Rebirth: Peasant Girl is Good at Farming

Chapter 553

"My cousin wants to take a concubine recently. It makes my niece depressed. Auntie, you have to take care of my cousin. It's not that butterfly has a small heart. When this woman is pregnant, she is easy to think. If something happens..."

"He dares, butterfly, you just need to take care of your baby, and the rest of your aunt will take care of it."

"Aunt, you are the best."

“……” Ning Yan came in and heard a butterfly mouth, an aunt, a cousin's, hear his ears ache.

Do these people know that it is easy to give birth to abnormal children if they have children by close relatives.

Ning Yan resisted the impulse to tell the truth.

If she did, she might be thought to be jealous.

It's just

I pity the child in the second lady's stomach.

"My sister-in-law has grown plump, but it's not the same as having a body. When I had children, my stomach was as big as a pumpkin, and my waist was as thick as a bucket. At that time, I was scared. If the child was born and the waist was gone, what should I do?"

“……” The butterfly covered her stomach and looked ugly.

Ning Yan laughed and said, "you don't have to be afraid. If the waist can get better, just look at the family. If the mother's wife gives birth to a child, you will become thinner."

“……” Butterfly didn't know what she thought, and her face was even worse.

Ning Yan's eyes looked at Mrs. Lu.

Mrs. Lu is rich.

She is also the aunt of Miss butterfly.


There must be similarities in the genes. The appearance of butterfly after birth can be predicted by Ningyan.

Ning Yan felt that his idea was a little dark, but Think about these things and you'll be in a good mood.

You don't want to think about the vomit images.

Make oneself uncomfortable, or make others uncomfortable, this is a sub question.

As an adult, Ning Yan has no idea of sacrificing oneself to others.

So it's better to make people uncomfortable.

"Younger sister's waist is similar to that of her mother-in-law. I think it will be the same after I come here."

“……” Butterfly looked at Mrs. Lu's waist and face and worried about her future.

"If you have a body, you have to make up for it, Yuanyang..."

Ning Yan called.

The mandarin duck lowered her head and carried the basket in her hand.

Put a basket of eggs on the table, the eggs in the basket are still stained with chicken excrement.

You can tell at a glance that the egg is natural and fresh.

"You, will you bring these for your sister-in-law?" Seeing the eggs in the basket, Mrs. Lu suddenly felt that she did not want to eat eggs in her life.

“…… Isn't that enough? " Ning Yan glared at the old lady in surprise.

pointed to the egg in the basket and said, "this is the essence of hen, the most suitable for pregnant women." egg, did you not eat eggs when you were born in the land? Steamed, boiled, fried, fried... "

“……” The old lady snorted coldly, did not make any response to Ning Yan's words.

Ning Yan reached out and touched butterfly's stomach: "take good care of yourself. Don't roommate with your second brother within three months..."

Butterfly's face turns purple.

Is this what a sister-in-law should say?


Her sister-in-law is not a match at all.

There are still a lot of people outside staring at Mrs. landing.

It's better to step back from the banquet.

"My sister-in-law is worried about how to give birth to a child. The doctor is naturally worried about it. My sister-in-law should solve her own problems." The displeasure in butterfly's tone is obvious.

One hand was still on his stomach, which was not obvious at all.

It doesn't matter what happened to her. Fleas don't bite.

It doesn't matter.

How can let the mood be comfortable, how to come.

Ningyan directly became Ningxi.

Very affectation, coquettish cheap like said: "sister-in-law don't have to worry, I told you, you don't want to say to the outside people..."

Butterfly retreated a little.

It is the smile in Ning Yan's eyes that makes her shiver all over.

"I have the heart to take a concubine for your big cousin, but he just doesn't obey. He thinks I'm not strong enough. He should be soaked in rain and dew. But, your big cousin, no one looks up to me. Maybe he loves me."

With that, song Xiaobao's smile was also revealed in the corner of his mouth.


Butterfly herself has an idea for Lu Hanzhang.

After hearing Ning Yan's words, the angry teeth were almost bitten by myself.

"Bitch!"Did not hold back, two words jumped out of butterfly's mouth.

Ning Yan turns back and stares at butterfly's eyes.

"Who do you mean, bitch?"

Ning banquet intimidates people, has its own momentum.

Even Mrs. Lu was scared.

Mrs. Lu's eyelids fluttered and looked at Ning banquet. She was in a trance thinking of the old general who had been buried for a long time.

Mrs. Lu regretted it in her heart.

When she heard that the emperor had given Lu Hanzhang a marriage, she was extremely disgusted and willing.

She doesn't want Lu Hanzhang to find a wonderful woman.

