Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 336 More Supplies

We left the tiny town from Hell and got back onto the highway. Now that there was not as much congestion, Cerberus was able to drive with us. I felt a little guilty, but I decided to stay with Liu Wei and Reaper for just a little while longer.

Riding on a motorcycle was definitely a new experience, and I didn't want the fun to stop just yet.

We had just driven over the first bridge of two on our way to City N when we came across a sign pointing to a shopping district right off of the highway. Without even having to say anything, Chen Zi Han, who was driving in the lead position, had already veered towards the off-ramp.

"You guys know me so well," I said with a chuckle.

"You wouldn't be you if you didn't want to grab whatever supplies you could," replied Liu Yu Zeng, who was the second one to get off. I wasn't really going to worry about the Sea Dragon Team that was way behind us.

Even if they made it to the rendezvous point before us, it was no skin off of our noses. However, not getting our hands on every last supply I could? That was going to be a major problem. And I was one of those people that liked to share my problems with everyone.

The first store I saw right off of the highway was a car dealership. I wasn't going to waste my time looking through there. At most, they might have some coffee supplies. If I wanted to later, I might go in, but what I was zeroed in on was the camping store about five businesses down.

"There," I said as I pointed out the building to Liu Wei.

"Of course," said Liu Wei as he shot in front of everyone and drove straight to the store. 

It was very much one of those chain camping stores with the fake trees on the outside with the head of a deer prominently displayed over top of the name. As we drove up to the front, I noticed that the door had been broken open. Safety glass was splayed out all over the front entrance and one of the doors had even been ripped off its upper hinge.

I raised an eyebrow in approval. Most people ignored any stores that weren't grocery stores. Clearly, whoever did this knew what they were doing.

Liu Wei helped me off of Reaper as the rest of the guys pulled up around us. I took a few handguns out of my space and handed them to the guys. I didn't know if whoever had done this was still around, but it was always better to err on the side of caution than assume that we were the last humans on Earth.

I mean, that would be nice. But given that there were 10 more running behind us, I think it was pretty safe to say that there were more humans around.

This time, we all went into the building together. Chen Zi Han took point while Liu Wei and Wang Chao were on both of my sides. Liu Yu Zeng brought up the rear, his back to us and his gun pointing outward on the off chance that someone came up behind us.

The crunching of the glass must have warned the people inside that we were coming because as soon as we crossed the threshold, we heard a bunch of guns cocking.

Huh, this store must have had a good supply of hunting rifles. I wonder if they still had a few boxes of bullets lying around. A girl could dream.

"Stop right there," said a deep, gruff voice. I looked up to see about five men standing shoulder-to-shoulder in front of us. They were wearing the green hunting camouflage, but the bright orange safety badges had been ripped off, leaving just the ripped threads to show where they would have been.

"You let us get what we want, and we leave. Otherwise, you die and we still get what we want," I said from behind Chen Zi Han's back. "I suggest you pick quickly. It shouldn't be that hard. Only one of your options has you still breathing at the end of it."

There was a drawn-out moment of silence while the other side seemed to debate their options. I didn't know what there was to debate. I was pretty clear.

"Step forward so we can see you," said the man that must be the de facto leader of the group. Or if not the leader, then definitely the mouth piece.

"Sorry, my men aren't comfortable with that until you lower your guns," I returned with a smile, not even bothering to check with the guys. I am pretty sure that they were under the impression that the only good threat was a dead threat.

There was another moment of silence, and I took out a cup of coffee. I was still drinking out of my 'That escalated quickly' mug because it was still the same day. Man, these days seemed to go on forever sometimes.

"I like your mug," said a quieter voice, and I looked around Chen Zi Han's side to see another woman doing the same.

"Thanks! I seem to have gotten a lot bigger collection than I originally thought I had, but they get my point across," I said with a shrug.

"Huh," she replied, stepping around the large male that was doing all the talking and taking a few steps forward.

I patted Chen Zi Han on the back, letting him know I was good, and stepped forward to meet the other woman halfway.

"They all yours?" she asked, tilting her head towards my guys.

"Yup, they are all yours?" I asked with a smile on my face. It was always nice meeting a like-minded woman.


"Nice!" I said with a head nod. "I am hoping to be able to grab some clothes, a few of the canoes and kayaks, and any other type of boat that might be here. Ooh, also so bows, arrows, and knives."

"We split the weapons and clothes," she said.

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