Reborn: I Found The Wrong Brother

Chapter 10 - Zhong Yansheng: My name is Yuan Yuan

Zhong Yansheng was in a daze for a while, and then replied in an erratic tone: "I… I'm a little dizzy."

I can't mention it. Not only that, but I must never mention how valuable the furnishings in this room are.

Zhong Yansheng decided to study Dayong's laws carefully after returning home.

However, even if he had not specifically studied the law before, he could still see that the size of this large mansion alone, coupled with the things in the study, would definitely be enough to raid the house.

Zhong Yansheng hates that iron cannot become steel.

Dad, who usually seems to be upright and upright, actually has such an unknown side!

Could it be that when Master Zhen was imprisoned in this big house, he discovered the secret of the corruption of the Marquis of Huai'an and reported it to the censors from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, which led to the death of the Marquis' family?

Why is this kid so dazed?

Xiao Nong held his chin and carefully observed Zhong Yansheng up and down today.

The white veil blocked his vision. In the hazy sight, the young man's long black eyelashes drooped, as if a little aggrieved. His porcelain-white skin was so delicate that it seemed to glow, just like the thin white porcelain on the table, revealing a fragile beauty.

Although bullying kids is fun, Xiao Nong decided not to bother with him for the time being.

"Sit down." Xiao Nong picked up the pen again, his eyes fell on the document in front of him, and he crossed out a name lightly, "Who bullied you?"

Zhong Yansheng came to his senses and sat on the chair on the side obediently: "Huh? No one bullied me."

He originally wanted to bring up the seal he had given him yesterday to draw closer to them, but now he didn't dare to mention it anymore. There were more than one piece of Tian Huang stone on the shelf in this room, so he changed the subject: "Brother, did you like the cakes yesterday?"

He still dared to mention those few cold pastries, thinking so, Xiao Nong said coldly: "It's hard..."

Zhong Yansheng looked at him expectantly, her eyes seemed to be shining brightly: "That's my favorite snack!"

"..." Xiao Nong crossed out two names, "It's not bad."

Hearing that Xiao Nong seemed to like it, Zhong Yansheng smiled, and his eyes slightly curled up: "I was delayed by something yesterday. It's not that delicious when it's cold. I'll bring hot snacks next time."

Xiao Nong didn't care much: "It's up to you."

"Brother, has uncle Wang received the tool set I gave him?"

Xiao Nong played with the Tian Huang stone seal casually in his hand and glanced at him: "Got it."

Zhong Yansheng's eyes were dark and shining with expectation: "Does he like it?"


He loved it so much when he touched the spatula. He was so happy that he would cook for this kid next time.

Xiao Nong had never seen this old man cooking more than a few times since he was a child.

The expectant look of this little bird was particularly pleasing, its bright black eyes staring at people, making people unwilling to let it down. Xiao Nong waited for Zhong Yansheng to continue asking questions, asking him whether he liked this Tian Huang stone.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for a long time, Zhong Yansheng didn't speak again.

Xiao Nong: "..."

His Royal Highness Prince Ding was embarrassed, so he naturally would not condescend to mention any seals. He put the seal back into his sleeves with a sullen face, and scratched the name with three points of force.

The room became quiet, and the pen tip filled with ink made a rustling sound from time to time on the paper. It was so pleasant that I didn't know whether I was writing or painting.

Zhong Yansheng had loved painting since he was a child. He looked over curiously and saw that the brush in Xiao Nong's hand was made of bamboo, with white ivory inlaid on the top. It was extremely gorgeous and delicate. He lowered his head a little, not daring to look closely, and stuttered when he opened his mouth: "Brother, brother, what are you doing?"

Xiao Nong felt unhappy and said in a cold tone: "Kill the chicken."

Angry again. Zhong Yansheng thought to himself and answered honestly: "Oh."

The young man sitting there was ignorant, his eyes fell on the bookshelf clearly, and he stared at it for a long time. He was completely unaware of the killing intent and weight in these two simple words, and he was not afraid at all.

