Rebirth and Second Chances

Chapter 217: Midsummer's Night Dream

Chapter 217: Midsummer's Night Dream

Ishaan and Hiran were safe for what came next. They were children and Fairy treasured its children. They would enter Sleep similar to what the Gods had embraced and would stay safe until the Revel had run its course. They would wake safely after this night's events, their dreams filled with childish exploits that would synthesize and build memories for them creating the life experiences they would have gained growing up as Kelpie children.

It wasn't brainwashing, not exactly, but it skirted the line. The memories they would gain from their Dreams would take on a weight and reality that their lives as Hindu children couldn't withstand. Perhaps if they had been older that might have been different, but they were just entering the toddler phase, barely having taken their first steps.

Their innocent and still forming cultural identity had yet to coalesce. And the dreams didn't touch on personality. They would remain the people they were going to grow up to be. They would just have the same instinctive knowledge of what being Kelpie entailed.

We had only needed five people to initiate the ritual and claim this parcel of land for Fairy, but the Revel would not be contained or denied its pound of flesh. King Teigh had been aware of this so had made plans. Fairy pulsed, beckoning, enticing any Sidhe on the planet to come, to answer the call of Fairy and rejoice as the Wild Magic expanded.

Because we had known this would happen, Lord Clive had stationed people, thousands more than were part of the embassy to gathered. King Teigh had generated a quest looking for volunteers who would be willing to relocate to Derva and make their new lives in the Sithern that would unfurl once the seed was planted. Thousands had answered the quests call and were waiting for the transformation to take place. Waiting patiently, blocking any traffic near where Fairy would grow.

For a few Sidhe that were already on the planet, those not willing to embrace the debauchery that was part of Revel, they had used the Portal to return to Talahm until the festivities had ended. King Teigh had managed to send almost a thousand other Sidhe by offering increased fertility as the quest reward. For those people, that even with the increase in fertility that the Tuatha de Danaan faction offered, were still having problems conceiving a child this was a rare opportunity.

The summoning of Fairy had been done using blood. But the creation, the anchoring of that realm required more, it required the spark of creation that could be found with orgasm and the miracle that the creation of life promised. The ritual was an instrument of fertility, blessed by every fertility God and Goddess that were part of the Tuatha de Danaan Pantheon, and that blessing would see those who embraced the revel lost to hedonistic delights for one fruitful night.

It was an honor to be in attendance when Fairy grew, and the Gods and Goddesses blessed those in attendance with fecundity. Conception was so high as to approach one hundred percent. There would be many children created and born after this night, and Saanvi was now Sidhe, a changeling with a new body brimming with the essence of Fairy.

She was guaranteed to become pregnant this night. If she had bothered to share with me her plans, I would have warned her, but she hadn't, and the consequences of that would have to be borne by her. King Teigh had not just sent Seelie or Unseelie to this Revel. Goblins, Slaugh, Selkie, and Hag would grace this event. Which meant that the energies used to give life to her yet to be borne child could come from anyone, any shape of Sidhe.

As the music of Fairy began enticing those that had gathered to drop whatever inhibitions they may have had, the drink flowed, and the food enticed. A meal created by Fairy, enchanted to further free the people in attendance from moral idiosyncrasies that sex between Seelie and Unseelie might have caused. We would embrace the primal aspect of Nature that was ours by right of birth, and we would rut, with no regard to form, attraction, or faction as long as Fairy held sway.

There was nothing I could do to protect or warn her now. She had made her choice, and this night would see her a full member of Sidhe. She was considered an adult and was not exempt from the hedonistic delights that were even now beginning. She would not Dream, but she would embrace the dream, taking her place as a character in tonight's midsummer night play.

Damara, Damona, Epona, Nantosuelta, Onuava, Rosmerta, each a Goddess of Fertility. Their power and blessings as intricate a part of Fairy as the Wild Magic, volunteered Their Power during each Revel. They would cede the gift of orgasm that was Theirs by right, to compliment the gift of blood we had given during summoning.

As Fairy beckoned to those that could hear, the siren demand for animalistic mating became a pounding rhythm that pulsed with each beating of the heart, unable to be ignored or denied. The energies of sex and blood would combine, join the physical with the metaphysical, and give Fairy dominion over this area. We had defined the limits as we embraced ritual by using the cardinal positions as the boundary. But the birth of Sithern offered Fairy so much more than those boundaries could limit.

Reality would fold and unfold.

What was and what would be, would be revealed.

The Universe for all the breadth and power that could be found across that wide expanse, bent to the Power of Fairy for this one night.

Those Sidhe within reach of the siren call of Fairy responded, entering the now claimed land and the newly birthed Sithern. All inhibitions and biases were forgotten in a frenzy as each person became drunk on the fragrance of wildflowers and woodland that was released. Fairy gifted a mead so potent that one sip was able to ignore our famed regenerative and healing abilities to induce drunkenness. A gift of joy, nature's bounty offered to any that would answer Fairy's call.

I lost track of Saanvi as the pulsing demands of Fairy ensnared me, no longer caring how she would react to the orgy that was forming. A gentle rain began, as I lost myself to sexual congress. Danu's gift, each drop of rain, an aphrodisiac that instilled potency and longevity.

My sexual release required both physical action and a metaphysical connection. Those gathered released aura's that had been tightly controlled, that part of our soul that could bind and intertwine with another.

The Sidhe were capable of producing children in two different manners. The physical where pregnancy occurs, and a child is eventually born, and the spiritual where souls share a joining where the sharing together of our higher forms ignited the spark to give life to a new individual.

As bodies met and began writhing in sexual delight, sexual partners changed and reformed based more on location than preference. Sidhe were functional bisexual, choosing heterosexual mating in most instances, but with no stigma attached when the same gender met in the orgy. There was no stigma attached, no matter the pairing that formed this night.

Pleasure and pain became part of the night's delights. Pleasure so intense it became pain. Pain so stimulating it became pleasure. It was impossible to tell the difference as sexual partners changed frequently. The mead, food, and music only increasing the intensity and sensuality of the event.

There was copious amounts of semen and blood spilled as the revel progressed. The Slaugh were equipped with a bone spur that was triggered during sexual release, an adaption of their reproductive equipment. The spur served a purpose for their people, if enough damage was done during sex, the bodies regenerative magic would be focused on that area, giving an increased boost to fertility.

Size was irrelevant, the magics involved allowed body parts to stretch or shrink so that intercourse was possible across species. The towering height of Redcaps could breed just as easily with the diminutive Aziza as any other combination. And the spurs of the Slaugh that would have torn a person apart was able to be accepted by men and women no matter their species.

For me, the night was an unending blur of debauchery as I sheathed myself in one person after another, rarely taking time to enjoy the food and drink that was offered. Occasionally, I would transform, engaging in intercourse after each shift as both horse and serpent. Kelpie were well renowned for their stamina and endurance but blessed by the magics of Fairy, even our natural abilities were enhanced beyond anything that we could normally expect.

Women, Men, Slaugh, Redcap, Knocker. I thought I remembered encountering Saanvi once or twice. The person didn't matter, what mattered was that we had whispered an entreaty to Fairy, and it had responded. It would answer our call, allow itself to be confined and tamed, but it demanded its due. And a night of depravity, a night that we would remember as only vague shadows of possibilities and dreams was a small price to pay for Fairy's gift.

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