RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 410 Fusion Magic Part 1

"Papa is busy again today…." Hope was hanging on to Destiny with big round puppy dog eyes. She missed her papa a lot.

"Mmm…. Papa has been doing a lot of work. Mama Noa said that Papa should become free in the next few days." Destiny tried to comfort her sister. She knew Hope loved her Papa a lot.

"Do you think Papa will have a slumber party with us again? Sleeping next to Papa is much better than sleeping with Mamas." Hope asked as she made fish face and played with her toes.

"I hope so!" Destiny liked those slumber parties.

"What are you girls talking about?" A male voice came from behind the two girls.

"We are talking about asking Papa to have a slumber party with us again," Destiny answered without much thought. But her whole body froze when she recognized the voice. She turned to see a handsome, tall man standing there with a big smile on his face. "Papa!"

Hope was the first to charge forward and tackle Blake in his stomach, while Destiny also ran over and hugged his waist. Blake smiled and hugged the two girls. But he had to admit they were starting to grow bigger. He did not know how much longer these slumber parties would still be able to go on. "We can have another slumber party tomorrow, so tell your sisters to prepare for it."

"Okay!" Both girls called out happily.

"PAPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" What sounded like a warcry came from the hall as the sounds of many little feet stomping on the ground as they ran charged at Blake. Blake had to brace himself as he had little girl after little girl jump on him.

"At this rate, I will need to grow a few more arms and legs!" Blake looked down at himself and wondered just how they all found a spot to latch on to. But nonetheless, he looked warmly at these girls and was glad they were all growing up well. But as he looked around, he did not see Joy.

"Where is Joy?" Blake asked.

"She has been locked up in her room since this morning. She said she was working on something. I am not sure what it is." Destiny was the big sister of the group and always checked up on her sisters each day to make sure they were doing well.

"Oh? I wonder what she is doing." Blake was very curious. He walked like a robot down to Joy's room and knocked on the door.

"Just a minute!" Joy's voice came from inside. A few bits of banging were heard before the door opened slightly, and Joy peeked through the crack. But when she saw Blake, her eyes widened and a bright smile formed on her lips as she yelled out: "Papa!" And she also somehow found a spot to latch on to as she hugged Blake.

"Joy, I heard you were doing something in your room," Blake asked curiously.

"Big Sister, you snitched!" Joy pouted. She did not want anyone to know she was doing something!

"I didn't say anything. I just told him you were doing something. Not what you were doing!" Destiny tried her best to defend herself, but when she said it out loud, her cheeks turned red as she lowered her head as she realized her mistake: "Sorry…."

"It's fine. I was actually stuck on something, so I can ask both Big Sister and Papa for help."  Joy really had been stumped on her project. Or more like research. She had been working on the magic of different types trying to come up with other ways to use magic.

She was much more mature for her age, even though she was the same age as some of her younger sisters. Instead of watching the magic vision or going out to play, she had found it quite fun to mess around with certain things like magic equations.

All her sisters, plus her Papa, filed into the room and looked around. Blake was surprised to see that Joy's bedroom had turned into more of a laboratory than a young girl's bedroom.  This also made him realize that he had not been paying enough attention to the girls as of late. He had not even seen the changes in his daughter. Or what their new hobbies were. This made him feel as if he was starting to become a lazy dad.

"So, here is my issue. I am currently trying to fuse ice and fire together, but I get caught up here and here." Joy began showing diagram after diagram of her magic circles. She was self teaching herself the parts she did not understand. She could only do so much since her Mamas did not want to teach her too much since she was so young.

"Hmmm… Fusing fire and ice. Very interesting." Blake was actually quite intrigued. He looked at all the magic circles and could see her progress. She kept a timeline of her first creation all the way up to her last. She was very well organized.

The more he studied her magic circles, the more he realized she was really getting closer to fusing the two spells together. He had no knowledge of a fused fire and ice spell, so he was not sure if such a spell existed or not. He did not even know if it was possible, even if she did come close to it. But he was not going to deter her in the slightest. Instead, he sat down and began going over her magic circles a  few times before falling into deep thought.

After a few minutes, some of the girls left to go play while some others fell asleep while leaning against Blake. Blake, however, was still trying to figure out the last part of the magic circle. After a long time, he could only ask Joy to explain things. "Joy, can you explain things from start to finish? I want to hear your thoughts on which way you were trying to go. It might help in solving this issue."

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