Rebirth In Junior High School Campus: The Strongest Black Belly Business Woman

Chapter 1108: Playing Heartbeat (3)

Chapter 1108: Playing Heartbeat (3)

Everyone in the Wen family who said this was taken aback, looking strangely at Wei Sheng.

Wei Sheng laughed again, "In fact, what everyone is worried about now is whether F1's fate in China can be recognized. But in my opinion, since Alonso's fame in F1 has changed F1's fate in Spain, within 10 years F1 racers who create country Z will definitely change the fate of F1 in country Z."

Wen Yonghe stared at her with shining eyes and smiled, “I didn’t expect to have this verbal skill as a racer now. I have to say that I was somewhat persuaded by you. Then tell me, if I want to take a share, How much does it cost to pay for nothing?"

Wei Sheng groaned, "I am afraid that the company will have to make a detailed report, which is not something I can estimate, but if Mr. Wen really wants to get involved, I can make an oral agreement with you. It is considered that Rebirth International and the Chinese group have reached a consensus, and the remaining details are handed over to the following negotiations."

Wen Yan stared at Wei Sheng now, full of admiration.

He really took it.

I thought that Wei Sheng would not be frightened and stage fright, but she never expected that she would dare to talk to her father and second uncle while sitting at this table. Earlier, she said that her wish was to do business. Wen Yan heard how absent-minded at the time. Now it seems that he has more abilities than himself.

Just hearing it like this, I feel that Wei Sheng is a figure that can be mixed in the business field.

At least now, her father has been told by her, and even the appreciation in her eyes has never been for Wenyan's previous friends.

Second Uncle Wen looked at the ruddy-faced Wen Yonghe father and son, then glanced at Wei Sheng and said with a smile, "It's not a small tone. Rebirth International is planning to establish a sports company. How can you make an investment by then? Make an oral agreement with you. Even if you reach a consensus with your company, Wen Yan, is your little girlfriend capable of her voice?"

This was a bit of disdain, and it seemed to be aimed at Wenyan. Although he was joking, Wen Yonghe frowned. He covered for his son, "Wenyan’s friends are not all unreliable, I think Li Yang, who is a magazine agency, hasn't gotten into trouble now?"

Wen Yan opened his mouth, and finally pressed his lips and did not speak. He was used to the elders in the family who would use him to make friends with friends and friends, Huahua Dasao, to ridicule a few words, implying that he was unsuccessful, and this was also his unwillingness to return to this indifferent home. The reason is.

In his opinion, if he doesn't come back, he at least wants his parents to suffer less sarcasm on the table.

Maybe it's just a pure evasive mentality, no matter how much it is.

Wenyan's mother also said with a smile, "Moreover, I heard this girl speak quite well, but it doesn't seem like she is talking nonsense. It sounds reliable."

Wei Sheng glanced at the second uncle of the Wen family, then looked at Wen Yonghe and said with a smile, "Mr. Wen also said just now, now the star racers of the team will directly face the sponsors. Don't dare to go crazy about this and throw out what you say. The owner of the team can still do it."

Wen Yan answered from the side at the right time, "Moreover, the General Administration of Sports is planning to open a racing school. Wei Sheng has been invited to serve as the chief instructor. She is now an absolute leader in the industry, and what she said is well-founded and will not be nonsense."

Everyone in the Wen family was surprised. Someone asked, "This kid hasn't graduated from college yet, right?"

Wen Yan said, "The same year as me."

Wen Yan's mother shook her head and said, "Look at how other people's children teach it."

Wen Yi couldn't help but interject, "But according to her, this project needs to be involved in less than 100 million yuan of investment. Just now, the uncle also said that once there is a problem in the middle, there will be no opportunity for hedging. We need to participate. Such a gambling game? With the current background of Chinese people, there is no need to accompany anyone to play heartbeat, and it is most beneficial to expand steadily."

As soon as this statement came out, other people on the desktop whispered to each other in their agreement. What I just heard was eloquent, which also aroused some people's interest, but calmly pondered this matter. This matter really needs to be considered. Once you participate, the amount of money invested It's huge, it can't even be stopped by hundreds of millions.

Wen Yan couldn't help but curled his eyebrows, feeling a little anxious. He had to say that Wei Sheng, as a friend he brought, was recognized on the table and made him bright. If he can really promote this investment cooperation, then he can be regarded as his own father. Showed back.

Now Wen Yi's words seem to have the possibility of terminating the conversation and even overturning all the previous results. Some of them prevent him from coming to stage, and he thinks that Wei Sheng may also feel unable to come to stage.

But he didn't understand it very well and couldn't speak.

At this time, the old man Mungyeong who had not spoken all the time spoke up, and the others couldn't help but quiet down.

"Currently, capital operations and venture capital are mostly analogies. They look at projects and rely on eyesight. She is right. However, as far as I know, the domestic F1 market channels are still too fragile. It’s impossible, but there is still a long way to go. Wouldn’t it be tied to the same boat by Rebirth International if the Chinese are now involved? How many years of risk will it take to get the reward? I dare not say how many intermediate variables, and Rebirth International does not dare to say ."

The words of the old man of the Wen family suddenly realized that, Wei Sheng also nodded with a smile. It is no wonder that the old man is a figure who can easily dance on the tip of a knife.

Wen Yan's heart sank, knowing that Grandpa was expressing his position, and he was not optimistic.

Wen Yonghe also sighed slightly, the second uncle of Fang Wenjia suddenly smiled, and his son Wen Yi slowly turned his head to hold the teacup, as if he had won another battle on this table without gunpowder smoke.

Who knows, after Mr. Wen said this, he stared at her with shining eyes and said, "I have always been curious about what this Xiaowei from Rebirth International is always like. Investing in several industries at a young age seems to have many big branches. In fact, you have a keen sense of smell and all of them are accurate. In terms of investment gains and losses, you are much more accurate than my old man! If you change to someone else, I won’t be on this boat, but if you take the lead, I would really like to try the old man’s one. The heart still doesn't beat."

Wei Sheng sat opposite and looked at the old man Wen Jia. It turned out that the old man had already known his identity.

She nodded and said with a smile, "The old man is showing love, but he is disrespectful. But whether to invest in the team or not is a trivial matter. I am here today. There is a more heart-beating business. If the old man is interested, I will move after dinner. I want to be alone with you. Talk."

Everyone else was stunned, and let's not mention what the old man said just now. If you dare to come over today, it is still a trivial matter to invest in the team?

Wen Yan also looked at Wei Sheng in surprise.

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