RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 450 Plans For When They Return

"How do you all feel?" Ishtar asked. She was wondering what the effects of the wine and god slug would be for mortals.

"I feel like I can fight the entire dragonic race with one hand tied behind my back while hopping on one foot," Josline replied as she gripped her fists. She had never felt such a great surge of power since condensing her mana.

"I feel like I can finally put Blake in his place! Hmph treating me like a toy!" Mina flew over and landed on Blake's hair and began pulling on it while shouting: "Take this! And this!"  She was quite drunk.

Blake ignored the little fairy, who was slowly losing her steam as he said: "It is quite a boost. It strengthened the muscles and bones, so we are all much more durable now."

"Yeah, the strength enhancement is quite crazy." Noa couldn't help but feel amazed.

"It's good that it worked as intended." Ishtar smiled. She was glad she could help boost their strength once more.

"Ishtar, can we talk?" Blake stood up and walked into the other room. Ishtar followed him out while the others continued to drink and snack on the other food that had been prepared.

"Blake?" Ishtar was starting to feel a bit worried. She wondered if Blake was going to tell her she could not be with him. Or worse, that she could no longer see him at all.

"Let's head up top side and look at the stars, shall we?" Blake took Ishtar's hand, and all the worries she had brewing up inside her flew out the window. She blushed and let Blake lead the way.

They found a spot to sit and looked up at the stars. Although this place was called the Astral Domain, it still had a proper day and night cycle along with real stars in the sky. Whether it was an actual planet or not was another story. Blake did not know all the details and had not had much time to learn much about this world since coming here.

"Ishtar, it will be a few days before I make you my official wife. Are you okay with that?" Blake asked, breaking the silence between the two.

"Mmm... I can wait as long as you want." Ishtar could not hide her happy smile. Just knowing Blake was accepting her made her want to jump for joy. How long has it been since she felt this way?

"I won't make you wait long. Three days at most. I just wanted to take a few days to spend with the others before bringing you into the family officially." While Blake knew his wives would not mind, he still felt it was best to wait a few days in between and give them some much needed attention.

He pulled Ishtar close and wrapped his arm around her waist, allowing her to lean into him. At this moment, Ishtar knew she had fallen too deep. She could never live without Blake anymore. She cursed herself so much for being like this, but she truly could not see herself with anyone but Blake.

"When I return to my world, are you coming?" Blake suddenly asked.

"Mmm… I plan to make a connection from my palace to your world. I can't do much about the astral energy, but I can at least allow some to flow into a room someplace. It will build up inside and allow you to take it in whenever you want. But I will need to leave once a day to have my daily meetings. I can not leave the people of my region without a ruler." Ishtar wished she could take the entire island to Blake's world, but she couldn't. It had to stay here because the people needed the astral energy to grow stronger.

"Then, when everything is settled here, we will head back to our world." Blake used the word 'our' to reassure her that he was planning to take her along no matter what. He still wanted everyone to take some time in the Astral Domain to get used to their new powers. He did not know how things would work out, but he felt that even if he was able to control Earth with his current powers, he knew things would never work out the way he planned. At least not easily.

Ishtar nodded her head. "It will take a long time to really grow in strength, but you will eventually grow to be very powerful. With the connection to the palace as well, you can send over your kids and wives to the palace to have them undergo their death and rebirth. I will be sure to watch over each one of them."

"It might take a while. I do have many wives and daughters…." Blake scratched his nose. He couldn't help but sigh since it truly seemed like he was a harem protagonist. Or maybe even some kind of lustful king who wants all the hot girls to be his.

"I am quite aware of all of this." Ishtar knew she was in for a ride, but love is blind. Whether he had thousands of wives or not, she had fallen for him and knew what she was getting herself into.

While Ishtar and Blake were enjoying their moment of alone time, Ea was currently sitting down at a large round golden table with ten others. "I have confirmed it. Ishtar created another goddess without them going through the trial.."

"Ea, I know you are a stickler for rules, but if I am not wrong, this goddess got her powers from Loki. Your own underling. Isn't it because you can not control your own people that this was allowed to occur?" An older looking man interrupted. He eyes stern eyes locked on to Ea, causing Ea's brow to twitch.

"Anu, you are the one who set down these rules. Can we so readily break them?" Ea tried to argue, but Anu's eyes stayed locked onto him.

"Ea, answer me this. Are you not acting like this because Ishtar fell in love with a man who looks like you but is not you? Are you not doing this because of your own jealousy? Isn't that why you sent Loki?"

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