Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 269 Tail Tucked Between Your Legs

"What do you say?" I asked as I looked the mountain of a man up and down. "Do you want to try it? If you do, just say that Liu Wei is hers again and I promise you unimaginable pain," I continued with a smile on my face.

I was standing between Liu Wei and Chen Zi Han with Liu Yu Zeng standing beside Liu Wei. Wang Chao was standing directly behind me, but still, the mountain man didn't seem to put me in his eyes at all.

Oh well. He'll have to learn just like the rest.

"You didn't answer her," said Liu Wei as he readjusted his glasses. "I suggest you do."

The mountain man, Cheng Feng, blinked slowly and turned his attention back to me. "No," he replied.

I blinked a few times and cocked my head to the side as I looked at the man. "No, what?" I asked confused.

"No, I will not repeat it. Not because of what you said but because I don't need to repeat myself," he said with a slight shrug like I was completely inconsequential. That was fine. He would understand one way or another. And when I burned this place to the ground, he would be going with it.

"Understood," I said with a smile and leaned my head against Liu Wei. I could be the bigger person for all of five minutes. Or at least I was pretty sure I could be.

"Let us in," growled Chen Zi Han clearly not having as much patience as I was attempting to.

"I will ask Wu Bai Hee and she will have the final say," replied Cheng Feng with a shrug of his shoulders.  Apparently, that woman has her claws deeper into the men here than I thought. I wondered what had happened in the months since I was last here.

The mountain man turned around and closed the door in our faces as he went to ask the spirit user if we were allowed entrance. However, given the fact that the door opened again in less than two minutes, I would say that the aforementioned spirit user was around the corner listening to everything.

Cheng Feng looked down at me quickly before looking between Liu Wei and Liu Yu Zeng. "She stays out. The rest are welcome," he said, his deep bass voice not changing. I was even more impressed that he didn't even flinch when the guys started growling.

However, it was at that moment that I felt the eyes of my stalker on me. "You know what?" I interjected with a smile. "That sounds like a perfect idea," I continued looking over my shoulder at Wang Chao for a moment before turning my attention back to the Lurch in front of me.

"Are you sure?" grumbled Wang Chao, as he slipped his hand around my waist only high up from where Liu Wei was holding me. He bent down to whisper in my ear so that no one would be able to hear. "I won't object," he said as he placed a kiss on my neck. "But you need to keep your mind open to me at all times, just so I know you are safe."I think you should take a look at

"Of course," I reassured him as I gave him a kiss on his cheek, completely ignoring the looks coming from Cheng Feng. "Just make sure that she keeps her claws off of Liu Wei or I can't be held responsible for what I do."  This time I maintained eye contact with Cheng Feng as I spoke.

I didn't care if he believed me or not. He would learn the hard way if anything happened to my men while I was taking care of my business. 

Cheng Feng stepped out of the doorway and, after giving me a kiss, my guys walked into the house. With one last look at me, Cheng Feng closed the door on me again, but not before giving me a look of disgust.

Rolling my eyes, I cracked my neck from side to side before I turned around and walked towards the gates that were managing to keep the zombies out of the house full of humans. There was something seriously wrong with this city, and maybe my stalker will have the answers that I am looking for.


"What is going on?" asked Chen Zi Han from where he was standing beside Wang Chao. The four men had made it through the door, but none of them were willing to go further in. There was a feeling of complete wrongness in the air that the men couldn't quite figure out.

"The stalker is outside waiting for Li Dai Lu," admitted Wang Chao, his arms across his chest as he leaned against a pillar. He made it sound like he wasn't worried, but Chen Zi Han could see every muscle in his body straining in anger.

"I assume it's not safe?" asked Chen Zi Han as his hands balled up into fists at the very thought.

"That's the problem," admitted Wang Chao as he watched Liu Wei's grandfather and Wu Bai Hee walking into the living room and taking a seat in the head chair and the couch to the right of it.  "There is nothing that I can tell that says that this is a bad idea."

"You can get into the stalker's head?" said Chen Zi Han in surprise. He too watched the old Head of the Dragon Syndicate enter the room with a woman that he wanted to kill.

"I think so," replied Wang Chao. "I can only assume that it is the stalker, but their thoughts are centered on Li Dai Lu. There is even an underlying need to submit to her. That was the only reason why I thought it would be safe for them to meet. Plus, Li Dai Lu wants to meet them in return."

Chen Zi Han nodded his head in understanding. And if nothing else, that last sentence was why Wang Chao would let her go off and meet her stalker. She wanted to meet them. It was really as simple as that.

"So, you have returned with your tail tucked between your legs, have you?" sneered the old man after a few moments of silence. However, none of the men moved to go sit down on the couches, preferring to stand shoulder to shoulder.

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