Rebirth: Peasant Girl is Good at Farming

Chapter 461

Lu Hanzhang should know what kind of person she is.

If there is no marriage, no responsibility, I don't really mind some stories after the rain.


If you have got married, you will naturally take on the responsibility of a mother.

Don't talk about living in the same room. Even if Wen Yan takes off her clothes due to the snake disease, she won't look at it more.

After all

There's no shortage of naked men.

In my last life, when I was a drillmaster, I woke up those colleges from my deep sleep, or when I had a physical examination, I saw a lot of naked men.

"Go, if you can bear it, I will go."

Ning banquet pick eyebrows, four eyes relative. Make sure you look at each other. They are people who like to challenge problems.

OK, then hurt each other.

Ning Yan had a look at the wine and vegetables, but he was still a little hungry. After all, he was in a hurry to see Chen Fu. He was in a hurry and delayed.

I thought I would meet Lu Hanzhang, but I didn't know it was so difficult.

You should go to the capital and give the emperor the way to make cannons.

I'm not sure it's more convenient than now. I just think too much.

That's why I came to such a dilemma.

Ning Yan felt that she had already stepped back and could not continue to retreat.

Since Chen Fu will not come here, she will naturally have to fill her stomach.

Sitting in front of a small table, pour a glass of wine, holding chopsticks with vegetables, delivered to the mouth.

Wen Yan's mouth showed a trace of smile.

This person, really can't guess according to common sense.

If in the capital, women are hungry, even if they starve to death, they will not eat at the table in the case of men.

Generally speaking, it's interesting. The military life will not continue to be so boring.

Ning Yan didn't pay attention to Wen Yan at the moment.

After all, it's just a snake spirit disease. If you really pay attention to it, you will have a way.

It's the right thing to eat and drink quickly.

My stomach has been purring for a long time.

The speed of Ning banquet is very fast, and the quantity is not small. There are wine jars on the table.

Lift the seal off the wine jar.

Pour out a bowl, not muddy wine into the bowl, Ning Yan big mouth dry.

Wen Yan finally made some moves.

Originally, he was not hungry.

However, people are very easy to be affected. It is certainly impossible for Wen Yan to make such a meal.

I don't know if the dishes on the table are really delicious. Anyway, looking at the appearance of Ning Yan's banquet, Wen Yan thinks that these things should be delicious.

Sit opposite Ning banquet and take out chopsticks.


Wen Yan is just a military teacher, even if he has some Kung Fu.

It's not worth the Ning banquet that can draw with Lu Hanzhang.

The chopsticks fell on the fish and the fish was snatched.

It landed on the chicken, it wasn't caught, and there was no chicken.

Wen Yan

Wen Yan shakes his head and chooses to eat pickles and cucumbers. These things are quite common. Even if they are robbed, they won't feel good.

Or, Wen Yan private heart, also want to see Ning Yan grab pickles to fill the stomach with pickles.

It's just

How can Ningyan be fooled by delicious food and what is not delicious.

Normal people can't do that.

Looking at the empty bowl in front of Wen Yan, Ning Yan picked up the wine jar: "come on, let's meet each other, drink and drink."

Said, rather banquet will empty bowl full of wine.

When I was in gouziwan, I had drunk the wine mixed with water and alcohol. The taste was much stronger than this.

Therefore, if the amount of alcohol, this weak military division, is certainly not worth.

Wen Yan has not refused.

The bowl in front of me is full.

Wen Yan frowned, picked up the bowl, and sipped it gently. Beidi's liquor felt rough and cracked in his throat and poured directly into his throat.

Taste a mouthful, continue a mouthful, slowly, will a bowl of wine to solve.

"Is that enough?" Raise your eyes and look at Ning banquet.

Ning Yan: "is there any arrangement?"

"Of course there are. Come with me."

Warm words fall, with the Ning banquet out of the camp of Chen disaster.

A military camp, especially the most central part.

It has always been the most regulated place.

The sentry standing guard, seeing Wen Yan, immediately stood up straight.

When he noticed the Ning banquet behind Wen Yan, his eyes almost fell out of his eyes.

It is easy to see that it is a woman when her hair is loose and her throat is pulled off.

Military division Wen even took a woman into the camp.It's just

Soldiers' daily life is quite boring. If they meet people who are able to do eight things on weekdays, they will certainly not give up.

I saw such a big news happening in the barracks.

The Sentinels on guard held out their chests and squeezed each other's eyes.

Wen Yan

For these small cases, see also pretend not to see.

He's too lazy to be wise. If all these little things have to be taken care of, he won't be tired to death.

Wen Yan's camp is very big.

A bedroom with rest, a living room for office or receptionist.

Ning banquet came over and was placed in a small corner.

It's a little corner. It's really small.

The temperature in the north is not very high in spring.

The officers and soldiers will be trained every day, enthusiastic, but not afraid of this cold in the eyes.

