Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 276 Things You Need To Know

Wu Bai Hee looked at Liu Wei, confused. How did he know what was supposed to happen in the future… unless he was reborn too. If that was the case, then that could also be the reason why he wasn't already a zombie.

"You were reborn?" she asked as she stared at the man in front of her. If that was the case, then she would have to rethink her plan. Maybe he was already in the middle of overthrowing Wang Chao. After all, she didn't know exactly when he changed, just that sometime in 2122, he and Wang Chao appeared in City B and took it over. It was still spring of 2121, so a lot of things could happen during that time.

"No," he replied with a shrug. "But apparently, being reborn doesn't make you as special as you seem to think?"

"Is that really what you think?" asked Wu Bai Hee with a smirk. "Because I am pretty sure that I am just as special as I think I am."

"Really? Because including yourself," Liu Wei paused for a second to count on his fingers, "I count five people that have been reborn, and those are just the ones that came up and told me. Still think you are special?"

Wu Bai Hee paused. Could the Goddess that she had met when she died also have helped other women? If so, why?

Well, even if She did, it didn't mean anything. Wu Bai Hee already had a zombie horde ready and willing to take over City B. All she had to do was make sure that Liu Wei was bitten by a zombie or got injected with the zombie blood, and everything would follow along the correct course.

"I am special, and I will show you the future that is at your fingertips. All you have to do is submit."

Liu Wei burst out laughing at the very idea that he would submit to anyone but Li Dai Lu, especially a woman like Wu Bai Hee. In fact, he was laughing so hard that he let down his guard just long enough to feel the tip of a needle plunging into his neck.

Shocked, he gripped her arm, calling her flame to him. He flung her hand away as she dropped to the floor lifeless. Slowly raising his shaking hand to the syringe jutting out of his neck, he quickly pulled it out and flung it across the room before he succumbed to the darkness that was calling him.


Inside of Cerberus, Li Dai Lu sat bolt upright. "Liu Wei!!!" she screamed before slumping over unconscious in the driver's seat.


"Liu Wei!" shouted Wang Chao as he stood up from the couch. Not caring about the old master that was currently yelling at him to sit back down, he bolted up the stairs, Liu Yu Zeng and Chen Zi Han close on his heels.


"You aren't supposed to be here," said a cold voice over the top of Liu Wei's face. Opening his eyes, he looked into the beautiful blue eyes of Li Dai Lu. Smiling softly, he reached up to stroke her face. However, the woman leaned away from his touch with a firm shake of her head.I think you should take a look at

"I might look like her, and I might be a part of her, but she will kill me if any of you so much as touch a strand of my hair," she said as she backed away from Liu Wei enough that he could stand up on his own.

He looked around and saw that he was laying on the ledge of an impressive cliff. The ground was a dark grey, the sky was black, and the river under the ledge was bright red. "Where am I?" he asked as he turned around in a circle, trying to figure out where he was. It was nothing like the beautiful green fields and lake that he saw last time.

"It was you by the lake, right?" he asked, confused. She looked exactly like the Li Dai Lu that he met by the lake, that he made promises to.

"No," she said with a smile. "That was Li Dai Lu that you were speaking to," she assured him.

"What is going on?" demanded Liu Wei, not liking not knowing.

"What is going on was that you were stupid, let your guard down… and died," the woman in the white Grecian dress said with a shrug.

"I can't die," said Liu Wei in a panic. "If I die then Li Dai Lu will lose her mind."

"And I can assure you she is. In fact, if she wasn't frantically searching for you, she would probably be doing something like burning down your house. And even if she isn't doing it right this minute, I hope that you aren't too fond of that house because it is going to go up in a spectacular purple flame in a little bit. Unfortunately, some rats will still manage to make it out. I don't think our girl is really going to care about that, but you will need to."

"I don't understand," growled Liu Wei. Nothing was making sense. If he was dead, how could he be here right now?

"You will. But I need to get you back. Do you have a preference as to what timeline you wanted?" she asked casually, like it wasn't a big deal.

"Yes, to right before Wu Bai Hee stabbed me with that needle," growled Liu Wei. This time he would kill her much, much slower.

"That sounds good, but there are a few things you should know," she said as she looked at the man in front of her. She was nothing more than a personality that was shed when Li Dai Lu broke apart. She managed to absorb one aspect of her personality, but there were still many more left to find. Hopefully, she never breaks apart like that again. The world couldn't survive without her very much longer. It was already falling apart.

But at least the guys were there beside her now. That should go a long way to making sure that things went back together as they should.

"What do I need to know?" demanded Liu Wei as the woman in front of him trailed off into her own thoughts. He wanted to shake her, but the idea of touching a woman other than Li Dai Lu, even if they had her face, made him want to puke.

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