shuqin leaned in and whispered, “So that’s the Stone Tablet of Origin? It looks rather unassuming.” Bai Tian gestured for silence. “Someone’s approaching.” A group of five or six individuals clad in the Beastmaster Association’s uniform entered the room. Leading them were two middle-aged men, each adorned with a silver badge on their chest—a mark of the silver Beastmaster rank. The hierarchy of Beastmasters ascended from apprentice to bronze, silver, gold, and finally, legend.

The higher the rank of a Beastmaster, the closer one gets to the legendary king level.

In the small city of Lakeshell, being a silver-ranked Beastmaster made you quite the notable figure.

People gazed at them with a mix of awe and envy.

“Welcome to today’s Apprentice Beastmaster Qualification Assessment.”

The tall, slender middle-aged man announced confidently, “My name is Qin Ai, and I serve as a deacon for the Lakeshell branch of the Beastmaster Association.”

His counterpart, with a more subdued demeanor, introduced himself, “I’m Shui Zhongzhen, also a deacon at the Lakeshell branch.”

While they spoke, staff members behind them moved through the crowd, distributing items to the participants.

Xie Yang promptly received a small, intricately designed bronze plate.

The plate was sectioned into four quadrants by three horizontal lines, each engraved with the levels: “low,” “medium,” “higher,” and “superior grade.”

“The item you now hold is the key to the Void Realm of the Stone Tablet of Origin, where you will undergo your next evaluation,” Qin Ai explained, surveying the room with a measured gaze.

“Before we begin, you must select the difficulty level of the challenge you wish to undertake.”

“The screen will display the rewards, or ‘baptisms,’ you’ll receive upon passing each difficulty level.”

Following his words, a large screen embedded in the right wall flickered to life, revealing several lines of text.

[Low Difficulty: Pass and ascend to apprentice Beastmaster. Gain +1 Soul, +5% Growth Point for your designated pet.]

[Medium Difficulty: Pass and become an apprentice Beastmaster. Gain +2 Soul, +1 Constitution, +10% Growth Point for your designated pet.]

[High Difficulty: Pass and you’ll rise to apprentice Beastmaster. Gain +3 Soul, +2 Constitution, +20% Growth Point for your designated pet, and earn the right to a second pet beast.]

[Superior Grade Difficulty: Pass and you’ll be promoted to apprentice Beastmaster. Gain +5 Soul, +3 Constitution, +30% Growth Point for your designated pet, and qualify for a second pet.]

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