Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 341 Violence Is Always The Answer

'War is a bitch, and Death always follows War,' Violence said, and once again, I had to stop my physical body from shrugging. 

I had hoped that Violence would give me some answers, not more bullshit philosophies, but I guess I was shit out of luck with that.

"Yes, yes, war is a bitch. But why on Earth would you think death didn't follow war? I mean, I have yet to hear of a war that didn't lead to casualties." 

There was a brief pause before Violence opened her mouth again. Just as slow as ever. Fine, we will take baby steps right now. Hopefully, we can pick up the pace soon before the world ends.'

"Hey, I am not the one being difficult here," I growled, not realizing that I had been speaking out loud. "And I am pretty sure that the world has already ended, so you can can that attitude, young lady."

"What's going on?" asked Chen Zi Han, a note of confusion in his voice. 

"I thought that Violence would give me some answers, but it turns out that was just wishful thinking on my part," I grumbled.

"Isn't violence always the answer?" joked Liu Yu Zeng, and I could only groan in response. 

"Apparently not," I said with a pout.

"What did she say?" asked Chen Zi Han seriously. I could always count on that man to be the steady one. He didn't think it was strange that I was talking to voices in my head or that I even had voices in my head. In fact, he even helped me deal with them.

'Isn't he so dreamy?' came another new voice, and I had to close my eyes to stop from screaming. Why were all these personalities coming out now?!?

'Oh, no,' growled Violence. 'We are not dealing with you right now! Go back, and I will let you out later. And you,' she continued to growl, and I had the feeling that the 'you' she was referring to was me. 'Keep a lockdown on the sweet and sappy crap. We don't need it right now!'

"Sorry?" I said out loud. I think that this has been the most confused I have been since my transmigration to a new world in my second life. 

"I asked what she said," said Chen Zi Han repeating his sentence. I could feel the breeze from his breath, stirring the baby hairs around my ears. 

"Yeah, I heard you," I said with a shake of my head. "Give me a sec."

"Take all the time you need," he said in a soothing voice. Like I said, perfect.

'He is perfect. We should plan a nice picnic on the beach, just the two of us. I think we have some wine. You can make some chocolate-covered strawberries—' 

'Shut up!' screamed Violence, causing me to jump. 'We are going to go on a murder spree, not a date. Your time will come, but it is not now. Stop butting in.'

'But how is she ever going to improve her relationship with them if I don't help out? I have a lot of suggestions!'

'I bet you do, but I repeat, this is not the time. Besides, they have already started fucking. Their relationship is fine.'

'She has not made love to Liu Yu Zeng,' pointed out the new voice, and it was so sickeningly sweet that I almost wanted to puke. Too bad I got interrupted before I could eat. I could really use some dinner right now.

'And? Have you been paying attention? They are going to a compound with cannibals, now is not the time to be worried about her sex life!'

The new voice let out a gasp that any Southern Belle would have approved of, and I could almost picture the voice clutching her pearls in dismay.

'You take that back, Violence! There is always time to worry about her sex life!'

'Did I mention cannibals, Romance?' said Violence, and I could feel my neck twitch with her anger.

"And? They are just cannibals. It's not like she is planning on making love with them. Well, I guess it would depend on how they looked, but none of the cannibals around here are up to standards, so that they won't count. Besides, isn't cannibalism a fatal thing? It's not like she would be with them for a long time.' 

"I think I am going crazy," I said in complete seriousness as I turned to look at Chen Zi Han. I could only see his outline, but that was enough.

"You aren't going crazy, Princess," he reassured me. But he also couldn't hear the voices in my head. I could feel a tear start to roll down my cheek at the idea that I was losing my mind. 

'No! Not going to happen! Sadness, you go away. We already have Romance out here playing havoc with her feelings. We don't need you here to add to the chaos,' yelled Violence, and I could practically see her standing in what looked like an icy throne room from some fantasy world. 

The ice throne that I created was in there, with four horses guarding each corner of it. In my mind, Violence was dressed in a long, blood-red trumpet gown that hugged every curve before flowing to the floor. In front of her were two women that looked like me. One was dressed in a gold ballgown that looked like something from Beauty and the Beast, while the second one was dressed in a simple blue dress, completely underdressed compared to the other two. 

'Great! Now she can see us! Just fucking fantastic! She is not going to get the chance to deal with you two because I might just end up killing you myself!'

Violence turned to look at me and stuck her finger in my face. 'No romance, no crying. You will put on your big girl panties and kill some cannibals. After that, you will get the device that will end the world and keep it for yourself. Once all that is done, you can meet Romance and Sadness properly. But now is not the time. Do you understand me?!?'

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