RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 415 Astral Domain Part 3

--An) One more on the way!--

A few hours later, Blake had now flown over the forest below. He had spotted many powerful monsters below that gave off a dangerous feeling that made him hope everything would be okay with his wives. While he was worried, he also knew he had no choice but to keep exploring a bit to get a better understanding of his situation. He planned to have his wives inject their mana into him later to see if he could truly tear a hole in time and space to return home. If they could, then this would mean they could leave at any time. He was kind of slapping himself, wondering why he did not do that first. But then again, a part of his was worried that if it failed, he would be letting down his wives.

Blake flew up under the floating island. He went to touch the base of the island only to find that there seemed to be some kind of barrier there. He did not dare touch it in case it would sound of some kind of alarm, but it did allow him to know that there might be something or someone who was on the island itself. With no knowledge of how powerful someone might be in this world, he did not dare to act without discretion.

Blake flew along the base of the floating island to the edge, where he peeked over to see a forest staring back at him. He could also sense powerful monsters here that were even more powerful than the ones on the land below.

Sensing that nothing was too close to him, Blake flew up to one of the trees and climbed to the top. Using the leaves as cover, he peeked out over the forest treetops to see a tall mountain with a castle that seemed to be carved out of the mountain face. In front of that seemed to be an opening in the forest that led up to it. "A town, maybe?"

Blake looked around a bit before deciding to fly forward. He did not know what lay ahead, but he at least wanted to find out what this place was and if he could form some kind of relationship with the people here. To see if they were good or bad. Closing his eyes and firmly making his decision Blake opened them and flew towards the town ahead.

An hour passed, and even at his speed, he had only just arrived. He found that no matter how close something looked, it was still quite far. He wondered if there was some kind of space magic going on as the floating island itself did not look all that big.

When he arrived at the edge of the tree line, Blake inspected the area to see if there were any threats. When he saw nothing that could be considered a danger, he landed at the tree line and made his way toward the town. He quickly found what seemed to be a well traveled road leading toward the town.

Outside the town itself, were fields of farmland. Blake could see golden wheat fields as he walked down a dirt road. There were no signs of people yet, but to see farmlands, he knew that he would sooner or later run into someone.

Sure enough, about thirty minutes later, as he got closer to town, he saw some people on the side working in the fields, cutting down the wheat. They were wearing what looked like rough linen one piece gowns with v necks with belts around their waists. Blake did not know what culture they had here, but it reminded him of some of the ancient cultures from his era's past.

Blake made his way past the people who eventually noticed him and suddenly bowed to the ground. Blake tilted his head in confusion but did not say anything. He did not know if he should speak to these people or not. He did guess that they might be mistaking him for someone else due to his clothing, as it truly stood out.

He walked towards the city or town gates to find two men wearing the same style of clothing as the farmers but with some metal padding on their bodies. In their hands were wooden spears with metal tips. But he could feel that even though these people he had seen so far seemed more like commoners, they were all more powerful than him.

He was hoping he would not end up being captured at this point, but he did wish to make contact to find out where he was. He also hoped he would understand their language. Luckily as he went to walk up to one of the guards to speak to him, he heard the guard shout out. "Halt! State your business!"

Seeing that he could understand the man, Blake bowed his head slightly and asked: "I have no real purpose, but I would like to ask where this is."

"No real purpose?" The guard furrowed his brow and looked at Blake. When he looked at Blake's clothing, he suddenly showed a face of fear as he quickly dropped to the ground. "Please have mercy! I did not realize that your highness Ea  was here."

"Ea?" Blake questioned this name. He did not recognize it. But he did understand that it seemed he was being mistaken for someone of great power. Not wanting to get himself in trouble, Blake said: "Sorry, But I am not this Ea you speak of, so please get up."

"Your kindness holds no bounds. You are truly His High… I mean a man of great stature that deserves the respect of the people." The guard slowly stood up. Blake fully understood this man still thought he was this Ea person. He could only sigh because he did not think he would be able to explain the situation.

"Umm… Thanks…. So can you tell me where I am?" Blake asked. He just wanted to get an understanding of the situation.

"Of course, this is the city of Ishtar. Named after the goddess of these lands, Ishtar, the goddess of love. Which resides in the Astral Domain."

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