Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 274 She Wants You Dead

I couldn't hold back the smile on my face as I saw the zombie so close to me. I ducked to the left side, making sure that I was out of range of its claws or teeth, and, bringing up the knife in my right hand, I sliced his head clean off his neck. 

Straightening up, I looked at the zombie halves in front of me. Did I burn the head and hoped that the new one was smarter than the old one? Or did I burn the body and not have to worry? Since I couldn't be sure either way, I walked over to the head and watched as the neck grew longer until there were shoulders. Knowing I didn't have a lot of time to make my decision, I looked at the head.

"Submit or die," I told it, and I watched as the circular, ball-like head started to roll around the ground in fury. "Chose now. No matter what the outcome is, I am still going to be the Alpha of your horde. The only difference is whether or not you are alive to see it."

"Die," it hissed as its head finally rolled around enough to be able to look at me. "I will never submit."

"Understood," I said with a shrug of my shoulders. Either way, the horde would fall in line and be under my Beta. I closed my eyes and saw two small souls flickering in front of me. I sent out my purple flame and watched as it engulfed the two smaller souls.

Feeling energized, I turned my attention to the other horde. "Submit or die," I called out. My Beta let out a roar of challenge after my words, translating my decree from human to zombie. The entire horde fell to their knees and tilted their heads so I could see their necks.

Grunting in approval, I turned around to look at my Beta as he walked towards me. Stopping a few feet away, he bowed and dropped to his knee, his neck showing in sign of submission. In fact, everyone but Liu Yu Zeng was kneeling on the ground in front of me, their necks bared and lifted to the sky.

Humming in approval, I turned around away from the zombies and walked towards Liu Yu Zeng. "We should probably get back to the guys. If I know them, they are going to be going out of their minds wondering what we are doing," I said as I started to walk back in the direction of Liu Wei's house.

The sound of an engine roaring caused me to look to the side. There was Cerberus with Lin in the truck bed. "Perfect timing," I called out as Liu Yu Zeng, and I walked toward the truck. The motorcycle was slowly backing out of the ramp that was installed in Cerberus' bed just for the bikes. The scientists really did think of everything.

Liu Yu Zeng pulled on the helmet that was hanging off of Lin's handlebars and put it on his head. "I'll see you back at the house," he said as he quickly drove away. I waved at him before I climbed into Cerberus.

"You followed us," I said with a smile.

"Always," replied Cerberus as he started his engine and took off after Liu Yu Zeng.

"You can take your time," I said with a smile. "There is no need to rush to a place where I am not welcome."

"Then burn it down," replied the truck as if it wasn't a big deal.

"Why waste so much energy?" I asked as I leaned back in the driver's seat. I didn't get the information about the 'human female' that had a deal going with the zombies, but if it was Wu Bai Hee, then she was in for a rude awakening.

"Then why don't we take the scenic route back?" said Cerberus, and I smiled in return.I think you should take a look at

"Sounds perfect," I said with a sigh. The men were more than capable of dealing with whatever mess the Liu family was involved in.


"Everything go okay?" asked Wang Chao when Liu Yu Zeng returned to the house.

"Fine," the other man replied with a shrug. "Other than the part where a human female has an alliance going with one of the zombie hordes occupying the city, everything went fine."

"Human female?" repeated Chen Zi Han, and the four men turned their attention to where Wu Bai Hee was sitting on the couch.

"What? Like I am the only human female in the city?" she responded with a huff.

"Besides, it is incredibly smart of her to work out a deal with the zombies," added Liu Wei's grandfather, completely outing Wu Bai Hee as the woman.

"It was," admitted Liu Yu Zeng. "It must have been one of the reasons why you could still live here so comfortably while all the other houses I've seen so far have been razed beyond recognition." He turned to smile at his grandfather, that looked young enough to be his father. "But the deal that Li Dai Lu offered was such that they just couldn't refuse."

"Impossible," snapped Wu Bai Hee, a venomous look crossing her face. "There is no way that that Alpha submitted to anyone."

"You are right. It didn't," said Liu Yu Zeng with a nod. "Which was why she cut off its head."

Wu Bai Hee focused her attention on Liu Yu Zeng. "Cut off its head?" she asked, her eyes narrowing in contemplation. "Is that all she did?"

Liu Yu Zeng felt something trying to slither through the defenses of his mind. Having expected this, he simply looked at the only woman in the room. "I suggest you stay out from where you are not welcomed," he said calmly, as if the pressure of her trying to force herself into his mind was not enough to bring him to his knees in pain.

Unfortunately for her, there was only one woman to whom he would kneel.

"She wants you dead," said Liu Wei as if it was not that big of a deal. Breaking her attention away from Liu Yu Zeng, Wu Bai Hee turned to look at the other man.

"Excuse me?"

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