Rebirth: Peasant Girl is Good at Farming

Chapter 540

Back in the flower hall, the warm air envelops the people.

"Madam, mother Lu from old lady Lu is here again."

"Did you bring beauty with you?"

“……” Mandarin duck, mandarin duck's brain is jammed.

"Not with me."

"Oh It's rather tiring.

No beauty is here for anything.

"Just say I'm not here." People like Mrs. Lu don't want to serve at all.

He would not pretend to be virtuous. Anyway, Lu Hanzhang did not force her to be nice to the old lady.

"Lady, lady Dai has sent you some cakes."

"Let her come."

Mrs. Dai's yunpian cake is very delicious. Lu Hanzhang likes it more than he likes it, even the peach and Tuan Zi that just walked back.

White and cloud like cake, put in the mouth slowly melt.

The sweet smell reverberated in my throat.

People in the sweet family like it.

Even if Lu Hanzhang is such a big man, the general who pays attention to the outside image can not resist the temptation of clouds and cakes.

If it was not for the fact that these addictive things had not been discovered in this era, Ningyan would have doubted whether the cloud cake made by Mrs. Dai had added marijuana.

"Madame, this is a new cloud cake."

Lady Dai came in from the outside.

I still have a cool breeze on my body.

Holding a tray in his hand, the cakes in the tray are covered with enamel covers.

After saluting the Ning banquet, put the cloud cake on the table.

"Would you like to have a taste, madam?"

"No, these are for the children. Mandarin ducks will deliver them to the peaches." Ning Yan finished and looked at Mrs. Dai, with a smile on her face: "it's hard to wear Mammy. It's cold outside. I heard that your son's condition has been repeated recently. Mr. Xue will be in the capital recently. I will let Mr. Xue give a diagnosis and treatment at that time."

"Mr. Xue, it's a miracle doctor."

"It's not doctor Xue."

"Thank you, madam."

After hearing Ning Yan's words, Mrs. Dai's eyes were moist in an instant. She had been looking for doctor Xue for a long time, but she couldn't find it.

If you invite Dr. Xue, your son will certainly get better.

When Dai Pozi left the flower hall, the smile on Ning Yan's face dissipated.

Jia Guanshi has said that there seems to be some relationship between Mrs. Dai and the general Junfu

What is the relationship?

Rubbing the temples, I can't think of it. I can't really be a concubine of a general. Or housemaid.

From the face of Mrs. Dai's frost, Ning banquet is not able to see the appearance of Mrs. Dai when she was young.

Xu's wonderful flowers are rare in xuanchao. They are not well maintained, but they are still like a flower. Except that the brain is not easy to use, everything else is very good.

Ning Yan felt that Xu could find a man to remarry at this age.

After remarrying, let's go.

Ning Yan has never been afraid of anyone in his life. Xu is an exception. He can't beat, scold, say, or housekeeper. In the end, he has no memory.

The only way to think of punishment is to frighten and pretend to be a ghost.

"Big lady, mother Lu is still waiting outside."

Yuanyang came in from the outside with helpless face. The eldest lady did not see the people there. Mother Lu really had to come over and look at her age and stand outside.

The fierce cold wind is wantonly outside.

If mother Lu stood there and continued to blow

I can't say it's going to kill people.

She didn't care too much about mother Lu, but

When the eldest lady had just married the general, the old lady's mother GUI was gone. If the present mother Lu had not been found, it would be hard to hear it.

Ning Yan glanced at the mandarin duck.

"Let someone come here. It won't be like this in the future."

Mandarin duck's face turned white for a while, and went out with a reply.

Mother Lu walked to the flower hall and was surrounded by the warm temperature in the room, making her feel dizzy.

Just outside a little cold, at first feel warm, but also some can not bear.

I'm old. It's not a thing to toss around like this.

All the people in the mansion envied her to serve the old lady. They said that she could be promoted to the heaven by virtue of her virtue, but

Who knows that it is not comfortable to serve the old lady.


