Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 584 Legolas' strongest state!

584  Legolas' strongest state!


Feeling the air rumble with power, Legolas' eyes gleamed.

Godon arrived in an instant but Legolas inclined his head without fear as he looked this Titan straight in the eyes, time seemed to freeze at that moment.

Godon felt uncomfortable instantly, this gaze was not normal.

Legolas smirked. "You took the bait".

Godon's eyes widened.

And at that moment, Legolas' meticulous plan that he had been fine-tuning for the past 24 hours played through his mind again.

'First battle step, enter a heightened state of mind, manipulate your senses and brain to stimulate body's full potential'.

'Activate passive abilities; war allies and battle controller'.

'Trigger passive abilities; Enhanced instincts- partial time stasis, beast sense, Predator's best man, and all other available passive abilities'.

'2nd step, in heightened state of mind, complete attack preparations'.

'Attack preparations include activating Beast Plane Summoning active ability, fusing with all 4 contracted beasts while arraying all the tamed beasts in the Obsidian Spear hyper aggressive attack formation'.

'3rd step, attack'.

'Take full advantage of the powers of the Beast Combatant Calamity Path and use the Beast Mirage ability to confuse the senses of Godon'.

'Then stick like a Bull; sting like a Viper'.

'Then Beast Energy Extrapolation to determine the weakest point of the Titan Immortal where 1 attack can severely injure or kill it'.

'Then smearing Obsidian Spear with Ymir Dust'.

'Then activating Nature Connection and finally Nature's Rage'.

'Then unleash the attack, finally'.

'4th step, the outcome of 3rd step will determine 4th step'.

'If Godon dies, then straight to the normal 4th step and barge way into the palace of the Titan Emperor'.

'If Godon survives unscathed, choose from contingency plans 44 to 89'

'If Godon survives but is slightly injured, choose from contingency plans 20 to 43'.

'If Godon survives but is severely injured, choose from contingency plans 8 to 19'.

All these recollections flashed through Legolas' head in an instant.

In that instant, the smirk remained on his face.

In that instant, his body felt goosebumps, not out of fear but of excitement.

Excitement of what he was about to do and achieve.

Legolas' body entered a heightened state of excitement.

And in that same instant, he made his move.


[You have entered a state of heightened excitement!]

[You have entered Adrenaline state!]

You have triggered Passive Ability: Enhanced Instincts- Partial Time Stasis

You have triggered Passive Ability: Beast Sense

You have triggered Passive Ability: Predator's Best Man

You have triggered passive ability…

You have triggered passive ability…

You have activated Passive Ability: War Allies

You have activated Passive Ability: Battle Controller


The passive abilities barely started being triggered when Legolas exploded with power as his energy signatures skyrocketed to a horrifying level.

And in this state of absolute power, his brain worked on overdrive.

He rapidly entered the 2nd step of his plan.


You have activated active ability: Beast Plane Summoning

You have activated active ability: Beast Integration

You have fused with Predator!

[Base Control Level: 135%]

[+10% Base Control Level from hierarchy!]

[Intermediate Summoner Knowledge: Enhanced Leadership Detected!]

[+15% Control Level!]

[Due to Predator's Best Man Passive Ability, base control level has increased by an additional 10%!]

[Power of all abilities has increased by 50% for 2 hours!]

[Overall Control Level: 170%]

You have activated Demi-God Summoner Active Ability: Beast Amalgamation- Partial Form!

You have fused Warp Prime and Predator!

You have created a temporary Evolved Beast: Darkness Demon- Nightmare!

You have activated Demi-God Summoner Active Ability: Beast Amalgamation- Partial Form!


You have activated Demi-God Summoner Active Ability: Beast Amalgamation- Final Form!

You have fused Akela with the Darkness Demon- Nightmare!

You have created a temporary Evolved Beast: Nightmare Devil!

You have activated Demi-God Summoner Active Ability: Beast Amalgamation- Final Form!

You have fused Bran with the Nightmare Devil!

[You have triggered Demi-God Effect: Creation!]

[Temporary Creation Evolution triggered!]

[You have created a temporary Evolved Beast: Void Monkey King!]

You have activated active ability: Doppelganger Substitution!

[WARNING! You can only create 1 doppelganger in this state!]

[You have created a 2nd Void Monkey King!]



Power flooded everywhere like an avalanche.

Feeling so much power batter against its face, Godon felt goosebumps and fear for the first time since it gained sentience.

'What is this?!' This Titan Immortal was shocked.

'Is this fear?!' He was confused.

At this moment, time seemed so slow since Legolas did so many things in so few time, it was like he already became a god of time.

At this moment, this Titan Immortal experienced a feeling of mortal danger.

But, this was not supposed to be possible!

He was immortal!

He was one of the 7 Immortal rulers delegated by the Titan Emperor!

'This can't be true!' He came to his conclusion.

'This can only be an illusion!' He concluded.

'You can't fool me; I will kill you for even attempting it!'

