RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 465 Full Retreat

"Hold the line!" The dragonic king yelled out. He was still holding on strong. He only had to worry about the massive area spells that the dying reglios would suddenly cast. "Keep your flames going! I do not care if you have to turn your shit into fuel, just do it!"

"Seems like you are having a hard time here." A voice came from the dragonic king's side.

"Are you a fucking idiot!? Isn't it clear to see that I am having major issssssssssssssss-why the fuck are you here!?" The dragonic king's eyes went wide as he saw Blake standing in the air next to him.

"Well… I am here to keep you from losing any more of you people. You see…. You are making a few mistakes right now. First, you are casting large shadows on the ground below with these massive bodies. Second, to kill the reglios, you need to use large scale magic attacks to wipe out the entire area. Third, you are letting your people die, which is allowing them to collect the dead's souls and only helping them with their plans.

"So I am here to assist in three things. Making a truce that will move your forces to Destiny city to fight against a common foe. Evacuating the rest of your soldiers to Destiny City, so they no longer have to give up their lives for no reason. And finally, killing every last reglios here to try to cut down on their breeding capabilities.

"You see, with every attack on my city your clan has done, you have allowed these reglios to grow stronger and reproduce at an astounding rate." Blake made sure to bring up their failed attempts to take Destiny City.

"If you can really get rid of the enemy, then I will agree to anything." The dragonic king replied. He was already relying on them to help his own kin. There was no reason not to rely on him for more. It was not like he had any other options.

"Your Majesty!" Ancient Hans suddenly appeared in front of the dragonic king in a protective stance. He had felt a powerful being suddenly appearing and quickly made his way over here.

"Stand down. You can't even defeat him if you tried your hardest. This is Blake Harris, leader of Destiny City. He is here to help. We will be pulling out. Blake said he could take care of the reglios for us. But under the condition that we join together to fight against a common foe.

"As you can see, we lost our city as soon as they attacked. This just shows how weak we truly are." The dragonic king was tired. He knew what it meant to join Destiny City. It basically made it so he and his people could no longer find trouble with the city even after they left. But this was much better than having his kin wiped out. "Ancient Hans, please relay my orders. We are on full retreat!"

"As you wish, your majesty!" Ancient Hans gave Blake a grateful look before doing what he had been wanting to do from the start. He did not wish for his clansman to suffer. He did not want them to die needlessly. They were no longer living their past glories. There were times when one had to step down from their pedestal and bow their head.

They had done it before in the past, and they can do it again. It just took a leader that was willing to do so. As long as the leader ordered it, then everyone would follow suit. This was just how it was.

"I will open a gate by the entrance to your palace. And wait there. My people are waiting for you on the other side. Just get in line with the other refugees. Destiny City will not turn anyone away. But be warned, the line is long…." Blake explained before disappearing, not waiting for the dragonic king to reply. The dragonic king held his head for a moment before flying off to provide backup to the retreating line.  He could only trust Blake. He was sick of watching his kin die.

On the reglios side outside the city, a reglios that was much larger than the others stood there with narrowed eyes. "They seem to be retreating… I thought this race was very prideful, but they are actually retreating….. This is not enough. Not even close…."

On the other side of things, Blake had put up a barrier to block any reglios hiding in someone's shadow from being able to pass through the barrier. He wanted to reduce the number of reglios in the refugee line as much as possible. Although he did not know how to kill them instantly with a barrier just yet, but he could still form a barrier with shadow properties that would block shadow based magic.

So anytime one appeared, he would grab them by their head and crush it with brute strength. There was always a pile of headless corpses next to the barrier, causing the dragonic who saw them to pale slightly.

About thirty minutes passed, and the front line was finally approaching. Blake rose into the air and looked at the sea of reglios who were rushing towards them and snorted. He raised his hand, and that same sea of reglios suddenly stopped dead in their tracks. The dragonic king's eyes blinked multiple times, trying to figure out if what he was seeing was real or not. But no matter how many times he blinked, the reglios did not move. It was as if they were frozen.

"What the hell are you doing? Get moving!" Blake yelled out. He didn't stop the reglios for the dragonic king to stare at them.

Snapping out of his state of shock, the dragonic king quickly retreated. Only Anceint Hans remained as he landed next to Blake. "Do you need my help?"

Blake looked at the old man and shook his head. " Nah. Go through and make sure your people do not cause issues for the refugees. First come, first serve, no cutting in line."

"Understood. And. Thank you." Ancient Hans bowed his head slightly before entering the barrier and then into the portal Blake had set up.

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