Xiao Nong looked at him in surprise, crossed out the last name slowly and leisurely, and specially marked the person who spread rumors that he was impotent and that he liked to have sex with men as being chopped into pieces before closing the list in his hand.

The remaining toxins on my body have not yet been cleared away, so I cannot walk freely. The sun is too bright outside, so I cannot go out for a walk.

The capital is no better than our own territory and is always inconvenient.

After finishing the business, Xiao Nong was very bored. Thinking that the tone of Zhong Yansheng's words was very interesting, he deliberately wanted to tease him to talk more, and raised his finger at him: "Come here."

As expected, Zhong Yansheng came over obediently, and her forehead hair fell softly along with the movement: "Brother?"

So good.

Xiao Nong narrowed his eyes and rubbed his fingers, inexplicably wanting to touch his head.

...What kind of seduction technique is this?

After coming back to his senses, Xiao Nong clicked his tongue in his heart and pointed to the bookshelf: "Take out the book you have been reading just now."

After saying that, he pushed the wheelchair to the small couch in the study room, put his arms on the armrests, and leaned on the Arhat couch with a little effort.

Zhong Yansheng saw it and felt that the young master was really disabled, but strong-willed. He felt even more guilty and sympathetic, so he obediently walked to the bookshelf and pulled out the book he was reading just now.

There are many books in this study, many of which Zhong Yansheng has never seen or heard of. He was reading this one just now. The cover and binding are exquisite, so it should be a good book.

He held the book and walked to the couch: "Brother, do you want to read it?"

Xiao Nong leaned lazily on the couch and asked instead of answering: "Are you literate?"

Zhong Yansheng nodded.

"Read, I will listen."

All right.

Zhong Yansheng sat down at the end of the couch good-natured, opened the book, and looked at the title. It should be a storybook.

When he was twelve or thirteen years old, Zhong Yansheng's health was not very good. He could not run and jump as much as children of the same age. He could only stay quietly in the house. When he was bored, he liked to read idle books - but reading idle books could easily earn Marquis of Huai'an's scolding. Even if he scolded me, he would watch it secretly.

There was no Marquis of Huai'an in charge here. Zhong Yansheng immediately became interested. He slowly read the sentence and began to read: "It is said that there was a scholar in Jiangdu, Yangzhou Prefecture, whose surname was Zhao and Wang Sun..."

What followed was a long description of appearance, which made Zhong Yansheng very puzzled.

Why is it so long? Could it be the story of some romantic and talented scholar?

The story begins with a scholar who is handsome and many people like him.

Zhong Yansheng didn't notice it himself. When he spoke, his last voice would unconsciously rise slightly, and his tone was soft. The voice of a boy of this age was clear and clean. It was a strange contradiction, like the rustling wind blowing through the bamboo forest outside the courtyard. Very comfortable in the ear.

The hazy aroma is like mist, brushing softly from the end of the couch to the tip of the nose.

Xiao Nong closed his eyes slightly and smelled the scent, and his headache and irritability gradually subsided.

The smooth sound of reading suddenly stopped.

As Zhong Yansheng read, he gradually discovered something was wrong from some inappropriate descriptions.

The book says that this beautiful scholar came to the Hanlin Academy and was impressed by a Hanlin scholar. That Hanlin scholar sent people to inquire about the scholar's situation and wanted to do... something with him.

The feeling that something was wrong was growing.

After that Hanlin scholar met the scholar, he returned home. When he thought of the scholar, he became passionate and woke up a child named Defang.

Zhong Yansheng gritted his teeth and read the sentence, which was difficult to read: "That Hanlin scholar took off his clothes and went to bed, Defang put his head...into the quilt, and felt that...that iron-hard..."

Xiao Nong was originally careless and didn't listen carefully to the content, but when he heard this, he raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes.

Zhong Yansheng's face was hot, from his neck to the tips of his ears, and he couldn't read anymore.

