Rebirth in the Apocalypse: Third Time's a Charm

Chapter 262 Tomorrow Was Another Day

Liu Wei and Liu Yu Zeng shared a look before the two turned their attention back to me. "We knew," admitted Liu Yu Zeng with a deep breath.

I didn't know if that made it better or worse. I mean, I was going to yell either way because they either weren't listening or willing to do something stupid for someone that may or may not be alive.  But knowing that they were going to do something stupid, by themselves, was a bit much.

I took my hotdog out of the fire and stuck a marshmallow onto my stick. I remained silent, not wanting to blow up because that was not the way to go, but at the same time, I wanted to skin them alive. Which was weird because I thought that feeling would go away once my aunt left and that didn't seem to happen.

Judging by the time, I stuck my marshmallow in the heart of the flame and watched as I caught on fire. Quickly pulling it back, I quickly blew out the flame and started at the offering. Its outside was black and crispy but when I pinched it, the inside was soft and fluffy. It was perfect.

Shoving the whole thing in my mouth, I waited until the gooeyness of it was gone before I continued to talk. "I don't know if I am more upset over the fact that you were going to sneak off to a dangerous situation on your own, or if I am more upset over the fact that you forgot that I had said it would be a dangerous situation."

Liu Yu Zeng opened his mouth but I held up a hand to stop him. "When I was torn open by the zombie you were mad at me and claimed that I had taken 10 years off of your life. Congrats, you have taken 10 years off of mine now too. What happened to 'if you die, we die with you'? Does it not count if it was me that had to be left behind?!?"

I realized that I was starting to rant so I quickly stuck another marshmallow onto the stick and put it in the fire. I figured I could keep my temper contained with the sweet and not yell at them. I was not their mother and I would not act like it.

"Now, you have a choice. You can sneak off and do what you want while I follow you later, or we go together." There was a third option, they leave and I disappear, but I was not going to put that on the table. Besides, like I told Cerberus, I had a bitch to kill.

"If you can put up with my grandfather and Wu Bai Hee, we would love to have you come with us," said Liu Wei and I smiled at him.

"What makes you so certain that they are even still alive?" I asked him. Both Liu Wei and Liu Yu Zeng looked surprised at that. "What?"

"I never considered that they wouldn't be," admitted Liu Wei as he took his hotdog out of the fire and put it into a bun. I shuddered when I watched him putting mustard on it. These were some of those make-or-break relationship things that were important to find out before marriage. Now, no matter how I felt about him, I would have to think if it was worth it to stay with someone that liked mustard on their dogs. 

"Whatever," I said as I stuffed my marshmallow into my mouth and looked around the four guys. "I'm off to bed, you all have your own trailer to sleep in tonight. I'll see you in the morning?" I said with a wave of my hand.

Entering into my RV I got changed into something more comfortable and climbed into bed with my eReader trying to find one of a few thousand downloaded books to read.I think you should take a look at


Liu Wei watched Li Dai Lu retreating back into her RV and thought over what she had said. She was right. There was no guarantee that his grandfather was still alive, let alone still in City B. He just felt like he needed to go there to check things out.

He knew that if he had talked to her about his plans, she probably would have been fine with them, but he didn't. Hell, he even forgot that he needed sleep. As soon as he got on the bike, all his tiredness went away and he felt like he could have ridden for months and would be completely fine.

"So, we are going to see the old head tomorrow?" asked Chen Zi Han as he took a sip of the beer that Li Dai Lu had left out for all of them. "Then what?"

Liu Yu Zeng looked at his second in confusion. "What do you mean? Then what?" he asked, not understanding where Chen Zi Han was going with that.

"Are we taking them with us? Are we going to stop them if they decide to come? What about Wu Bai Hee? We know she is a spirit user; do you really think we want one of those around?" Chen Zi Han asked in succession before turning to look at Wang Chao. "No offense."

"None taken," Wang Chao assured him, not at all bothered. He knew what he was capable of and he didn't want someone like that around his woman.  "And I don't think that Li Dai Lu would be too happy with them tagging along anyways. Are you prepared for it if she wants them to die?"

Liu Wei and Liu Yu Zeng looked at each other, neither one responding to his statement out loud, but they knew their answer to that.

The boys sat around the fire for a while until it died down. Chen Zi Han stood up and, calling upon his water, he doused the embers and flames, making sure that there was no chance of a fire. "I'm off," he said with a nod before heading to the RV that was his. He had some things to think about for tomorrow.

"I'm off," said Liu Yu Zeng as he stood up a few minutes after and went into his own RV. Whatever happened tomorrow would happen and he would be prepared.

Wang Chao looked at Liu Wei from where he sat across the flames. "You do remember I can read minds, right?" he asked with a raise of his eyebrow. Liu Wei didn't answer but continued to look at his friend. Wang Chao smiled as he chugged the last of his beer and, without a word, went into his own RV, leaving Liu Wei by himself.

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