Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 348 In Spades

"But my woman loves me too much to have to decide between her and my name, so she brought us here to figure out what was going on. And for that reason alone, I will deal with you. After all, I can't have some Liu Yu Zeng other than me claiming to be her man. I am sure you understand, right?"

Liu Yu Zeng crouched down low and looked at the man still lying at his feet. He hadn't moved since he collapsed, but that was probably more to do with being instantly killed trying to get to his feet and maintaining his life just a little longer.

"I will do whatever you say. Just please, I don't deserve to die," pleaded the fake. The stench of urine caused Liu Yu Zeng to wrinkle his nose. It was not that it was an unfamiliar smell to him, more like he hadn't smelt it in a while and definitely didn't miss it.

There was a bark of laughter coming from the throne as Li Dai Lu leaned forward and rested her forearms on her knees. "You don't deserve to die? If you don't deserve it, who does?" Liu Yu Zeng looked back at the man and watched him go pale at her words.

"I know it was wrong to take Liu Yu Zeng's name, but it's not like I killed people."

"There is not much difference between pulling the trigger yourself and having someone else do it," replied his Sweetness just as there was a commotion at the door.

Liu Yu Zeng watched as Wang Chao took back the lightning just in time to see the woman from the camping store and her men burst into the living room, their guns raised. Not liking having people so close to Li Dai Lu with guns, Liu Yu Zeng quickly got up and stood between his Queen and the newcomers.

They might have been … friends… in the store, but there was nothing to guarantee that that would continue here. After all, what were they even doing here? He thought that they were given a car to disappear.

"Are you okay?" asked the woman Li Dai Lu called Xing Xin Ya as she looked around the room. As soon as they realized that everything was under control, they lowered their rifles. However, it still didn't set Liu Yu Zeng at ease. A lowered gun could easily become a raised gun in half a second.

"Do I really look like I'm not?" answered Li Dai Lu, and Liu Yu Zeng could hear the smile in her voice.

"Can't really see you with the brick wall standing in front of you and all," came the snarky reply, and now he knew just why the two had become such good friends so quickly. They were so alike it was scary.

"Ah yeah, you'll have to forgive him. You six came in suddenly with guns. It makes him a bit cranky."

"I can see that. Will he bite me if I come close?" asked Xing Xin Ya, already on her way over to where Li Dai Lu was sitting on her throne.

"Nah, kill you? Maybe. But he knows better than to bite you," chuckled Li Dai Lu, and Liu Yu Zeng couldn't help but smile in response. She was right. He did know better than to lick or bite anyone other than her.

"Do I want to know?" the other woman asked as she skirted around Liu Yu Zeng, two of her men following her. He would like to say that it didn't bother him, that he understood the need to be around your woman all the time, ensuring her safety.

However, he wasn't that nice. He just knew that Chen Zi Han would kill anyone before they had a chance to hurt Sweetness, so there wasn't a need to add him to the situation. Besides, he had enough to deal with in front of him.

"I have a strong 'you lick it, it's your' policy. None of them would be willing to change my wrath, even accidentally licking another woman." There was a strange note of vulnerability to her voice that Liu Yu Zeng wasn't used to. And the way that Liu Wei and Chen Zi Han stiffened, they had heard it too. But what would have caused it?

He turned his gaze to Wang Chao guarding the entrance but noticed that he was seemingly just as calm as before. Huh, maybe he didn't hear her all the way over there.

The five men looked at each other before looking at their woman in shock. "I have the same policy," she said with a smile. "The guys thought it was just me."

Li Dai Lu laughed at that. "My boys are more than a little used to my idiosyncrasies. But I would fully admit I didn't think anyone else had that particular one."

"Meh," said the other woman. Li Dai Lu looked at her for a second before forming a bench out of ice beside her throne.

"Have a seat if you want," said Li Dai Lu, and the other woman took a seat.

"Surprising, not as cold as I thought it would be."

"There are blankets if you need them," replied Li Dai Lu as Xing Xin Yu got comfortable. Her two men went to stand behind her just like his brother and Chen Zi Han were. The four men looked at each other for a moment before nodding and turning their attention back to the head of the compound and the enforcers off in a corner.

And now Liu Yu Zeng also understood when Sweetness told Deng Jun Hie that it was not that hard to be a head of a sanctuary. This idiot proved it in spades.

"Now that things have settled down let's get back to business. You said that you don't deserve death. Prove it," said Li Dai Lu, and Liu Yu Zeng turned his attention back to the man in front of him.

"How?" he asked, confused, looking back and forth between Li Dai Lu and Liu Yu Zeng.

"Take my men on a tour," she answered with a smile on her face.


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