This Titan Immortal ignored all his instincts screaming danger at him, the greatest asset that the Titan Emperor bestowed on him and the other Titan Immortals as he lunged in for an attack.

At this moment, 2 Legolas stood before Godon.

One was the real him and the other was his doppelganger but at this moment, both of them had the same level of power.

They both held Obsidian Spears and at this moment, they were ready.

This was the highest level of power that he could attain at the moment.

The last phase of Legolas' plan finally came.


You have activated active ability: Combat Master!

You have activated Self-Created Ability: Beast Mirage!

You have activated Self-Created Ability: Stick like a Bull; Sting like a Viper!

You have activated Ultimate Knowledge active ability: Beast Energy Extrapolation!

You have activated Self-Created Ability: Nature Connection!

You have activated Self-Created Ability: Nature's Rage!


Legolas' eyes turned pitch-black.

As soon as he activated the combat master, he felt in the zone state.

Everything else came naturally.

He no longer paid attention to the clenched fist of the Titan Immortal that was now rushing towards his head with the intentions to kill.

He ignored everything else in the world at this moment.

At this moment, Legolas developed narrowed focus.

All his focus was on himself, on his Obsidian Spear, and on his abilities.


The Beast Mirage activated.

From 2 Void Monkey Kings, a mirage appeared as they duplicated, instantly turning to 4 and the fist of the Titan Immortal finally hit.


One of the Void Monkey Kings was obliterated with that punch.

Yet the others stood gallantly, in an attacking stance.

Time moved so fast yet it seemed so slow.

Having used up his force of inertia already for that punch, Gordon did not have the momentum to pull back an defend instantly, he was exposed.

Legolas' pitch-black eyes gleamed.

Stick like a Bull; sting like a Viper…, it activated.


A sinister energy surrounded the tip of the Obsidian Spear.

Godon felt an unnerving feeling of being stalked by a terrifying Viper, he felt that any moment this Viper would sting him and he would die.

Then, the Beast Energy Extrapolation activated.

Beast Energy Extrapolation was the 3rd Unique Knowledge of the Summoner main class, and it gave only one ability also called Beast Energy Extrapolation.

Extrapolation means to predict by projecting past experience or known data.

Legolas have clashed against Godon, not once, not even twice.

During all these clashes, he was always the one running with his tail between his legs but it was not in vain. All these clashes gave him experience about Godon, it gave him data that he could work with through extrapolation now.

The Beast Energy Extrapolation was a trump card of any Summoner that had it, they only used it when they were either about to die or they were sure that with it, they could absolutely obliterate their opponent.

With this ability, using all the past experience and known data, a Summoner's eyes become pitch-black, gaining all-knowing capabilities.

The potency of this all-knowing eyes depends on the power and complexity of the Calamity Path of the Summoner using it.

Legolas' Calamity Path was well… ground-breaking.


His pitch-black eyes gleamed and he saw it.

Right there at the navel of this Titan Immortal, there was an unstable fluctuation of energy that he could have never detected with his naked eyes.

This place of the Titan's body was different from the rest.

This was the weak point!

Everything else followed naturally.

The Nature Connection activated alongside the Nature's Rage Self-Created Ability and in that instant, Legolas entered his strongest state possible.

He was saturated with power.

Grabbing his Obsidian Spear with both hands, he stretched his left leg back to get balance as Legolas used this time to smear Ymir Dust on the tip of the spear.

Then…, he stabbed.

He stabbed with all his power.

He stabbed with all the anger and frustration that he had been bottling in since and instantly, the air shook.


Space and time wobbled!

The ground cracked and caved in!

Vibrations spread through the ground!

That was not the shocking part though, the shocking part was that with the Ymir Dust and the sheer 21:07

power behind the stab, the temporal energy protecting this Titan temporarily stopped as the navel Legolas' stab was aimed right at the navel of the Titan Immortal, and having used his force of inertia already, Godon could not dodge.

Godon felt a feeling of mortal danger but he still could not dodge.

It hit.


The sound of collision reverberated like thunder.

When everything died down, Legolas was shocked.

At the last moment before the spear hit, Godon transformed into his Yang form and brought out his hourglass but by then, it was already too late.

The spear tore through its navel with unstoppable power.

That was not the shocking part though, the shocking part was that with the Ymir Dust and the sheer power behind the stab, the temporal energy protecting this Titan temporarily stopped as the navel broke apart.

Breaking apart, it revealed the internals of this Titan Immortal.

At this moment, Godon's stomach side was no more, the flesh was gone.

And inside it, machinery could be seen moving about.

And inside this machinery, Legolas recognized powerful magic formations that were undoubtedly made by an immensely powerful mage.

At this moment, Godon's eyes flickered haphazardly.


"Error…" He muttered.

Legolas was shocked but he did not hesitate.

The first Void Monkey King that attacked was his doppelganger.

This time, he attacked.


Godon stood no chance.

Machinery blew apart followed by an eruption of powerful magic energy and time energy, Godon's reign as a Titan Immortal came to an end.

Godon… was dead.


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