RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 421 Strange Dream

"Mama! How could you!" Nanaya was mad. She never thought the first man she laid her eyes on that her mother would act in such a way. She did not care if Blake was weak. He was kind and was even willing to try to save her when he did not have the strength to do so.

"Nanaya, I will not say it again, you are not going to marry such a weakling who can't even protect you! You saw it for yourself he almost died trying to protect the two brats!" Ishtar snorted as she sat on her throne.

"Heh…. This is coming from a woman who failed to marry a weakling herself. What was his name? Right, Gilgamesh, the hero king. He called you a prostitute and told you to scram!" Nanaya yelled back. She was angry, so she was poking at her mother's only sore spot.

"You! You dare to bring that up now over some weakling!? How about I go and kill him and that family of his now!?" Ishtar was angry. The whole palace was shaking, but Nanaya was not backing down. "Good! Go kill him, and then I will dig out my own heart right in front of you!" Nanaya

"You! Why are you acting like this!? Someone come and lock this little bitch up for now!" Ishtar was shaking from head to toe. She had never been threatened like this before. Her only daughter Nanaya was actually willing to die for that damn weakling!

"Hah! Fine, lock me up! Let's see how long this lasts!" Nanaya shook off the palace guards who grabbed her by the arm and said: "I can walk myself!"

Ishtar did not understand. Her daughter had only just met this man, but she was so adamant about wanting to marry him. She waved her hand, and a golden screen appeared in front of her. What appeared within was Blake lying on a bed with two little girls curled up next to him. Seeing such a thing made her eyes soften, but she still did not see what was so good about him.

In another room inside the palace, things were being thrown everywhere. The female servants did not know what to do as they did their best not to become a target. "She called me a bitch! She says the man I like is too weak!" Nanaya was mad. She had never been so mad before, but now. She just did not understand. She did not know why her mother was forcing her like this.

"Princess…" One of the female servants finally spoke up. Her head was bleeding due to being hit by a flying object. When Nanaya turned and saw the bleeding servant, she sighed and waved her hand, healing the servant. "Learn to dodge better next time!"

The female servant bowed her head and repeatedly bowed to Nanaya before quickly moving back to the wall where she was to be stationed. As for Nanaya, she was biting the tip of her thumb. She had to figure out a way to get her mother to approve. She knew Blake was weak, but something about him continued to draw her in. She knew he had some kind of charm, but it did not work on her. This was not what was affecting her feelings. Even her mother would have noticed this. But seeing his helpless face as she pulled him around and saw the sights of the city together really left an impact on her. He did not complain. Only when he saw it was getting dark was he willing to part with her, but that was because he had a family to return home to.

But the thing that stuck out the most to her was his final words to her.  'We just met. You do not know me very well. So declaring you want me to be yours is not something you should jump into. And…. I can't just be yours. I have many wives and many children who I love and care for. Where I come from, I have hundreds of thousands of people who depend on me. The lives of my people are also very important to me. Just as the lives of the people living in this city are important to Ishtar and… you.'

He was a man with principles. He did not fall for her beauty like others would. Men would line up to marry her if she said she was looking for a suitor. They would even fight to the death to be with her but this man. He placed his palm on her head and said these words in a gentle tone. He meant every word he said. She knew his family was much more important than her. She knew his people were more important than her. But she could not hide the fact that she felt she wanted to be important to him as well. A man who could easily ignore her beauty and would leave for those he truly loved. If he was not a man amongst men, then who was!? The man her mother tried to seduce only to be called a prostitute!? "Hah!"

She would not have it. She would not allow this man to get away. She left a mark on his body this time when she grabbed his arm so she could keep track of his location. She would give it a few days and let her mother calm down. Then she would bring it up again. But one thing she knew was that unless it was Blake, she would never marry another man!


While Blake slept, he was having a strange nightmare. A girl practically naked with jewels covering her body was chasing after him. And behind her was an evil goddess who was trying to kill him and his family. For some reason, this was all taking place in a bario game where he had to jump over gooombas and other obstacles.

Blake slowly opened his eyes to see his two daughters sitting in front of a magi tv playing bario brothers on a modified nintentoes. He chuckled to himself and placed his arm over his forehead. He now understood why the dream was so weird.

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