In this way, she gave birth to a son, no place can compare with the land.

Therefore, he did not interfere too much in the marriage.

However, now the Ning banquet, the old lady felt that some could not see clearly.

Is it really a simple mud leg?


"What do you scare butterfly? She's still a pregnant woman."

Old lady Lu's more and more sinister eyes fell on Ning Yan's face, and countless thoughts flashed in her heart.

She had seen a lot of the privacy of the house.

How to destroy a normal person is the means to get out.

Staring at Ning banquet, he snorted coldly.

Ning banquet on the old lady's eyes, the corners of the mouth up.

The old lady doesn't look like a person who can bear it. Now she just said this sentence. She has a bigger calculation in her heart.


No matter what means, make it out, she Ning banquet, is no longer the previous Ning banquet, it is Niu co Lu Ning Yan.

If you want to play, play together!

Ning Yan raised his eyes: "my mother-in-law is right. The daughter-in-law can't have a hard time with old and weak women and children. Today, my son is here to visit his younger sister-in-law. He looks at his younger sister-in-law's ruddy face and high spirits. I think his state is still very good."

“……” Ruddy? That's angry.

High spirited, because want to curse, try to hold back.

Butterfly thought she might be angry to death by Ning Yan.

What's cheap and good? That's it.

Sooner or later, sooner or later

Ning Yan left the general's mansion when butterfly's face became more and more distorted.

Yuanyang followed the Ning banquet, and from time to time looked back at the basket on the table in the flower hall, but there was a basket of eggs in it. She was reluctant to give it away!

Butterfly took a step forward and her face swelled.

Just like a little toad.

There is no bearing and posture.

Mrs. Lu's heart was even more choked.

If Dieer was not her niece, she would not let her son marry her.

A little older women should have no attitude.

"OK, don't be angry. Let her be arrogant. One day sooner or later..."

"Aunt, do you have a way to punish her?"

"You don't have to worry about these. Take good care of the baby."

“……” Old lady Lu's words fell and took mother Lu to her southwest corner of the yard.

Mother Lu followed the old lady in terror.

General husband and wife are not good with each other, I hope the old lady do not take the egg to stone, otherwise it will certainly be more than the gain.

At the same time, mother Lu had an idea in her mind.

If the old lady really has any idea, she can secretly send a message to the eldest lady. In this way, the old lady will give her son a better job in her hard work.

It is said that the eldest lady holds Ningji cake in her hand, which is a good place to go!

If you can go there, you will have a better future than in the general's office.

Mother Lu's eyes glowed when she thought of her excitement.

Ning banquet back to the mansion.

Dai Po Tzu brought a plate of cloud cake.

I used to like eating yunpian cake, but now I don't have any idea about it.

If it's true, why not?

At present, there are many opportunities in your family.


Lu Hanzhang and Mrs. Lu are not close to each other.

Ning Yan sighed,

she has always been reluctant to make people's minds dark, but

It doesn't matter how she thinks about it.

Is there anything else hidden in Dai Pozi?

Ning Yan raised his eyes, the line of sight fell on the body of Mrs. Dai.

A glance, then a look back.

Dai's wife is still low browed and pleasing to the eye, only from these, can't feel close to thick.Ning Yan raised her hand, and Mrs. Dai left the flower hall.

This time, Ning banquet did not move the cloud cake on the table, stood in front of the window for a while, then sat back on the bed and took a nap.

I had a sleep.

Rather than feel relaxed, rather tired.

Open your eyes and lie down from dawn to dark.

This is probably the first time since crossing.

"Lady, steward Jia is back." Mandarin duck opened the curtain and came in, gently digging Ning banquet out of bed.

When Jia Guanshi comes back, it means that langzhang is back.

Did you come back?

It's a little fast.

Ning Yan got up and put on clothes.

Hair with a bun at random, after washing face with cold water, Ning banquet instantly sober up.

Unscrewing the enamel jar, he picked out a piece of coagulated fat with a light herbal fragrance from it and rubbed it on the palm of his hand and smeared it on his face.

Walk to the side hall.

Inside sat familiar people.

Jia Guanshi was dressed in blue, with a teabowl in his hand. The tea was still boiling hot. He couldn't feel half of it. He sucked and sucked it into his mouth.

Mr. Xue was dressed in a white robe, and his white hair was a little scattered.

Eyes are bright and bright. When ordinary people are full of white hair, a pair of eyes have already become fish eyes.

Mr. Xue is an exception.

Still holding the glasses case.

A mu sat beside Mr. Xue, occasionally holding a piece of cloud cake in his mouth.

Just like a hamster, it's cute to watch!

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