Rebirth As a Fatuous and Self-indulgent Ruler

Chapter 329 - Satisfying Progress

Chapter 329. Satisfying Progress

Translator: Storm in a Teacup

One day, Fang Shuoyang and Xu You moved into their “new” house.

Fang Shuoyang felt nothing. Xu You clucked at the big mansion prepared for the prince.

“That’s very generous. It’s a luxury house.” Xu You said, curling his lips.

“So it is.” Fang Shuoyang looked at him and said.

“Are many of those who live here working for other people?” Xu You asked with a low voice.

“Yes.” Fang Shuoyang nodded and asked, “Why? What do you think?”

“Nothing, I have no thoughts. I know what I am capable of, which does not include getting rid of others’ men.” Xu You said, blinking his eyes.

“Don’t say that.” Fang Shuoyang frowned. “You are not incompetent. You can do anything you want. Just give orders and someone will do it for you,” he said.

“Oh, I’m just saying it.” Xu You blinked.

Fang Shuoyang, “...”.

Then, the butler came over and said that more hands could be hired on the open market, including the manager, menservants, and maidservants.

“Okay, it’s up to you. But I’ll go and see in person.” Fang Shuoyang nodded casually.

“Yes, master.” The temporary butler accepted the order and went back.

The butler was very efficient. Those who applied all came the next afternoon.

He gathered all the people in the front yard and then asked Fang Shuoyang to come.

Fang Shuoyang was talking with Xu You when he was informed, and he went over immediately

There were about thirty people gathering in the front yard.

All of them came for a job. But only half of them could stay, even fewer.

Fang Shuoyang needed to select staff in person.

The selected could be his trusted followers if they were not from other forces.

Any superordinate must have his own loyalists.

Xu You came with Fang Shoyang and stood aside, seeing how he picked.

At that moment, Xu You felt being watched in a familiar way.

He looked into the direction and paused.

He looked into one person’s eyes, who made him feel acquainted. He almost blurted that out, “My eldest brother!”

The man was definitely his eldest brother.

Xu You’s heart beat rapidly at once.

His brother wanted to get to them in this way?

That was so exciting and risking.

Xu You had been uneasy. But somehow, Xu You calmed down when Fang Shuoyang was recognized as a royal member.

Fang Shuoyang also found Long Xiaoyuan and those with him when picking staff.

But he was much more unperturbed than Xu You.

In the end, only twelve of more than thirty could stay after several selections.

Long Xiaoyuan, Shi Qingzhou, and Yingfeng were included among the selected.

Fang Shuoyang took all the twelve for the final round of selection.

People selected would follow Xu You and Fang Shuoyang closely.

No one, not even the butler, knew how he selected except for the twelve.

Five were left with Fang Shuoyang and the other seven were handed over to the butler after one hour.

It was visible that Fang Shuoyang was to develop the five into his loyalists.

The other seven were servants of the prince mansion at best.

They could become trusted followers if they performed well, and if they don’t...

Then they would only be ordinary servants.

Though feeling bad, the seven made up their minds to work hard, so as to impress their master.

Obviously, Fang Shuoyang got a good eye at picking people.

Instead of being jealous of the selected, the seven decided to perform well so that they could be valued.

Fang Shuoyang gave a speech to the five trusted followers standing in front of him.

He let three of the five out to work and left the other two.

When there were just two of their own, Fang Shuoyang immediately bowed down to Long respectfully and said, “my brother.”

“Shuoyang, you are a prince now.” Long shook his head.

“You are Xu You’s old brother, also Fang Shuoyang’s forever.”

Fang Shuoyang called himself Fang Shuoyang, not Zhou Shuoyang, which meant that he saw himself as Fang Shuoyang sincerely.

He grew up in Tianlong Dynasty, and he certainly belonged there.

“Okay, Fang Shuoyang. I’m happy you said that.” Hearing that, Long laughed.

“I’ve missed you so much!” Xu You jumped on Long.

Long held him and stepped back a little.

Boy, couldn’t you see that the other two squinted their eyes?

One is your lover and the other is my lover. Do you want me to die?

“Em, Xu You, I miss you, too. Has Fang Shuoyang teased you during this time? If he did, talk to Shi, who will stand up for you.”

Long pushed Xu You towards Shi while talking.

