RE: My Dragon Girlfriend In The Dragonic Apocalypse

Chapter 396 Questioning Ancient Tamal Part 1

"I have heard of the battle against the dragonic army that attacked your city. They sent out quite a large force. But it was mostly all made of dragons. This means most of their dragonic soldiers were not present at the time. They have a huge military force. But from what I know, most of them went to the other continents…." The beast king fell into deep thought. It was hard to understand what the dragonic were thinking.

"Now that you mention it…. I guess I will not know unless we ever check the other continents. But to be honest, the other continents do not matter to me. They can do as they please on the other continents as long as they do not bother me."  Blake could care less. "Now, did your beastkin clan also split?"

"No. Besides the elven clan, which only had a small split, the rest of the clans split into a few groups. I think the biggest split was the orc clan. A few orc kings emerged from them, but this is normal." The beast king answered.

"I see… " Blake never really asked much about the other clans from his wives. He knew the dwarf clan had suffered greatly, but he did not know if they had split or not as well. But then again, he never thought this information would be needed at all. The current state of things was in his favor anyways, even if the whole of the dragonic clan did come to start a fight with him.

"At any rate, I think our biggest issues are not the dragonic clan or the other old clans at all. Even the Fairy Tyrant is not really all that important at this time. We need to worry about the fact that millions of undead disappeared without a trace when the ancient tomb opened. And there is the reglios as well." Blake was more worried about these two things than anything else at this time.

"The reglios…." The beast king frowned. "We have run into a few of them. And well, you can say it did not end well. They are truly powerful. To be honest, I would rather fight the dragonic."

"I have run into them a few times myself, and their powers were very strong. But I have not seen them since. The only issue is their ability to enter the shadows of others and objects. They can freely move through them without issue. This makes them perfect assassins and, if used correctly, could cause an entire army of millions to die quickly." Blake explained. He was more worried about this than anyone else. Although with his wives and kids becoming drakani, they had a slight advantage but two of his children would not be able to become drakani. His people also would not become drakani. So they did not have the kind of immortality as the drakani did.

"That is a problem. I know my beastkin clan can not survive an attack of natural assassins if they can hide in one's shadow. Give me a few days to contemplate your offer and speak with my council. I will send Tornack to give you my response at that time. Whether it be yes or no, we will let you know."  The beast king had to consult his council before he could make any final decisions. He did think it would be a good idea to ally his clan with Destiny City, especially with a man like Blake running the show.

"Then I will be waiting for your response. I will be heading back now. I can not leave my city for long. But before I go, I do not know your name." Blake grinned. They had been talking all this time, but the best king still did not tell Blake his name.

"Ah! How disrespectful of me. My name is Frondor. I am what is considered to be a chimera." The best king Frondor replied. He felt a little embarrassed that he had not introduced himself earlier.

"Then, King Frondor, I will be speaking with you again." Blake gave a light bow and said a few words of goodbye before turning to leave.

The trip back home was instant, as Blake only needed to teleport himself along with Tina and Lillia. When they arrived back at the palace, he was instantly pulled into one of the meeting rooms by Clance and Noa. "What's going on?"

"Blake, one of the ancestors from the dragonic clan, has come and has been staying in the city. He seems to not want to leave." Clance scratched her head. She did not know how to deal with the old man.

"Hmmm… Perfect. I have a few questions for him anyway. Can you call him here?" Blake asked.

"Yeah, I think he wanted to speak with you as well." Clance quickly ran off to do as she was asked.

About an hour later, Clance and Ancient Tamal walked into the meeting room. The old man had a shirt on with an anime character and was wearing shorts with anime prints as well as sandals. It made him look like an old man from down south living in a villa somewhere on the beach.

"Ah! So you are Blake…. Wait. You seem to have grown stronger since we last met. Haha! I guess I should expect nothing less of the drakani." Ancient Tamal was all smiles as he sat down. He looked at Blake and felt like any man who could make such a wonderful city was a good man!

"Ahem…. I called you here to ask you a few questions. I am not sure if you are willing to answer or not, as they are about your dragonic clan." Blake was not going to beat around the bush. He wanted to find out if the things Frondor told him or not were true.

"Hmm? Ask away. I do not plan to go back anyway. That place is dark and stinky and boring. I would rather stay here where things are lively. Ah! But don't worry. I had your cute wife put a proper contract on me so I will never cause trouble and will even come to your aid." Ancient Tamal seemed afraid that Blake would kick him out of the city.

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