Reborn as an Extra

Chapter 57 The Mysterious Past And Future...

"Okay! Today's training ends here! Now get in a line I want to tell something important to you all." (Jin)

After the tired students heard that the training was they were all cheering happily in their minds but dared not show it in front of Jin because just a few days ago Jin punched a guy and made him kiss the floor until cracks appeared in it, just because he was cheering, while standing too close to Jin.

That guy still has trauma from that punch.

Slowly all of them stood in lines and the lines were made very neatly not even any uneven gaps were left, this scene could be mistaken for a military doing a death march on the battlefield. That's just how organized these students have become now.


(Caution- detail bomb ahead)

After the hell-like training sessions, all the students present here have reached at least 'C-' rank by now. While the most talented students are in the 'C+' rank only two students are in 'B' rank(Link and Rio, and even Fade is still in 'C-' rank since he missed the training.)

And those students who were not able to enter rank C by now have been literally kicked out of the academy, nearly fifty students have been eliminated in this training itself. This was also one of the reasons why students were able to reach C rank faster, as someone has said before 'Pressure makes diamonds'. (Credit to the original owner for this quote)

At the start of this semester, this class A-3 started with two hundred fifty students in it, now only fifty students are left at the end of this term. (Fifty students including Fade, and Kira also those who are not in the training ground right now or are in the infirmary).

The rest of the two hundred students either got eliminated due to their lacking talents or they died in disasters like the Roult island one.

Not to mention now, more students will be eliminated after this final exam and the number of students which is currently fifty will be reduced to no more than twenty or thirty would be left all classes combined, until the time of graduation comes.

This means, out of the original one thousand most talented people chosen by the academy from all over the human nation less than twenty students will successfully get graduated from this academy. But each and every one of those graduated students would be a huge pillar of support for the whole of the human race.

After all, only those who can successfully enter A-rank till the end of the third year of their academy can graduate.

If you are still B-rank at the end of your third year in the academy you wouldn't get your graduation certificate. That's the cruelty of this world, they only need strong individuals to represent their academy, and weak people have no place here.

Every year the academy takes one thousand students and separates them into four classes: A-1, A-2, A-3, and A-4

All four classes have two hundred fifty students each and there's no such thing as a division on the basis of talents, the distribution of the students in each class is random. Even the letter A is used in naming all the classes so that it can be ensured that no one thinks that one class is better than another just because their name comes first, not at all.

Everything in this academy depends on your own abilities. If you have the talent you would make it to graduation otherwise you would get eliminated even before you get to give your final exams of the first year.

This is also the reason why the graduation rate of this academy reaches a hundred percent because only talented students are left till the time of graduation exams come.


(Yeah, we are back to the chapter now)

After all the students finally settled down, Jin looked at the fruits of his guidance with great satisfaction.

'Out of all the four classes I have been giving training these past two weeks, this class will definitely achieve the highest grades during the combat exams, aside from these two monstrously talented kids, there are still many promising talents in this class, the only problem in their way would be class A-4 since they also have a high number of promising students…' (Jin)

'As for these two kids the only challenge they can face I suppose is when they have to fight each other or have to fight that purple hair kid from the class A-1, rest should be a piece of cake for them…' (Jin)

"Okay, as you all know today will be the end of your two-week training session with me and after two days your final exams will start, after your written exams you would be participating in a tournament where your combat capabilities would be assessed by the teachers, be sure to rest these few days and complete your final preparations." (Jin)

"And Since you all have completed this training successfully, I am sure as long as you don't actively provoke strong people you could still live a good and happy life outside the academy even if you fail these exams, so if you feel too pressured feel free to leave the academy immediately." (Jin)

"As for those who will make it to the celebration fest after passing these exams, I would personally reward them as my precious student who stood up to my expectations." (Jin)

Then Jin's face became serious for the first time since he has started to train the student for the past two weeks and he said:

"Although I might not get any more chances to teach you in the future but remember one thing, as long as I and you live, you would still be my students and can come to me anytime you want for pointers on your strength, if you feel confused and have any doubt in the future you always have me for guidance." (Jin)

"Now you all may go back to your rooms and rest while preparing for the exams…" (Jin)

Jin's voice seemed to be a bit sad at this point, no one could have expected that the teacher they hated for giving hellish training to them, would care so much for them.

But no one said anything and slowly all the students left the place after taking a few glances at Jin's smiling face.

'Children grow up so fast these days…' (Jin)

"Why are you making such a sad face, have you still not recovered from that incident with 'Durik' you should let bygones be bygones, he is not your student anymore anyway." (Anna)

"I wish I could let it go as easily as you say, but he used to be like my own son for me, that ungrateful direct disciple of mine, sigh~" (Jin)

Looking at Jin, Anna knew that this guy who generally laughs like an idiot still have moments that depresses him too:

"You are really hopeless… how about we go and eat something delicious to make your mood better today?…" (Anna)

"Sigh~, let's go… I should get my mood refreshed too, remembering the past would do me no good anyway…" (Jin)

After a while, both Jin and Anna left the training hall and the place fell to silence again.


At the same time...

In an inconspicuous place near the academy, an abandoned area full of old and damaged buildings, a few individuals wearing strange masks and black robes are sitting around a small dining table.

"Are you really sure about this, we are putting our plan ahead of time you know that…"

"I know, originally according to the plan we should have done this two years later but fortunately we have found a very appropriate host for carrying out our plan, we can't let this opportunity go from our hands"

"Did you inform the prince about this thing?"

"Of course! He even said that he will come here in person!"

"What!? But isn't that dangerous for him, since this is very close to the heart of the human territory"

"Don't worry, all the three SS-rank individuals of the human race are currently in the southern area and are busy conquering the new SS-rank dungeon there, this is the perfect opportunity for us to strike…"

"You do have a point, but how much time would we have before other S-rankers come as reinforcement?"

"Well, we will have about three hours at most, I suppose but since the prince himself will be here so this much time is enough for finding that 'fragment' and its owner"

"Yeah, I hope everything goes as planned and we don't end up empty-handed like last time in the Elf's capital city."

As things were heading towards the unexpected events, Rio was still unaware of all these coming challenges he has to face ahead of time, as they say:

'If you try to change one string of Fate it will affect all of the world and fate would start to follow an unknown direction.'

Perhaps this is the counter-measure of the heavenly luck against an anomaly or just the disruption in the destiny of the world for a better ending, who knows ~



Author's Note

A major event is coming guys, so continue to stick and support the novel, this is the point where the main plot of our story starts, and everything before this was just the introduction…

By the way, don't forget to use those power stones and also leave a review if you like the story. Comment your opinion about the chapter. Your support is my motivation.

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