Rebirth Stockpiling: The Little Girl Sweeps Through the Apocalypse

Chapter 42

In truth, Yun Xiaoxiao had not gone far.0

She circled around to the side of the museum, where she found Ye Lingwei, who had already turned into a zombie.0

At this point, the entire right side of Ye Lingwei's face had been smashed into a pulp, with even the bones underneath deformed from the impact. The left side of her face was a bloody mess, as if it had been gnawed on by beasts, with a chunk of bloodied flesh still dangling.0

One of her hands was reduced to bare bone, the flesh completely devoured, while the other hand was missing its lower half entirely. Her legs were also in a sorry state - one was mangled beyond recognition, while the other seemed to have been broken, bending backwards at an unnatural angle.0

She dragged this battered body along the street, limping and staggering.0

Upon seeing Yun Xiaoxiao approach, she attempted to bare her teeth and lunge, but her mouth was so badly damaged that even opening it proved difficult. Only guttural growls escaped her throat, reminiscent of someone choking on phlegm.0

Yun Xiaoxiao raised her spear and thrust it directly into the zombie's head.0

She absolutely refused to allow anyone who had tried to kill her to continue existing in this world!0

Even if that person had become a zombie, it was still unacceptable!0

What if one day they evolved into an intelligent zombie and came back to cause trouble? That would be a cruel twist of fate.0

So, delivering the final blow was absolutely necessary.0

After dealing with Ye Lingwei, Yun Xiaoxiao and Little Cutie proceeded to clear out all the zombies in the vicinity of the museum.0

There weren't too many zombies in this area, only about thirty or forty.0

Some had likely been drawn by the commotion caused when Ye Lingwei fell earlier.0

From these zombies, Yun Xiaoxiao managed to extract three low-level crystal cores.0

Afterwards, she and Little Cutie returned to the museum.0

The interior had just been cleared out and was now safe.0

Having learned from experience, this time she locked the door from the inside first.0

Then, finding a clean spot, she brought out a feast of delicious food.0

"Little Cutie, come on, let's have a good meal and replenish our energy. In the future, I'm definitely going to grow long legs. Then we'll see who dares to call me short!" Yun Xiaoxiao declared boldly as she pulled out a pot of duck soup with goji berries and longan from her spatial storage.0

The plump duck and rich broth were a mouthwatering sight. There was also a peacock-tail fish dish, a perfect blend of visual appeal and flavor. Additionally, she had sour soup with fatty beef and steamed shrimp dumplings.0

"These are all mine," Yun Xiaoxiao said with a grin, pulling the dishes closer to herself.0

Little Cutie rolled on the ground in protest.0

"Don't worry, don't worry. Yours is right here." Yun Xiaoxiao then produced a freshly slaughtered plump chicken.0

Of course, it was the diligent Big White Butler who had done the slaughtering.0

"Here, you can eat this."0

And so, the girl and the scorpion sat on the ground, savoring their meal with great relish.0

After finishing, they both sprawled out on the ground, completely lacking in decorum.0

After resting for a while, Yun Xiaoxiao drank a bottle of calcium and zinc supplement before taking out the evolution liquid manufacturing machine and the thirteen zombie crystal cores she had obtained earlier.0

Fifteen minutes later, the ground was covered with thirteen small bottles.0

Little Cutie watched intently from the side, a suspicious liquid dripping from its small mouth.0

Yun Xiaoxiao picked up a bottle, inserted a straw, and held it out to Little Cutie.0

"Drink up."0

Little Cutie latched onto the straw and began slurping eagerly. In no time, the bottle was empty.0

"Want more?" Yun Xiaoxiao asked, already knowing the answer.0

Little Cutie nodded vigorously.0

Yun Xiaoxiao picked up another bottle and was about to hand it over, but then pulled it back slightly.0

Little Cutie tilted its head in confusion.0

Yun Xiaoxiao cleared her throat, a mischievous glint in her eyes.0

"If you drink this, you have to promise to be more diligent in killing zombies from now on. No slacking off, okay?"0

Little Cutie nodded frantically.0

Yun Xiaoxiao's lips curled into a smirk. "Good. Alright then, drink up."0

Her cunning demeanor was reminiscent of an unscrupulous boss exploiting their employees!0

Offering a small reward in exchange for risking one's life to work for her!0

However, she did have some conscience.0

Out of the thirteen bottles of evolution liquid, she kept only one for herself.0

The remaining twelve were split evenly between her and Little Cutie.0

To her disappointment, after consuming six bottles of evolution liquid, the energy within her body only increased slightly.0

Her ability level remained at the high end of level two, showing no signs of breakthrough.0

It seemed that the low-level evolution liquid wasn't very effective for her current state.0

She would have to see if she could find any level two crystal cores later to try again.0

She returned to her spatial domain, took a shower, and changed into clean clothes.0

Then she went to check on the vegetable garden.0

Rows of fruit trees had already been planted.0

Big White was still there, watering and fertilizing.0

Yun Xiaoxiao walked over and patted it on the shoulder.0

"Big White, you have a bright future ahead. Keep up the good work, I'm counting on you."0

Big White ignored her and continued working.0

Yun Xiaoxiao didn't mind, as long as it kept working.0

She surveyed her spatial domain, feeling that something was missing, yet something else seemed excessive.0

Right, in order to maximize the space earlier, she had collected many things that were nice to look at but not edible, and not particularly useful.0

For example, some small cars.0

There were too many, more than she could drive, and they took up space.0

Yet another area seemed too empty, as if it could still accommodate many more items.0

So, Yun Xiaoxiao set herself a small goal.0

This trip to Chengdu city center couldn't be for nothing!0

Besides completing the mission of killing a thousand zombies, she also wanted to collect more useful items.0

After exiting her spatial domain, Yun Xiaoxiao beckoned to Little Cutie.0

"Let's go, Little Cutie. We're off to find some provisions!"0

Little Cutie immediately climbed onto her shoulder, its eyes gleaming with excitement.0

Meanwhile, on the other side.0

After parting ways with Yun Xiaoxiao.0

Mu Yang and Li Yan's group had taken a detour to the Red Flag chain store distribution center.0

They managed to lure away the zombies and found two large trucks that still worked. They loaded these trucks with supplies like rice and other necessities.0

"Brother Yan, where's Mu Yang?" Zhu Jing looked around, not seeing Mu Yang, and asked worriedly.0

Li Yan's eyes flickered for a moment, but he quickly regained his composure.0

"It's fine, he said he'd cover our retreat and told us to go ahead."0

"Is that so?" Zhu Jing seemed doubtful.0

Li Yan's voice took on a more serious tone, "What, you think I'd lie to you?"0

"No, that's not what I meant, I just..."0

"Let's go! If we don't leave now, by the time the zombies figure out what's happening, we'll all end up as zombie food!"0

Li Yan cut off Zhu Jing before she could finish.0

The tall man gave Zhu Jing a meaningful look, and she opened her mouth but ultimately said nothing.0

The four of them split up between the two trucks.0

Soon, both vehicles drove out of the facility's main gate.0

Meanwhile, in the innermost warehouse of the facility, two iron doors were tightly chained shut.0

"Brother Yan, I found the bolt cutters!"0

Mu Yang walked out of the storage room with the bolt cutters in hand, only to find that the warehouse had grown considerably darker.0

And the front door... was closed!0

Mu Yang let out a self-deprecating laugh.0

So, they couldn't tolerate his presence after all?0

He hadn't expected that he would be the only one holding onto old sentiments.0

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