This is actually an erotic storybook! Or men and men!

Why would the serious and dignified Marquis of Huai'an collect such a book?

Xiao Nong also fell silent for a moment.

Why is there such a thing on his bookshelf?

The book in his hand suddenly became extremely hot. Zhong Yansheng slammed the book shut and almost threw it away in fright. His voice was trembling, and he stammered: "Brother, brother... I.... let me change a book to read."

Like a frightened bird.

Of course, Xiao Nong was not interested in hearing someone read this kind of thing. If it were anyone else, their tongue would have been cut out.

But when he glanced at Zhong Yansheng, he felt a little pity. His vision was blocked, and he couldn't see how red his face was.

He held his head with his hands, his nasal voice raised, and there was a faint smile in his voice, as if he was curious: "Iron-hard, what?"

Zhong Yansheng tightened her thin red lips, obviously not wanting to speak.

Xiao Nong's eyes were as dark as ink, with a somewhat evil smile, and his tone was deliberately deep: "Read it before changing, otherwise you will continue to read this."

Zhong Yansheng was very obedient to him, just because he was afraid of making him angry. When he heard the words, he became anxious, moved his lips several times, and finally said it out in a voice as thin as a gnat.

"What?" Xiao Nong's tone remained calm, "I didn't hear clearly."

Zhong Yansheng bit his lip for a while, suppressing his shame, and repeated it in a low voice.

"Why are you humming like mosquitoes? Speak louder."

After all, he was raised pampered, so Zhong Yansheng is actually a bit short-tempered.

He was already extremely embarrassed, even his eyelids were stained a thin red, and Xiao Nong deliberately poked his thin skin, forcing him to read that word over and over again.

He had a small explosion and shouted loudly: "Penis! Pe! Nis! Do you hear that clearly? Brother!"

Xiao Nong: “…”

This sound not only startled Xiao Nong slightly, but even the secret guard hanging outside heard it and was so shocked that his hand shook, and he almost dropped it again.

What's going on? The master is not a good person, forcing this innocent little beauty to read pornographic books?

After Xiao Nong was stunned for three breaths, he suddenly turned his head and couldn't stop laughing, his chest shaking continuously.

For the first time, Zhong Yansheng felt that he was completely bad.

His mind was buzzing, and the shame made him want to tear up the book immediately. He did so after thinking about it, but he did not dare to open the book again. He closed the book and pulled it hard several times, but it could not be shaken. There was not a trace of defect on this book, and he was tearing it apart vigorously, when his eyes suddenly darkened.

The faint scent of medicine brushed the tip of his nose. It was bitter and entwined with a bit of cold breath. It reminded Zhong Yansheng of the snow under the moonlight outside the pass in the poem.

The long, calloused fingers were handed over and pressed on the book in his hand.

Compared with Zhong Yansheng's hand, that palm is much wider and slender, with slightly exposed veins on the back of the hand, giving it a strong sense of strength.

Zhong Yansheng subconsciously followed the hand and found that it was Xiao Nong who was approaching.

The young man's body is still young, showing the slenderness unique to this age, but the figure of the man in front of him is fully mature and appears to be extremely tall. The shadow cast over him can almost cover him entirely.

The strong sense of oppression brought about aggression, which made Zhong Yansheng unconsciously tense his body. His eyes inadvertently swept across the man's clearly protruding Adam's apple, and his mind was a little confused.

Didn't the words in the dream say that the real young master was born two hours earlier than him? Why is he so tall?

Noticing Zhong Yansheng's tension, Xiao Nong's lips curled up.

He had a handsome face with sharp lines, but because his eyes were covered, he looked less aggressive and rather quite romantic.

Because of his poor health, Zhong Yansheng seldom went out since he was a child. When he was in Gusu, he had few friends. He was surrounded only by the girls and servants in the yard. When he came to the capital, he only saw King Jing.

So this was the first time he faced such a confusing... male.