Would you like to have a dinner

It doesn't matter.

Wen said that there was a woman in the tent, and the news spread like a plague in less than three days.

Hearing the news, Mrs. Cai almost cut a handle on her unstable hand.

Tsai wa Po is not as big as this.

Still thinking about Ning banquet in his mind, he saw Mrs. CAI and asked, "why hasn't brother Ning come back yet? General Chen won't really receive the vanguard camp."

There's a twist in the eyes.

"I really thought he didn't have the psychology of clinging, however It's still not coming back. "

“……” Cai Pozi glared at the big girl.

"How to talk, Ning ya Ning Yan is not like that. "

"Why don't you come back."

Speaking of this, the big boy's voice was raised.

He has seen a lot of people running to the battlefield in order to fight for your fame and fame,

those people

One of the ten that survives is very good.

Brother Ning, don't really lose it.

"Well, she has been transferred to another place to deal with the paperwork. People know Chinese characters and understand medical treatment. Don't worry about it. I'm not sure that Ning's busy feet have no space to land."


The big boy is a little confused.

"That's it." Mrs. Cai is old.

Eyes are very sharp, big child's situation, a look is on Ning girl.

It's just Ning wench that whole body manner, how is two children can match up.

It's better to finish as soon as possible. It's better to be disappointed than not to ask after knowing your mind.

Cai Po Tzu's ideas, how the big child is also unpredictable, people's emotions come up fast, go fast.

After a while, the big boy joined the gossip.

Looking at Mrs. Cai, she said, "Auntie, have you heard that our military master has made a woman..."

"Well, what are you doing with all this nonsense? I don't want to chop the firewood in the yard."

“……” At this time, the big boy wants to eat more. When Ning banquet is in, he never needs to worry about chopping firewood.

Now, don't worry.

Cutting wood is not easy.

The big child went to the yard and picked up the axe on the ground. The missing of Ning banquet was more intense.

Now the Ning banquet.

Wearing the armour of a soldier, the identity of a woman has been revealed, and she has passed the bright road here.

Generally speaking, there won't be people who don't have eyes to do things.

Even if someone stealthily wants to take advantage of it.

It's not so easy to take advantage of Ning banquet.

At the moment, Wen Yan is reading the military books, and Ning Yan will clean up his camp.

The things in the study are also classified.

Ning Yan is quick at doing these things with great speed.

Clean up the camp and go to the camp where the visitors are staying.

As a military adviser, I'm sure I'll get in touch with Lu Hanzhang often.

As long as she stayed in the camp, it was easy to see Lu Hanzhang.

It's just

Wen Yan is afraid that the snake spirit disease will not cooperate.

It's better to frown.

Time waits for no man.

She has delayed enough time.

We must see Lu Hanzhang before the next war.

After all

Nothing can be avoided on the battlefield.

Even a winning general can't guarantee that he will live forever.

"What's the pestle doing here? Take out the bamboo slips inside and bask in it."

Wen Yan comes out from the inside, takes a look at the Ning banquet, and starts to arrange the work again.

Ning banquet

Roll a white eye, should do still have to do.

Bamboo slips will become moist after a long time in a humid environment.So these things need long-term maintenance.

People with better environment will prepare some powder to sprinkle on bamboo slips.

Drying bamboo slips is a hard work. Sort these bamboo slips into different categories and air them in a unified way.

The powder doesn't smell good.

Ning Yan even felt that Wen Yan was deliberately troubling her.


These things can not escape, Wen Yan's smiling eyes are so good-looking, so crazy.

Ning Yan pursed her lips.

It started working.

Wait for

On the level of the whole person, who can equal her.

Fortunately, I brought some chili peppers when I entered the camp.

Wen Yan, a person who has never eaten chili peppers, has diarrhea for the first time if it is not accompanied by wolfberry water or special antidote.

I'm so outspoken.

So warm.

I have the ability.

I'll have to poop.

The position of Wen Yan is a little higher, and the disposition in the barracks is also excellent.

Food? It's not impossible to make a small kitchen by yourself.

Sun bamboo slips, rather banquet to Wen Yan body.

He reached out and patted Wen Yan on the shoulder.

Ning banquet used a lot of strength, almost crushed Wen Yan.

Wen Yan frowned and looked at Ning Yan: "are you really a woman?"

"I'm not a woman, you are."

“……” Wen Yan's face darkened.

Turn around and walk to the camp.

Ning Yan how to allow Wen Yan to slip away, reached out and took Wen Yan's arm: "I said, let's make up!"

"Reconciliation?" Wen Yan stretched out his hand and rubbed it on his shoulder.

Fine and straight fingers are very good-looking, rather banquet see some phase, cut off the hand of Wen Yan and change it in his own hand.

Wen Yan picks eyebrow to continue coolly to say: "reconciliation is impossible to reconcile."

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