Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 1327: Ambush (1)

Chapter 1327: Ambush (1)

In the quiet night, Liang Donghua thought about it.

The reason why Kong Zhandong has been tolerant over the years and his intention to win over Yan Baiqing to join him is all because of the roster left by the old gentleman. Because the Hong family is so huge that even Liang Donghua can hardly understand all of it.

Whether it is Cao Zuojin's forces, channels, or Huang Gezhang's true strength, if there is no detailed list, no one can grasp it all.

Mr. Huang left the Hong family to Kong Zhandong. Liang Donghua guessed that the roster must be in Kong Zhandong's hands, and he used various means to make Kong Zhandongliang make the roster, but was perfunctory by Kong Zhandong's "the roster is not in his hands."

He understands Kong Zhandong's temperament, his personality is tough and stubborn, no matter whether he is threatened or frightened, the opponent will not let him succeed.

What's more, he didn't dare to act rashly because he was not sure of the forces Kong Zhandong really controlled. Perhaps the other party's display of weakness was intended to invite the king into the urn. He Liang Donghua has been in Hong's house for decades. If he can't get to the high position with a single blow, then he can't be labeled as a traitor.

Huang Xinya frowned slightly on her cold face and nodded. According to today's situation, it seems that this woman was handed over to Kong Zhandong. No matter, she looked at Liang Donghua coldly, "When will I get revenge? I have many opportunities to kill him."

Liang Donghua glanced at her disapprovingly. In recent years, he had also vaguely suspected that Kong Zhandong was not on the list, so he arranged Huang Xinya with Kong Zhandong. She was indeed Huang Jinzi's orphan, and he only tried to make Huang Xinya think that his father Huang Jinzi was back then. Kong Zhandong’s death was caused by Kong Zhandong’s intention to become Mr. Huang’s successor.

He slowly buttoned the roster in his hand and looked hungry at the manor inside the railing. The light trembling of his eyes exposed the throbbing from deep in his heart, "Soon..."

Huang Xinya frowned, "How long is it?"

Liang Donghua had already turned around slowly and carried the roster into his arms, as if he was about to get in the car.

"Mr. Liang, you want to take it away directly?" Huang Xinya was taken aback when he saw him take the roster.

In the past, Liang Donghua needed her to bring out the things that she would check, and told her to reproduce them, asking her to put the originals back in place, and don't ask Kong Zhandong to find out why she was so reckless now.

Liang Donghua's footsteps paused slightly, and he hummed lightly in his throat.

"Kong Zhandong will find me." Huang Xinya showed a touch of anxiety in her eyes.

The corner of Liang Donghua's lips showed an undesirable smile again, raised his hand and swayed, and said slowly and quietly, "It's not important, take her away."

When the voice fell, the two big Hans immediately bullied themselves and held Huang Xinya from side to side. The latter's heart sank sharply. Looking at Liang Donghua's hard back, a panic climbed over the corner of his eyes. Just as he was about to speak, his mouth was clasped by a big man. live.

Huang Xinya looked furious, and while she turned and struggled, she was taken into Liang Donghua's car.

The sedan hidden under the curtain of night slowly drove away from the small road in the back of the manor, as if it merged with the night, and disappeared without a trace in an instant.


"Huang Xinya disappeared with the roster?"

Wei Sheng was drunk and fell into a dream, a faint roar came from her ear, she lifted her eyelids, and when she was sleepy, she sat on the brain again, and people fell asleep.

Until there was a loud bang in the ear, it seemed that even the ground was trembling violently, and the bed closet kept trembling, she suddenly opened her eyes, and people supported the bed with one hand and rolled to the ground.

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