Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

Chapter 86 Shameless Old Woman...

Ellen immediately did as Chiron had instructed her.

A few minutes later, they were riding on red-horned horse core beasts through the ever-busy clan to the Chief's manor.

Chiron did not have cultivation, even though these beasts were tamed, Elder Ellen was not willing to take the risks. After all, Cored beasts were very proud by nature. they usually did not allow people with lower cultivation than them to ride them.

Chiron rode with Elder Ellen on her red-horned core beast.

In the whole clan, it was popular knowledge that only Elder Ellen had Red-horned Cored beasts. The moment they saw the approach of the cored beasts, many on the roads immediately gave way for them to pass.

"Is that not Elder Ellen of the Healer's Association?"

"Hmmm! yes its her!"

"Damn she is so beautiful. And her chest is so full and...Wait! Who the hell is that riding with her!?" The man looked properly at the eight year old riding with the angel of his dreams.

"Oh! that's the Tamashi. I heard that Elder Ellen took a liking to him as her boy toy."

"WHAT!?" The man's eyes went wide open in surprise, "you mean to tell me that tiny brat is enjoying those melons all alone, all night long!?"

"Probably!?" his counter part answered, "But I also heard that even though he is a Tamashi, he still some how succeeded in Killing a green cored beast."

"He what!?" Those words sounded like a bomb in the man's head, "but that's not possible! a green core beast would turn that boy into mash potatoes in seconds. Even his bones are not strong enough for a green core beast to pick its teeth with."

"That's what I thought too, but have you forgotten that Ganja passed him the greatest forging technique as well as the greatest sword ever made. It was the same sword that cut the iron boulder into two during the cultivators exam."

"Ahh! yes I remember that. Yes! it must have been that sword," the man could not hold it in anymore and sat on the ground. He had given up. "How can one man be so lucky. He was granted such a gift that could easily cut through iron boulders like butter, and then he was blessed with the ability to attract the attention of such a beautiful goddess like Elder Ellen."

The man shook his head, "If I had known, I would have requested the heavens to also make me a Tamashi. Even If I don't get the sword, I still want to get the beauty." The shook his head in his lamentation.

Many of such people gossiped all around as Elder Ellen with Chiron and her maids passed by on their red-horned horse core beasts.

All of them did not know the hell that this eight year old Tamashi had gone through to attain such things.

It was a smooth ride all the way to the Chief's manor.

the moment they got there, the guards in front hurried into the mansion to inform the Chief.

However, a few minutes later, it was not the chief that came out but Elder Joules. The moment she came out, she was surprised by what she saw. The guards had only told her of the arrival of Elder Ellen. They had not told her that Chiron was with the elder.

Then again, they couldn't really be blamed. Chiron regardless of his little achievements was still an eight year old Tamashi. He was an insignificant figure as compared to the Elder.

However, with the continuous progress that Chiron had made, Elder Joules no longer thought of him to be like any of the other Tamashi that had come before him.

Even now, as she looked into his eyes, she could tell that this young boy was far more formidable than some of the guards at her home.

Also, Elder Ellen was known to be a prideful person. Never had she taken the initiative on her own to come to the Chief's manor. Even though she was an external Chief of the clan, there was only so much even the chief could do to her.

In truth, there was nothing the chief could do to her. Even though his cultivation was higher than hers.

The amount of influence she had accumulated for hundreds of years from hundreds of cultivators but within and outside the clan was nothing to frown about. She was truly a formidable woman.

And now, this proud, formidable woman was having Chiron sit with her on the same cored beast. Elder Joules could see the way Elder Ellen held Chiron to her bosom.

It made her frown.

Cultivators of a certain strength were allowed to do as they pleased. It was general knowledge that Elder Ellen had taken a strong liken to this Tamashi boy, but did she really have to flaunt her affection for him at the Chief's Manor!?

Elder Joules suddenly felt disgusted.

one look at her and Chiron could nearly tell what she was thinking. Then again, it was really not his business. He really did not care what happened in their heads unless it concerned his life.

Elder Joules removed her eyes from Chiron. An obviously forced smile appeared on her lips, "Elder Ellen! Good day to you. To what do i owe the pleasure of your arrival?"

Ellen did not smile back at Elder Joules. In her eyes, this little girl was nothing. The only reason she was here was to ensure that Chiron's interest was very well protected.

"I was made to know that my Chiron," she stroked Chiron's hand affectionately with a finger, "won the cultivation tests. Is that true!?"

After Chiron had seen the look that Elder Ellen's maid had given in surprise of the way she addressed him back at Elder Ellen's place, Chiron had instructed that when in public, Elder Ellen addressed him like he was her boy toy. Since the rest of the world already believed it, it was not a problem to continue the acting.

Elder Joules maintained her smile, "Yes! he actually did. Regardless of his lack of cultivation talent, he successfully passed the Cultivation test. I'm sure you are very proud of him."

"Of course I am," she pulled him closer to her chest and even placed a kiss on his forehead.

Chiron instantly knew what was going on. Because he had given Elder Ellen to act the part in public, she was intentionally using this as an opportunity to take advantage of him. Or better still, seduce him.

This made Chiron smile in his heart. He was geneuly impressed by her efforts, however, it was all for nothing. His mind was currently a million times more sensitive to pain and hardship than it was to the touch of a woman.

Elder Ellen did not know this. She had forgotten that this Chiron was the same person that had destroyed the bed in her manor just because it was too comfortable.

He was a man that was only attracted by the hardships that would lead to his growth.

Elder Ellen continued with her shameless behavior. She even slid one hand through his clothes to rub his chest. Slowly, her hand went down his groin area.

She did not know when next she was going to get the opportunity to abuse him like this. It was best she took full advantage of it now.

Even though it was in front of the Chief's Manor, or even though it was in front of Elder Joules. She really did not care. Such shame was something her hundreds of years did not care about as long as it brought her benefits.

Her hand went into his clothes and she even attempted massaging his groin a little.

However, Chiron still kept a straight face.

Even if this woman was going to drop to her knees to present him dedicated service with her body, he would still not be interested. And he would still maintain his straight face.

Elder Joules could not take it anymore. The shamelessness of this old woman was too much to bare.

"Erm... Elder Ellen!" Elder Joules interrupted her, "I take you are here for him to get his reward, right!?"

Ellen paused. Her smile changed to a frown instantly. This woman had just interrupted her when she was getting to the really good part.

"Yes!" she replied, "I'm here to ensure that he gets what he is owed.

"Good! I thought so too. If you would allow him follow me a bit, I would give him the reward that was promised." She turned around expecting Chiron to follow her.

"Elder Joules!" Chiron suddenly spoke, which pulled the attention of both women, "I remember clearly that the winner of the cultivation tests was given the opportunity to choose one herb from the Chief's garden."

Elder Joules turned to him. She had forgotten that was what it was. Her plan was to just pick any low level random herb and give to Chiron. After all, he was an inexperienced little boy. How could he know the quality or the type.

Chiron saw that he had her attention and continued, "If you don't mind, I wish to choose the Herb by myself..."

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