Rebirth to 80s: Daughter-in-law is a Bit Spicy

Chapter 112: : Renovate the storefront (2 more)

Chapter 112: : Renovate the storefront (2 more)

There are no professional talents for decorating houses now. Although Liu Yong is using a mason as a guise, he used to do smuggling work, but he has really learned masons.

Liu Yong couldn't be helped by wiping walls, tiling bricks, or even hanging a ceiling.

Xia Xiaolan let her uncle distrust her, and it was more troublesome to find workers to communicate. Anyway, I dont have much decoration experience these years, and I have to work hard to explain to the workers, it is better to talk to her uncle.

Liu Yong looked confused, Xia Xiaolan slowly talked to him next to him, he probably understood what to do.

Including the hooks on the wall, some poles to be mounted on the wall, how to place the hangers and clothes rails, Xia Xiaolan's "design drawings" have already understood the layout of the entire store. Due to cost constraints, many ideas cannot be realized. For example, in Xia Xiaolan's impression, there are no wooden doors in a fashion store that are not fully equipped with transparent glass. How can people be attracted by the new products in the store?

In high-end fashion stores, the room temperature is constant throughout the year. In summer, there will be no sticky sweat when trying on clothes. In winter, you are not afraid of being frozen after taking off your jacket. The mirror and lights in front of the full-length mirror are also specially designed to improve your complexion and figure when you put on your clothes. You can't help but want to pay for the clothes.

Xia Xiaolan can't get this kind of lighting, and there is no such professional designer.

She can only do her best to achieve the best effect in the limited renovation funds.

"I have estimated that even if the store is not changed for the time being, it will cost a few thousand yuan after the installation."

"How much money do you have now? I just gave 2000 yuan in rent."

Before it was 9,000 yuan, Xia Xiaolan took 5,000 yuan of goods, and only 4,000 yuan of liquidity remained. Excluding the rent given yesterday, there should have been only 2,000 yuan left, but her clothes were returned for three or four days, and half of them were sold. It was a men's wool coat with an asking price of 140 yuan. Other goods were profitable, and more than 4,000 funds were collected.

In other words, Xia Xiaolan still has more than 6,000 yuan in her hands.

She and Liu Yong estimated that the 6,000 yuan may be enough to achieve the desired effect.

Liu Yong thought about it for a long time, "You can also change the counters that are not required by the National Cotton Mill. The wood is good. Now asking a carpenter to make a three-door closet will cost 150 yuan to go up... This aspect can save a bit. Money."

Nowadays, large wardrobes with three doors are popular for marriage, painted and chiseled, and a few pieces of glass are inlaid on it to put a diamond pattern on it.

Xia Xiaolan felt soil, but it was the current trend.

She would not put such cabinets in the store, and the few exhibition cabinets left by the National Cotton Factory can be used by removing old things.

With this little money in hand, it is enough for decoration. The shop will take at least a month to install. During this time, Xia Xiaolan will still set up a stall and continue to use money to make money in order to accumulate more wealth. When the store is renovated, the purchase price is almost enough again. As for this shop, you can't just make money or spend it. What's more, Xia Xiaolan can't use this capital at will in the business of the two partnerships. Usually, the money is made by Liu Fen-selling oil residue every day, and the money earned is used for her mother. The women's daily expenses are more than enough.

Xia Xiaolan thought, her short-term goal now is to pay dividends before the New Year.

Other stores are closed during the Chinese New Year. Her newly opened store, I'm afraid it's a busy time for the New Year.

Liu Yong and Xia Xiaolan talked for a long time, first started buying materials with 2,000 yuan, and then asked the masons they knew before for help, and began to decorate the shop.

Xia Xiaolan received Zhou Cheng's telegram.

"...Xiaolan, the clothes, jujubes and tea have been received. Wearing the eiderdown jacket you bought in the cold wind, it is warm not only for the body but also for the heart. The jujube is very sweet, and I dont want to be with you when I think its your heart. Other people shared. But there are too many tea leaves, I am afraid that it will deteriorate due to dampness. I gave some to others... Yangcheng White Pearl is the sister of his comrade-in-arms Bai Zhiyong. I have helped Bai Zhiyong, and I trust other peoples products. You can also trust, but you have to be defensive. You must continue to investigate Comrade White Pearl...I miss you all the time and look forward to seeing you again."

Telegrams are for people to see, unlike private letters that can be sealed.

This may be the case, Zhou Cheng tried his best to narrate the telegram with a serious tone. Despite this, everyone can see that this is a telegram sent to a lover, and his hot emotions are so strong that they overflow from the lines.

This kind of scorching infection has infected Xia Xiaolan, love makes her mentality young, Xia Xiaolan feels that she is particularly energetic now.

Liu Yong is in charge of the decoration, and Xia Xiaolan can't be unconcerned at all. You have to keep an eye on the effect of the installation. The decoration will cost thousands or even tens of thousands. This money is spent a little bit. Fortunately, you don't need to take it out all at once, and it gives Xia Xiaolan time to move.

I have to find a way to sell that batch of men's wool coats.

The quality is good, the style is good, there is no reason to hold the goods in her hands, Xia Xiaolan feels that she has not found the right place. Where are the rich people in the business city? The richest female workers belong to the National Cotton Factory, so her shop is to be opened on Erqi Road, which is very close to several national cotton factories and where the consumption power is concentrated.

The rich male worker must be the railway bureau.

Xia Xiaolan decided to switch to another place to set up the stall. The place where Liu Yongs house rented was the railway bureaus dormitory. The housing conditions of the bureau are slightly more generous... at least some people's houses can be freed up and rented out.

Xia Xiaolan said that Li Fengmei hesitated to set up a stall in another place.

She now lives in the family building, and she only claims to be a relative of the original owner, and her neighbors also know that her family is self-employed. Those people don't talk about it, but they all look down on self-employed people. Self-employed people go in the wind and rain, but the employees of the railway bureau are iron rice bowls. Li Fengmei and Liu Yong are not ashamed. She is afraid that other children in the yard will look down on Liu Zitao.

When Liu Zitao just transferred to the city, it was the time to reshape the Three Views. The children were also particularly sensitive. Li Fengmei herself was reluctant to wear an expensive down jacket, but he never treated her son badly. This kid still speaks with an Anqing accent. When he is not speaking, he looks no different from a local kid in Shangdu.

Xia Xiaolan didn't expect this. Her status as a village aunt contained the soul of a large enterprise executive. How can she appreciate the sensitivity and caution of rural people when they first enter the city?

It was still at night Xia Xiaolan talked to her mother, Liu Fen hesitated to say what she was thinking, Xia Xiaolan was awake as if she had been struck by thunder.

She knew that she brought Liu Fen to the world, but she did not expect that her aunt Li Fengmei was in the same situation.

Xia Xiaolan changed her view the next day:

"Auntie, I think the goods are going a bit slow this time, or we will split the stall into two and I will be responsible for selling men's coats, and you will sell the rest."

After Xia Xiaolan said this, Li Fengmei was relieved.

"I don't know if I will, don't think my aunt is stupid, I will learn slowly."

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