Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 374 - The Assassination

374. The Assassination

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

When Fang Shuoyang went to the palace, Shi Qingzhou did not sit idle in the mansion.

Although he didn’t think that Emperor Zhou would blame Fang Shuoyang, he had to prepare for the worst, just in case.

If Emperor Zhou took the opportunity to hold Shuoyang responsible, some preparation was necessary.

Therefore, Shi Qingzhou had been busy at home.

However, his preparations were not needed, for Fang Shuoyang came back.

When he came back, even Shi Qingzhou was relieved.

The two of them entered the secret chamber. “Emperor Zhou didn’t make things difficult for you?”

“No.” Fang Shuoyang sighed with relief. “I’ve braced myself for that, but he was more furious with Tianxiang Zi. Besides, I think he will focus on screening the people in the palace.”

Shi Qingzhou nodded. “That’s good.”

“We’ve set a trap for Tianxiang Zi, who would get us into big trouble if she isn’t killed by Emperor Zhou right on the spot.”

Fang Shuoyang said.

Shi Qingzhou thought about it and said. “Then let’s help Emperor Zhou kill her.”

Fang Shuoyang took a deep breath. “You are right. Even if we can’t kill Tianxiang Zi on the spot, we must at least make sure that she doesn’t get caught by Emperor Zhou.”

Shi Qingzhou nodded. “Let’s wait and see.”

Fang Shuoyang thought for a moment and said, “Perhaps... I can suggest to Emperor Zhou that we turn her trick into our own use.”

Shi Qingzhou paused for a moment before he nodded. “That can do.”

“That’s right. Tianxiang Zi definitely doesn’t know that I have turned her in. This can work, but I have to ask for Emperor Zhou’s permission.”

“Right, but don’t go today. Tomorrow you should openly go to Emperor Zhou using the excuse of business, and then bring this up. You just mention it. It’s still up to him,” Shi Qingzhou said rationally.

“Okay, I understand,” Fang Shuoyang nodded immediately.

The next day, Fang Shuoyang used an excuse of discussing business and went to Emperor Zhou.

He suggested turning Tianxiang Zi’s trick into their own use. Emperor Zhou was silent for a while, and then he agreed. He even discussed with Fang Shuoyang how to proceed with the plan.

After Fang Shuoyang left, Emperor Zhou let out a long sigh.

His fourth son had been performing well since he came back, but it was a pity that...Emperor Zhou didn’t continue to think about it, resuming his work.

Finally, it was Emperor Zhou’s birthday.

Fang Shuoyang and Shi Qingzhou left home for the imperial palace early in the morning.

Someone came to Zhou Suye’s mansion in the morning.

Zhou Suye met him.

After exchanging the usual pleasantries, Zhou Suye asked, “Brother Qin, what have you come here for today?”

“Well...” Qin Xiong looked around and hesitated.

Zhou Suye immediately dismissed the people around him.

“Brother Qin, please go ahead.”

Qin Xiong nodded. “All right, I’ll just say it.”

After he spoke, he thought for a while, as if he was pondering how to put it, and then he said, “Brother Suye, you are the Fifth Prince now and your status is extraordinary, but you are still my brother. Therefore, there is something I have to tell you.”

“Brother Qin,” Zhou Suye said solemnly, “You are my brother and my good friend. Although I am a prince, this definitely doesn’t affect our friendship.”

“You’re right. I was thinking too much.” Qin Xiong took a deep breath and said in a subdued voice, “I will say it directly. Brother Suye, do you know Tianxiang Zi?”

“Tianxiang Zi?” Zhou Suye is slightly startled. He had never heard of this person. What was wrong?

Qin Xiong said softly, “Tianxiang Zi is the apprentice of Qinghuo Master.”

“What? Qinghuo Master?” Zhou Suye was startled. Of course he knew about Qinghuo Master. “What is it about Tianxiang Zi?”

“Tianxiang Zi might assassinate the Emperor today.” Qin Xiong said in a low voice.

“What?” Zhou Suye was shocked. “How come? Brother Qin, are you serious?”

Qin Xiong said softly, “In fact, I’m not sure, but judging from the places that Tianxiang Zi has visited, and the people she has come into contact, she’s very likely to do this! I don’t dare say that I‘m certain of it, but...I personally think it is very possible.

Therefore, Brother Suye, I take the risk to remind you.”

“Brother Qin, I’m deeply grateful for your kindness!” Zhou Suye said seriously. “This matter is very important, so Brother Qin, I like to know more details.”

“Okay, I’ll tell you.” Qin Xiong nodded. “It’s like this. A few days ago...”

