Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 1345: Mission impossible (1)

Chapter 1345: Mission impossible (1)

Zhou Hongxiang turned to look at Kong Zhandong again, "Mr. Kong, although it is incumbent to help with the same door, but I can't let you stay for long, three days, if Tonya can't come back after three days..."

Wei Sheng held up five fingers, "Five days."

Kong Zhandong raised his eyes sharply, remembering that Wei Sheng had just told him to return three days in awe.

Wei Sheng added calmly, "It takes time on the road."

Zhou Hongxiang raised his eyebrows, nodded and smiled, "Just five days."

Kong Zhandong slowly closed his eyes. He knew it was a mistake to come to Zhou Hongxiang's mansion with her, but now he said that everything was too late, Zhou Hongxiang would not let him go, and he could rely on Wei Sheng's so-called rescue.

And all he can do is not to vent in front of Zhou Hongxiang, and live in Zhou Hongxiang's mansion with Mount Tai on top of his face. This is actually a way to postpone Liang Donghua's pursuit.

Yan Baiqing groaned for a moment, then pulled Wei Sheng to the side and whispered a few words, making Zhou Hongxiang's expression unconscious.

But Yue Ling'er watched in disbelief that Yue Feng was unbound, and rushed forward to hold up his injured father, tears could not help overflowing from the sadness to the joy.

Wei Sheng took a deep look at Kong Zhandong, then turned around and led people away.

"Send Mr. Kong down to rest." Zhou Hongxiang slowly rubbed the steel ball in his hand and smiled leisurely.

Kong Zhandong looked at Yan Baiqing coldly, stood up and strode towards the back hall.

When the crowd dispersed in the hall, Nina Hayes unwillingly looked at Wei Sheng's departure direction, "Zhou! Why let her go? Don't you worry that she will not come back after she leaves?"

Zhou Hongxiang raised his head, smiled silently, raised his right arm that was swaying the steel ball, and said leisurely, "Not coming back? It's just what I want."

Nina Hayes pushed his shoulder in a puzzled way, "But you let Cui Xian away for nothing, and Yue Feng, you know, he is a traitor, you shouldn't let him leave..."

Zhou Hongxiang looked up and squinted at her, and said happily, "Why shouldn't it? I let them leave, which proves that I gave Kong Zhandong a chance. If they can't invite soldiers to rescue me, I can't afford to talk. Five days later, as long as there is no People come to rescue Kong Zhandong, I can use Kong Zhandong to negotiate with Liang Donghua."

Nina Hayes curled her eyebrows, "But if someone really comes to rescue Kong Zhandong, why should we give them a chance?"

Zhou Hongxiang laughed, "Give others a chance, give yourself a chance."

He is not sure whether Kong Zhandong has a back-up player, and he does not know exactly what happened to the internal fighting between him and Liang Donghua today. I believe Kong Zhandong will not tell him this, nor will Liang Donghua tell him.

So in case Kong Zhandong intends to show weakness, or if he is left behind, he takes advantage of the fire to rob him at this time, and then fails again. Wouldn't he put himself in an unrighteous and treacherous villain?

If this is the case, Zhou Hongxiang would rather help Kong Zhandong.

This is standing in line, but where to stand is a problem.

The situation before him was that Kong Zhandong was weak. He gave Kong Zhandong five days. Although everyone at the scene knew his plan well, he provided refuge for Kong Zhandong and asked Kong Zhandong’s people to move rescuers. But benevolence is the best.

If Kong Zhandong didn’t have an alliance to rescue him in five days, and he didn’t have a back move, then he would be the fish on his chopping board. Liang Donghua had lost his moral position. If he wanted to be stable, he had to completely get rid of Kong Zhandong. If he wanted to get rid of Kong Zhandong, I have to shed some blood on myself...

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