It can be described as trembling.

Mother Lu felt that the former mother GUI was not easy. She had been waiting for the old lady for such a long time, but she did not know how many brain cells she had consumed.

People go, probably can rest.

She wants to rest now.

It's justThere are so many people and so many things in my family. I can't rest assured. I have to continue to worry.

Now, it's so difficult to pass the message to the general. How can we live in the future?

Mother Lu felt bitter.

There is no way to say the pain.

After greeting Ning banquet, he said the purpose of coming here: "madam, the old lady invited the opera troupe to sing in the courtyard and let you go to the theatre?"


"Three days later."

After mother Lu finished speaking, her heel moved out.

She didn't want to hear rejection from Ning Yan.

If you refuse, the old lady's means of learning from others will not come out again. At that time, it will be their servants who suffer.

"Three days later? Who else but me

"There are also several ladies who sent to the old lady's family, as well as the girls who have not been released from the cabinet of famous families in the capital city."

"Not out of court?" Ning banquet murmured.

Suddenly, I felt that I could add some famous ladies to my firewood room.

I hope the old lady won't let her down.

The beauty of chopping firewood in the firewood room is just the bad taste of the feast.

It's not to open brothels and sell meat.

"Madame, are you really going to the theatre?" Amber added a cup of tea to Ning banquet and asked in a low voice.

After knowing how the old lady had learned how to compete with the general, their hearts were still hanging. They were afraid that the old lady would come up against the old lady.

I'm sure you won't suffer.


In the word of filial piety, not to suffer losses is to suffer losses, after all, not to suffer losses is unfilial, unfilial is not responsible for taking off the hat.

"I have to go."

Ning banquet heart has a kind of guess, this time not only she will go.

Lu Hanzhang is expected to be called back by the old lady.

If Lu Hanzhang doesn't go, there will be no way to sing the rest of the drama.

If we invite so many young ladies who are not out of the cabinet, is it not just to choose a small one for Lu Hanzhang?

she also wants to see how Li Hanzhang faces such a situation.

Time flies.

Three days passed.

Ning Yan was dressed in a bright red jacket, the edge of the jacket was wrapped up with fox hair. Ningyan had a fair complexion. The red jacket and white fox hair set off people's aggression.

Out of the courtyard, with mandarin duck and amber to go out.

The carriage outside the gate had stopped.

Ning Yan sat on the carriage, the wheels of the cart began to turn.

Rather than being afraid of the cold, rather than being afraid of the cold, Ning Yan held a warm stove in his hand As a beauty, there must be something in her hand, and the small stove for warming her hands is just in line with her identity.

To the general's house.

Ning banquet let mandarin duck and amber be more careful.

She is the general's wife, even if someone is embarrassed, it will not be too ugly, but mandarin duck and amber are only servants.

In this era, for most people, servants are probably not people.

Dead is dead.

If you are embarrassed, you can't blame others. You can only blame yourself for the wrong place.

Born to be a man, born to be a slave, this life is being bullied.

Mandarin duck nods with amber.

In the general's house, they will not be too arrogant.


However, if they are bullied in the face, they can't bear it. They come out to represent the face of the big lady. Even if they die, they have to maintain the face of bluffing.

With some advice, Ning Yan went on.

Walking to the courtyard, Ning Yan heard the babbling sound.

The opera has already started.

After a few steps forward, mother Lu met her.

Mother Lu's face with an embarrassed smile: "madam, you are late, the old lady has said hello several times."

“……” The corners of Ning Yan's mouth went up.

She came at the right time. How could she be late here.

So, wait here?

"Please take me to my mother. In this cold day, I would not go out if it was not for my mother's invitation."

Ning Yan finished speaking Kung Fu, has gone to the old lady side.

The second lady of butterfly son sits in the old lady's hand, her sight falls on Ning Yan body.

Will Ning banquet from shoes to the top of the head, a hair is not ignored.

He opened his mouth and said two words.

It's very quiet. No one on the side heard.