Qin Xiong told him everything he knew.

He left nearly one hour later.

At this hour, Zhou Suye needed to rush to the imperial palace or it would be too late.

Zhou Suye stared at his palms with an inscrutable look, and then let out a long sigh.

Although Zhou Suye was late for the court, he said that he had overslept.

Emperor Zhou only asked him to pay attention next time.

Today was Emperor Zhou’s birthday, and he was in a good mood.

He felt good especially when he was waiting for the assassins to come.

Only heaven knew why Zhou Suye concealed the news that there might be assassins today.

When the Eastern Darkness was preparing for Emperor Zhou’s birthday celebration, Long Xiaoyuan was rushing on his way to the border.

The destination was not far away for they had been travelling day and night.

This day Long Xiaoyuan felt since he got up a dull pain in his head due to the hurried journey.

Frowning, he continued his journey.

However, by noon, he felt more uncomfortable. He touched his forehead. It was too hot.

He was sure that he had a fever!

How miserable! Didn’t his physical constitution get exceptionally good with the Golden King Insect?

“Master.” Noticing that something was wrong with Long Xiaoyuan, the Shadow Guardian supported him when he was falling, and took him off the horse.

Wang Shu was taken aback. “Brother Lin? What’s the matter with you?”

Long Xiaoyuan smiled bitterly. “Calamity! I’m having a headache.”

Wang Shu hurriedly asked, “What is going on? Did you catch a cold?”

Long Xiaoyuan nodded with a bitter smile. “Maybe, the headache is killing me.”

Wang Shu’s heart skipped a beat. “We are in the middle of nowhere. Should we continue or go back?”

“We definitely can’t go back.” Long Xiaoyuan said immediately, “It’s not far from the border. How about this? Let’s continue our journey. When we arrive at the town, the Shadow Guardian stays with me and I’ll rest there for two days. You go to the army of Tianlong Dynasty with my letter.”

“Okay,” Wang Shu immediately agreed.

After half a day, they finally reached a town.

Shadow Guardian took Long Xiaoyuan to see a doctor while Wang Shu set off on his own.

After checking in an inn, Long Xiaoyuan took his medicine and fell fast asleep.

On this night, the cups were going gaily round in the imperial palace of the Eastern Darkness. The emperor’s birthday banquet had begun.

The ministers were all offering blessings, and the dancers were performing, which attracted everyone’s attention.

Right at this moment, an accident took place!

One of the dancers jumped into the air, as if she was taking a dancing move, but she sprinkled a large amount of powder in the air!

When the powder was sprinkled down, everyone was shocked. Suddenly, some people screamed in pain.

It turned out that the powder was highly poisonous.

When the dancer jumped into the air, she directly blew the powder with her internal strength, so many ministers fell victim and screamed.

As some ministers screamed, the guards reacted.

In fact, these guards reacted very quickly.

They all went in front of Emperor Zhou and formed a circle, drawing out their sabers. Suddenly, there was a fragrance in the air.

The fragrance was actually from the guard’s sabers.

As the fragrance transmitted in the air, the screaming ministers seemed much better.

“Father! Are you all right?” Zhou Suye was sitting not far away from Emperor Zhou, and he hurriedly rushed over.

Fang Shuoyang did not come over, but he looked at the Emperor with concern.

Emperor Zhou met Fang Shuoyang’s concerned eyes and nodded slightly.

If it were not for Fang Shuoyang’s reminder, the consequences of the assassination today would be too ghastly to contemplate.

The dancer was rushing over. As she moved, she sprinkled another handful of powder.

At this moment, the guards quickly formed an array and leaped upwards together with a huge tarpaulin, which wrapped up the powder. The powder that fell from the air was blocked by the guards, and did not cause much damage even if it was not completely wrapped up!

This dancer was Tianxiang Zi.

She saw that the powder didn’t work, knowing that something went wrong with the assassination today.

At this moment, a few people among the guards nearby suddenly attacked the people around them.

Although there weren’t many guards, there were six.

The six people attacked together and caused severe casualties to the guards around them.

However, Tianxiang Zi wasn’t happy because she realized a problem.

She seemed to have fallen for a trap!

Logically speaking, Emperor Zhou should have drunk the poisonous wine.

The poison was personally fed by Fang Shuoyang!

She had watched him do that.

However, Emperor Zhou obviously showed no signs of being poisoned!

Tianxiang Zi looked coldly at Fang Shuoyang, who jumped up.

“Capture the assassins!”

The guards were fighting with the assassins, and they fought more ferociously when they heard the order...

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