Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 298 True Power

"But seriously," I said as I turned to the black truck behind me. His engine was running, but I couldn't sense any impatience. "Where did you guys go, and why didn't I realize that you were gone?"

"We are here when you need us, and we disappear when you don't," answered Cerberus out loud and the four motorcycles simply revved their engines in agreement. 

"And if we aren't in the same location that you dropped us off in?" asked Liu Wei as he got onto Reaper and pulled his helmet on. 

"We are with you all the time, even if you don't see us," replied Reaper.

"Sweet," said Liu Yu Zeng. "Now why couldn't you have said something like that?" he asked Lin. 

"I did," grumbled the bike and I swore that if he had a face he would be pouting right now. 

"Did not," replied Liu Yu Zeng as he put on his helmet.

"Did too."

"Did not."

"Did too, times 100," replied Lin.

"Did not, times a million," shot back Liu Yu Zeng. There was something almost heartwarming about how those two squabbled like little kids. No matter how stressed you were, you completely forgot about it when confronted with them.

"Did too, times infinity, no take-backs, no add-ons," said Lin as he shot out from the gas station with Liu Yu Zeng on his back to prove a point. I could only laugh and shake my head.

"I'll get on with Wang Chao," said the commander as he walked over to where Wang Chao was sitting on his bike. 

"Not a chance in Hell, buddy," growled Ares as he revved his engine in displeasure.

"Really, Wang Chao?" asked Huang Nian Zu stunned. 

"Didn't say a word," replied Wang Chao, completely non-pulsed. "But he was right, you aren't riding with us."

"Then how the Hell are we supposed to go with you guys? Climb into the truck?"

"Occupied!" I shouted out from Cerberus' driver-side window. There was no way I was driving them around in Cerby. The poor truck would definitely think that I didn't like him or something.

However, as much as I didn't want to admit it, the man had a point. They would need a vehicle of some kind to be able to catch up and not turn to zombie food. Debating for a moment, I took out the day and night SUVs that I had put away in my space since Cerberus and the others appeared.

I technically didn't need them anymore. And as much as I hated sharing my supplies, (yes, SUVs were considered to be supplies), it would make more sense to have them drive the vehicles and take them back afterward.

"Use these only until we get to where we need to go," I said, yelling out of Cerberus' window. There were 10 members in the Sea Dragon team including the commander and each SUV had 5 seats. It worked out perfectly.

"Where did you get them?" demanded Commander Huang Nian Zu as he and his team approached the two SUVs.

"Out back," I said with a shrug, not caring if they believed me or not.  I think you should take a look at

"Bullshit," replied Jiang Chang Ming as he opened the driver's door of the black SUV and pressed the ignition button. "There is no way you found them there."

"You are sadly mistaken if you think that I care what your opinion is," I said looking at the man. "If you don't want to use them, you can just walk."

"Who said that it was even possible?" demanded the man as he pressed the button and the engine hummed.

"You were saying?" I asked with a smirk. 

"Never mind."

"Your options are to get in and we leave, or not and we still leave, you just have a harder time trying to keep up. What's your decision?"

The man said nothing, only climbed into the vehicle, followed quickly by four other people. Huang Nian Zu tilted his head in the direction of the light blue day SUV and the remaining four individuals got in, waiting for the commander to go sit in the back seat.

"You owe me some answers, Wang Chao," stated the commander as he sat in the back seat. 

"I owe you jack shit," scoffed Wang Chao from where he was seated on Ares' saddle. "In fact, when this is all done, you owe me."

"That depends if we get the device or not," shrugged Huang Nian Zu as he shut the door. The black SUV took off down the road first, followed by the light blue one. 

"Ready?" I asked with a sigh and the four boyos grunted in agreement. Liu Yu Zeng and Chen Zi Han went in front, followed by Cerberus and me, while Liu Wei and Wang Chao brought up the rear. 

Well, kind of. 

Following a few kilometers behind the guys was a horde of zombies slowly keeping up with us, but not too close.  I grunted in satisfaction when I saw it in the rearview mirror. Taking a sip from my unicorn mug, I marveled at how well my space kept things hot. I could really get used to it.

"You good?" asked Cerberus after driving for about 20 minutes or so.

"I really am," I nodded, happy for a change, because even though we were going to a place where there was a good chance of getting our asses kicked, we were at least together while doing it.

Not to mention I really wanted to see what these underwater zombies were like myself. I wonder if I could become an Alpha to them too and get a horde on land, on sea, and in a city. I never heard of zombies in the air, but I wouldn't discount those either if they popped up.

Why not become the most powerful being in the world? The men seemed to have done a good job of that in their previous lives if what their soulmates said was anything to go on.

And not only would I be powerful in my own right, but I would be powerful enough to not even have to lift a finger to prove it to anyone. That that… that was true power.

"Thinking about world domination?" asked Cerberus.

"How did you know?" I chucked, not at all put off by the fact that Cerberus knew what was going on in my head.

"Just lucky I guess," replied my truck somewhat sarcastically.

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