Ning banquet did not stop too clearly.


Ning Yan will look at the simple mouth shape, this moment, Ning Yan will guess what this cousin said.


Ha ha, who are the bitches in the end!Ning Yan thinks that he will not eat the bowl and think about the pot.

Looking back, I looked up with this little cousin. When I saw a piece of red on my little cousin's neck, the corners of my mouth showed a smile.

A sarcastic smile. They are already the second Madame. They still miss Lu Hanzhang

If you really like Lu Hanzhang, you have more opportunities to express in the past few years. How can you not move Lu Hanzhang's heart?

Or swing left and right.

In this case, it's better to put it down earlier, however

A kiss on the neck, can't you see it?

Why is there no counting!

"Niang, you look very good. Have you eaten well and slept well recently? If the food doesn't taste good, you can ask your daughter-in-law to accompany you. "

Ning Yan said words, the old lady behind the girl pushed away.

He reached for the old lady and pinched her shoulder and neck.

Massage is a very particular thing.

If you press the wrong acupoint, or a blind press, not only will not have an effect, but also will have a reaction.

Ning Yan doesn't do anything to hurt people.

Especially hurt the body of the elderly.

Even if the old man once told Lu Hanzhang So

I found an acupoint and exerted a little force.

Acupoints and meridians are magical things. There is a hidden acupoint in the back of the neck. If you press it gently, you can't control your arm

At the moment, the old lady sitting on the chair suddenly couldn't control her arm. She suddenly jumped up and slapped the butterfly.

The original lively courtyard was quiet in an instant.

Curious eyes fell on the old lady.

Ning Yan quickly helped the old lady to the seat.

"Mother, why do you beat your sister-in-law again? Even if you are young and ignorant, you can't do it in public."

"Sister in law, don't apologize to your mother."

“……” Butterfly son a face muddle force, she did wrong what, want her to apologize.

She didn't like Lu Shouli. When her aunt asked her to sleep with Lu Shouli, she went to sleep, saying that it was for the descendants of the Lu family and the descendants of the Lu family.


Ning Yan's son born outside is the eldest cousin's.

Even if she had children, she would not be the eldest son of the next generation of the Lu family.

You can't earn it, you can't earn it.

At night, however, Lu Shouli would force her.

I was not in a good mood. Now my aunt slapped her in front of so many people.

Butterfly in the heart is very aggrieved, butterfly eyes full of water mist, dish child Committee Qu Baba.

Dish son to Shang Ning banquet provocative vision, become angry, turn around to run.

Lu Laofu is very popular

In the heart some indignation, this little girl, how to run away.

Is it so hard to apologize?

How does that make her step down?

She said that she had a cramp in her arm, and it had nothing to do with her?

Mrs. Lu has lived half her life, and she is nearly buried in the earth. Naturally, she knows that such an explanation has no meaning at all.

It's better not to say anything.

As a chair, continue to pretend to listen.

Ning Yan's strength is softer.

I was so sleepy that I almost forgot what I should do.

Yu Yixi came late.

When she got to the courtyard, Mrs. Lu was already asleep.

Ning banquet also took off his cloak and put it on the old lady's body.

“……” The old lady slept more soundly.

You can't wake up unless there's an earthquake.

Yu Yixi, like Ning Yan, was dressed in a red jacket and a red cloak. The edge of the cloak was covered with white fox hair.

The hair is combed very smoothly, and the tassel bun is more pure.

Yu Yixi has always known her strengths and how to dress up.

Know how to develop their strengths and avoid their weaknesses, and will not take their own short board to fight against people.

See the moment of Ning banquet, to Ning banquet show shallow smile.

Good looking people are always given preferential treatment. Even if yu Yixi doesn't have a good intention in her mind, she is in a trance even when she is having a dinner party.

Especially when her eyes fell on Yu Yixi's chest.

There is a ditch!

"Mrs. Lu is on such an occasion for the first time today, but I need to introduce you to the ladies who are doing it."