“Is this Brother Shi?” Xu You was a little surprised and asked.

Fang Shuoyang was surprised too. He only knew that Long was there, but absolutely had no idea that the empress of Tianlong Dynasty was also there.

He let two of them stay because Long suggested him.

Fang Shuoyang thought the other man was just a Shadow Guardian, but didn’t expect it was Shi.

He was quite astonished.

“Yeah, it’s me.” Shi responded slightly, “long time no see, Xu You.”

“Ah, it’s really you.” Xu You was glad to see Shi.

He was so happy that he almost jumped on Shi. But this time Fang Shuoyang grasped his wrist subtly. “It’s okay that you feel happy, but don’t scare other people.”

“Oh, okay. Got it. I didn’t mean it.” Xu You felt sorry and stuck his tongue out.

“Brother Shi.” Fang Shuoyang looked at Shi.

Shi nodded,“We come to you in this way to avoid much attention. Besides, there is some plan about to start that you should know.”

“Plan?” Fang Shuoyang paused and then said, “go ahead.”

“You tell them.” Shi looked at Long and said.

“Okay.” Of course Long agreed. He could say it since his Qingzhou didn’t want to.

He explained their plan in detail, including the matter of Wang Qi, also known as Wen Zhongyuan.

“Wen Zhongyuan?” Fang Shuoyang noded, “I didn’t know about his family. But we can collaborate with him if Lord Zhou is his mortal enemy.”

Long nodded, “Yeah, his family has been here for generations, with stronger foundation. It’s feasible.”

They had a long conversation in the study.

It’s time for meals when Long and Shi went out.

Long, Shi and Yingfeng ate together.

When they finished, they changed shifts so that the other two of five could had their meals.

The five now became Fang Shuoyang’s loyalists and all had some knowledge about martial arts. Of course they were trained to the utmost.

The other two were also good, who applied for the guard job. Fang Shuoyang valued them and put them around him. The two and Fang Shuoyang would swim or sink together.

Actually, Fang Shuoyang let them stay after deep consideration.

Their family backgrounds were simple. They were both loners.

So they had no burdens and would serve better in the prince’s residence.

Those who had families were easy to control. It was inconvenient when they executed tasks with concerns.

Anyone could control them.

Long, Shi and Yingfeng would leave sooner or later. But staying in the unfamiliar dynasty, Fang Shuoyang needed his own forces.

The two thought that Fang Shuoyang attached more importance to the other three.

Little did they know that it was the two of them who were really valued.

But they still felt lucky and grateful and decided to display utter loyalty.

“The food here is not bad here.” Long commented while eating.

“Yeah, it’s good.” Shi nodded.

“Zhou, try the beef.” Long took some beef to Shi’s bowl with chopsticks and said.

Li Zhou was Shi’s pseudonym.

Long’s was still Lin Yuan.

It’s okay to continue to use that name because it wasn’t exposed when being with Wang Qi.

“How is it? Delicious?” Seeing Shi finished the beef, Long smiled and asked.

“Not bad.” Shi nodded.

“Beef is under the government’s control. It’s good enough to offer trusted guards beef here.” Long said.

Shi agreed. “We’ll relieve the other two.” Long looked outside and said.

“Okay,” Shi said, “We are going to take actions tonight.”

“Eh? We?” Long blinked and asked.

“Yes, Wang Qi and other people are doing something else.” Shi nodded.

“Okay. Except for the resources Wang Qi have, those who were persuaded are also bargaining chips.” Long said with a nod.

“We chose those people on purpose. They can influence the safety of Imperial City when they are linked as a web.” Shi said with a smile.

“Yeah, comparing with high-ranking officials, the gatekeepers are more practical and easier to control, aren’t they? But we need to be introduced to them.” Long laughed, too.

“We need those officials to argue back and forth.”

They talked and were satisfied with the present progress.

After meals, Ying Feng, the Shadow Guardian, went to do other things while Long and Shi relived the other two trusted guards.

In the prince’s residence, except for the five people Fang Shuoyang selected,

there were guards who were distributed to the prince.

But it’s remains to be discussed how many of them can actually be trusted.

With Long and Shi being there, the guards who were untrustworthy wouldn’t end well.

Those who sent people there thought everything would be fine. But Fang Shuoyang would give them a big “surprise” soon.

Or a scare, more precisely.

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