Zhong Yansheng didn't want to remember the contents of the storybook, but his eyes scanned the entire page faster than his mind. At this time, the contents suddenly appeared in his mind, and his vision completely froze.

The scalding heat burned from his face to the tips of his ears, and even spread to his neck. He didn't dare to move. His whole body was like a petrified little bird, pathetically frozen on the branch. A gust of wind could blow him away.

There was a low laughter in my ears, which seemed to be very pleasant.

Zhong Yansheng's ears were extremely hot. He didn't know if he thought it was funny or if he was laughing at him.

Xiao Nong held the book between his fingers, took it out of his hand easily, and threw it under the pillow: "What are you doing to tear it up? I'm still very temperamental, so I can just read it in another book."

It was as if he was not the one who just forced Zhong Yansheng to read it out and refused to exchange the book if he didn't read it out.

The book was no longer in sight, but the shame remained.

Zhong Yansheng responded in a muffled voice. When he stood up, he pinched his earlobe and angrily scolded the Marquis of Huai'an for being dishonest.

Find an opportunity to complain to my mother!

He thought to himself, and this time he was much more cautious when looking for a book. He flipped through a book of casual travel notes, went back to the couch, and started reading in a low voice.

This time the content is much more normal.

Zhong Yansheng read for a long time, his mouth gradually became dry, and he forgot to speak before he knew it. He was also fascinated by it, holding the book and reading with gusto.

It wasn't until he finished reading the travelogue's experiences in the book that he suddenly realized that he hadn't read aloud for a long time.

Why does the real young master have no objection?

After several times of getting along, he finally figured out that this person might still hate him and always like to bully him.

Zhong Yansheng put down the book and glanced quietly in the direction of Xiao Nong, only to realize that at some point, Xiao Nong had fallen asleep on the couch. The cold outline seemed to have melted a little, and the lines had become softer.

How can he fall asleep while listening to a book?

Thinking back to the last time when Xiao Nong also fell asleep leaning on the bed without realizing it, Zhong Yansheng was very surprised.

This is the first time in my life that I have seen someone who can sleep like this.

It would be best if he could keep quiet. Zhong Yansheng did not wake up Xiao Nong. He got down from the couch quietly with the book in his hands, sat on the ground beside the couch, and continued to read.

The room was quiet, and the secret guards outside couldn't bear it. A row of heads popped out from the window, and they secretly observed for a moment, looking at each other.

Fell asleep again? ? ?

Xiao Nong's nap was extremely long.

Over the past decade, his dream has hardly changed. It repeats over and over again the same thing: the time when he was nine years old, when the barbarians broke through ten cities in a row, and his second uncle, who was always free and easy, had his head hung high on the city gate, dying with his eyes open. The city could no longer be defended, and his mother pushed him to the personal guards, and without looking back, he led the remaining soldiers and rushed towards the enemy camp with his father.

The personal guards who had watched him grow up fell down one after another. In order to protect his neck, they were pierced by arrows. The blood sprayed out, splashed all over his body and face.

He had no time or space to cry. He was escorted to the capital city in a numb and dazed state. However, he found that the capital city was also full of ghosts. Everyone's face was blurred and hideous. It was not much safer than Mobei which was caught in the war.

But this time the dream was peaceful.

Without the endless blood and fire, accompanied by a faint scent as fragrant and moist as mist, he returned to the Mobei of his childhood, at the age when even cats and dogs hated him. In order to show off, he stole the sword of the old King Ding, but was taken aback by the old King Ding with a gloomy face and severely beaten.

Not only did his mother not come to dissuade him, but she laughed along with the other generals when he saw that, he was not convinced.

It's as far away as a lifetime ago.

Xiao Nong did not indulge in the beautiful dream, he clearly knew that the dream was just a dream. He just indulged himself for a while out of nostalgia and let his consciousness fall into it for a long time. He slowly opened his eyes, sat up, supported his chin, raised his eyelids, and glanced at the furry black head beside the couch.

Like a little mushroom, he huddled up and sat there holding a book.