"It will be hard for Miss Yu. Miss Yu is such a good person. She has not been married yet, but I need me to lead you..."

“……” Yu Yixi's smile stiffened.

But it was just stiff for a while, waiting for someone to find out and smile again.

"No, Mrs. Lu is worried about it. She has her own parents to decide. She dares not to go against it."“……” What this saying says, Ning Yan is a punctuation mark, can't believe.

In her opinion, Yu Yixi is a demon.

With such a good identity and life experience as Yu Yixi and her figure favored by God, what kind of person can't you find.

No matter who you marry, you can live a good life.


This man has to spend time with Lu Hanzhang.

You have no wife, but Luofu has her husband.

This entanglement, sooner or later, will collapse.

Rather banquet falls on Yu Yi Xi body's line of sight, many a trace of pity.

"This is Mrs. Feng of the imperial historian's family."

Yu Yixi took Ning banquet to a woman in a blue and yellow coat and introduced the visitor.

Ning Yan laughed and said, "Mrs. Feng, it's said that you have business relations with my cloth shop. If you have time, go to settle the account of red satin."

After Ning Yan finished, Feng Fu's face was black.

This is what situation, she has never met this kind of thing in her life, was forced to the tea party debt.

Yu Yixi's smile faded away.

Especially after the questioning eyes of Mrs. Feng.

Yu Yixi just wanted to make up for it.

Here's Ning Yan again.

"Miss Yu, thank you this time. If it wasn't for your introduction, I would have forgotten that there is still cooperation between the cloth shop and Mrs. Feng's shop"

" Mrs. Feng looks at Yu Yixi's eyes, which are more closely examined.

What can Yu Yixi do? She can only keep an awkward and polite smile.

"Mrs. Feng, this is an accident."

"Miss Yu is worried a lot."

Mrs. Feng's mood is not high, wilting reply.

Anyone who is forced into debt in this situation will not be in a high mood.

Yu Yixi looked at Mrs. Feng, there was no way to remedy it, so she could only take Ning Yan to one side.

"This is the first wife of the imperial historian of Qin Dynasty, Mrs. Qi," she said

"Mrs. Qi It's said that your little son took thousands of silver ornaments in our jade shop. I'm not here to urge you. It's just that the account has been delayed for three years. If you don't settle the account, I'll ask the shopkeeper to return the account to the bad debt. "

“……” Mrs. Qi glances at Yu Yixi.

No matter how high Yu Yixi is, she can't hold on.

She took Ning Yan to know these people, originally planned to suppress Ning Yan on the flame.

Knowing more people represents more contacts.

As a woman, what you need to do is to have a good relationship with the wives of these officials. Don't underestimate the communication between these women.

As long as they are smart enough and sharp enough, it's easy to infer some news from small things.

if these news are applicable, the enlarged theory can help the man in his family to become a leader, while the smaller one can avoid some risks.


She's in a strange situation.

How did things get to where they are now.

I don't understand!

"Madam Qi, I'm..."

"Miss Yu doesn't have to explain. I'll visit Princess Huimin some other day." Mrs. Qi began to listen to the play carefully.

Put on an appearance of listening to the play carefully. No one will know the specific situation without listening to the play.

Anyway, Yu Yixi has already been angry.

"Did Miss Yu introduce me to anyone else?"

“……” Yu Yixi's realization of moving.

All the ladies who looked at Yu Yixi were straight faced and went to the theatre.

"I have some other things to do. Mrs. Lu has to get to know her, make friends with some people and broaden her personal contacts. These contacts will certainly have a great effect in the future."

“……” What Yu Yixi said is very reasonable.

Rather a solemn nod.

And seriously to Yu Yixi said: "thank you, I will."

If things in the court are not settled, the banquet will stay in the capital.

It's impossible to go back to Gouzi bay for a short time.

We can only wait for the day when the emperor can't use Lu Hanzhang.

That day It's a little far away!

It seems possible to make a few like-minded friends.

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