Re-Birth Of A Genius. Creator/Destroyer

Chapter 193: Busy Month

For the next month, many things happened, Sam was really busy.

For starters, the cattle arrived. Just after the farm and the houses were built. The Dragon Hawk tribe also came.

The three thousand people and half of them are kids who are not even awakened yet. They only need normal food, even if they were fed with the spiritual energy filled food, their bodies cannot take it.

This also gave Sam one answer. These people might have beast characteristics but they also have equally human characteristics and mainly the awakening period of fourteen years.

After their houses were constructed, Sam let them stay there. He didn’t talk to them directly not even to the tribal chief who is only a Great mage and an old man.

All their contact was through Marian and he only talked them at their work places and that is to explain their job scope, duty, rules and the salary.

Hundred of them are employed to take care of the cattle. Other than the children most of the people are married and the ladies of the houses are not working.

So, Sam had around 1200 employees who are willing to work for him. Out of 1200 hundred were assigned to the cattle farm and another hundred for the remaining farms.

All the farms have expanded, because, Sam opened a shop in the town and offered a buying point.

No matter how much the beast is damaged, he will buy and he offered another service and that is he would give them all the valuable items of the beast, like leather, fangs, teeth, blood, bones and also some inner organs

Many hunters are not expert at handling these things, but these things are most valuable of all. That is the reason they will not get a high price.

But Sam’s offer was quite good for them. Sam would not only pay them a price for the meat based on the weight, he would also give them the processed materials which they could sell for more price.

For example, a hide of an earthly bear is good for a leather armour, but when a carcass of the earthly bare was sold, it would fetch around 2000 spirit stones if it is a level 2 beast. But if the hide was processed and made into an armour, the armour would cost around 12,000 stones.

So, if the hide was already taken and cleanly processed just ready for the armour to make, the hide will be pricier and will get them at least 4000 stones.

As for meat, normal hunters cannot sell them to a restaurant. The restaurants will mostly rely on a constant supply from an organisation or a supplier who has a team of hunters who will hunt and some restaurants even has farms.

So, individual hunters will always get less. But Sam’s shop increased their income.

Sam trained around fifty dragon hawk members to process the animals and how to take the meat and the rest properly. The meat will be shipped to the farm where there will be stored in the space jades to keep the freshness.

This business has been running for fifteen days.

For the rest of the members, three hundred members are trained for shooting purposes, this is one of the Sam’s new weapons and it would useful for his project security.

For the remaining some, they have to wait till the project was completed.

And within twenty-five days, the construction was over and for another week, there would be duties of the formation tower, inscription tower and pharmaceutical tower. The collaboration with pharmaceutical tower is lesser compared to the remaining two, so their work was easier.

As for the inscription tower and formation tower, they worked for one week to settle everything and after that it was another one week for Sam to complete his things.

As for the rest there are very small finishing touches.

After this month there was a majestic construction in the southern star city.

It was a large hemispherical dome. Except there is a large circular opening on the roof allowing the sunlight.

There are two entrances and one of them is in the front and another one at the back which was only for the staff. The back entrance leads the way towards the residences of dragon hawk tribe and the farms.

There were a few words above the front entrance and that is SAM’S PARK.

From the last fifteen days, Sam and Watt are on a publicity campaign about this SAM’S PARK.

The entry of the park is 1000 spirit stones.

The experience would be worth it no matter what. They can stay in the park for twelve hours with this 1000 spirit stones.

Many people were sceptical for this, but after that there came another news. The first day of the opening was free for everyone to enter and all the experiences except for the food and products are free.

The hype was quite high. Even the people in the slums couldn’t help but hear this.

After everything was set, a day before the opening, Sam met with Hawk and Drew. These two people didn’t know what to do in the business type. All the other team’s businesses were saturated and it is quite hard for them to join the market as they don’t have same money and people like others.

But they are too ashamed to ask Sam for help. At the end they don’t have any chance but seek him.

Sam couldn’t say much and said.

"My project is huge and there would be millions of spirit stones that would come into play. Can I trust you guys?"

Sam asked directly

He didn’t want to put blind trust in any person.

He wanted to make things clear, before getting them involved.

Both of the nodded their heads and assured him.

"Even if you do steal something from me, make sure that I don’t find out. You know the consequences otherwise. My words may sound unpleasant and hurtful but let us face the reality. We are not that close; I am thankful that you guys stayed with me even after the threat of general but that is to return the favour you owed me and one cannot say what would happen if a large amount of wealth is involved."

"We understand."

They both replied.

"Okay, then one of you will supervise the entry and the another one would be in charge of artisan shop."

Finally, after forty days of the initiation of the project, the day of opening finally came.

The city’s population was very huge with millions of people and more than forty percent of them are cultivators.

But the first day of the opening attracted only a little more than 10,000 people. After all, all of them are not that interested in this but this ten thousand people are quite large.

The advertis.e.m.e.nt is only given about the entry fee and the free one-day entry offer nothing more, so this attendance is quite acceptable.

The ten thousand people also didn’t come at the same time, there are only around thousand people in the morning and the word got out from them as more and more people entered and finally by the end of the day the count reached ten thousand people.

The maximum capacity is near fifteen thousand so, it is not bad at all.

After they entered and until they left, they were in constant awe of the place.

The whole park is divided into three zones.

The first one is shopping zones.

The second one is challenges zone

The final one is food zone.

The shopping zone has four shops and they are all from the three towers and Sam’s own weapon shop.

The three towers opened three shops which are like supermarkets.

These three towers have same problem as the artisan tower in the blue flame city. The normal customers would rather buy in small stores than enter the artisan tower.

Because, they feel like bypassing all the security and the formal shopping in the artisan tower is quite troublesome. The normal stores though don’t have this problem stealing the market.

But, now Sam provided a chance to enter the market.

The three towers have exclusive shops with wide array of glass shelves, elegant and mesmerising display and Sam even provided them with the glass bottles, boxes which will make the packing look more elegant attracting the attention.

The inscription tower and formation tower doesn’t have much market in this area, the consumables they can sell are quite small and the custom ones will be ordered in the towers by the customers.

The main advantage of these two towers is from the challenge zone.

The weapon shop of this place was supposed to be a collaboration with the artisan tower but Sam didn’t proceed with that and just opened his own shop.

This shop doesn’t sell many normal weapons. Rather they are selling, calming grenades, pin grenade, hunting traps, and some other methane explosives Sam made and the most important thing is the energy cells and this time there was a custom section open for making the energy cells in the same shape as the customer desired.

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