Xiao Nong leaned over slowly, resting his chin on his hands, lowering his eyes to observe him, from the thin and delicate earlobes to the thin white neck, and then back to the handsome and bright profile.

Gradually confirmed in his heart.

This kid's methods of seducing people were different from those he had encountered before, and his rank was obviously higher.

Zhong Yansheng didn't notice that he was being stared at. He turned over a page of the book and found that he was not very interested in this section. He wanted to turn to the next page to read the new content. However, just halfway through, a lazy and low voice came from above his head: "I haven't finished reading yet."

Like thunder, Zhong Yansheng was startled and jumped up like a rabbit. If Xiao Nong hadn't been experienced in many battles and reacted very quickly, he would have been hit by a headbutt.

"You're awake, brother."

When he found out it was Xiao Nong, Zhong Yansheng patted his chest, and before Xiao Nong could speak, he preemptively struck with stern words: "Brother, you sleep so much during the day, you won't be able to sleep at night."

I couldn't sleep at night.

Xiao Nong lazily said "hmm", stared at him for a while, and ordered quietly: "Stay here tonight."

The secret guards outside all pricked up their ears in shock.

This young master sent by the Anping Prefecture came and left every day. It was obvious that he was playing hard-to-get, but the prince actually accepted this trick and asked him to stay!

"Can't stay here."

After a breath, everyone heard Zhong Yansheng's rejection without hesitation.

The air seemed to be stagnant, and the curvature of the corners of Xiao Nong's mouth slowly disappeared.

The secret guard outside gasped, and a row of dark heads quietly emerged from the window, staring at the slender figure beside the couch with wide eyes.

Incredible, he actually dared to refuse the prince.

This little beauty is really going to die!

Zhong Yansheng was unaware of the atmosphere around him and had never had a chance to express his feelings. He really wanted to stay and have a night talk with Master Zhen. Unfortunately, he was warned by the Marquis of Huai'an yesterday. He sighed regretfully: "Yesterday I got scolded by my father, brother.”

Xiao Nong raised his eyebrows slightly.

The frozen air seemed to start flowing again.

With him here, his good-for-nothing adoptive father still dares to scold him?

But it was rare for His Highness Prince Ding to retain someone but was rejected. Naturally, he would not speak again and followed Zhong Yansheng with a cold face.

After flipping through almost a third of the book in one afternoon, Zhong Yansheng still had some unfinished ideas. In the Marquis Mansion, you couldn't read as much as you wanted.

He wanted to continue watching, but it was getting late outside, and it was time to go.

After thinking for a while, Zhong Yansheng held the book and looked at Xiao Nong expectantly: "I should go back. Brother, can you lend me this book to take back and read?"

He doesn't stay here obediently as a sleeping companion, but still wants to borrow books?

I don't know who trained him. He doesn't act like a little pet but more like a young master. He doesn't know how to read people's expressions at all.

Xiao Nong answered decisively and ruthlessly: "This is not allowed."

Then he pointed to the book under the pillow: "That one will do."

"..." Zhong Yansheng sulked, "Then I'm leaving."

Seeing him put down his travel notes, purse his lips and turn around, actually ready to leave, Xiao Nong suddenly said: "Tell me again, what's your name?"

Was asking for his name.

Zhong Yansheng was stunned for a moment, blinked, and turned around. The sun was shining brightly on him, making his black hair and snow-white skin appear brighter: "Brother, you have a bad memory. My name is Yuan Yuan."

The snow-green figure disappeared at the door, and Xiao Nong returned to the desk after a long time and picked up a collection of poems.

The bell on the eaves outside the window suddenly jingled, and a gust of wind came through the window and poured into the room. The pages of the book were rattling, and the eardrums were stuffy. Xiao Nong was upset. He stretched out his hand to press it. After a while, he lowered his head and looked. I happened to see a sentence.

——The fine clouds make tricks, the flying stars spread hatred, and the silver man is far away in darkness.

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