Ranker's Return

Chapter 68

Chapter 68

Translator: rainbowturtle

Editor: LD & Jyazen

[The stream will start 30 minutes late.]

This was the title of Hyeonu’s live stream. Why did this title appear? It was a tragedy caused by Hyeonu’s excessive greed.

‘I can get 99 in six hours.’

So what happened to his greedy hunting? It was lousy. During the time when he hunted 900 monsters, only 99 items appeared. It was literally excessive greed. After three hours, Hyeonu departed for Latus Fortress and was barely able to reach it by six o’clock. “I’m sorry for being late.”

The moment the stream started, Alley Leader bowed and apologized. There was no problem because the back-stage interviews from the first recording were released, but Alley Leader still apologized for not following the schedule.

-It’s okay. It wasn’t too late.

-It was only one mistake.

-There must’ve been a situation.I endured it this time.

“Thank you. I won’t be late next time.” Alley Leader bowed his head once again.

“Then I’m going to start the second episode of Masked Fighting King. Masked fighters, please enter!!!” Andrea grabbed the microphone once Alley Leader’s words were over. His voice was as charming as always.

“The first fighter is the first female masked fighter—Gorgeous Rose, the Countess’ Hostess!”

A woman in armor reminiscent of a red rose appeared.

“The second masked fighter!! He came from far in the universe! Andromeda Predator!”

The second masked fighter was a berserker from a company that was competing with Quency. The problem was that the level of his equipment wasn’t very high, so his equipment looked cheap and funny. Based on the way he walked, it seemed he didn’t like the way he looked.

-??? I thought this week was different when I saw Countess’ Hostess.Indeed. ? ? ?

-Yes~ It wouldn’t be Masked Fighting King if the clothes weren’t like this.

-? ? ? Really.This is the taste of Masked Fighting King.

Today, the chat room was on fire. The viewers were laughing at Predator’s ridiculous appearance. Then the third masked fighter appeared.

“The third masked fighter!! He has firm legs and a body like stone—Mister Moai!”

Mister Moai, whose entire body was painted in gray to look like the Chilean Moai statues, looked as funny as Predator. However, he seemed to like his appearance and struck various poses.

-If the person likes this, then I’ve figured him out.

-I also know who it is.?????

-Is he acting strange so we won’t notice?Or is he a strange guy who likes it?

-Why are you asking?It is naturally the latter.??????

-Ah, this time it is right.

-Someone in the same class as Hostess has appeared.Golden hands have appeared. (TL: meaning someone with extremely good luck in draws)

The reaction of the viewers, who had been laughing the entire time, changed and became mixed with admiration. It was due to the person who just emerged.

“The fourth masked fighter! He boasts an atmosphere full of romance! Romantic Assassin!”

Wearing a suit and a magician’s hat, he looked more handsome than the MC, Alley Leader. He didn’t look like an assassin but rather a dandy.

-Only two out of 12 people who have come out so far have golden hands.The odds of being lucky is 1/6.

-?? I admit it.If they’re that lucky, they should be able to acquire items easily.

-It seems to be rare or unique every time an item is acquired?

Hyeonu’s expression distorted. If he weren’t wearing a mask, his expression would immediately be captured and circulated around various communities. Hyeonu’s expression changed due to the chat room, where they were talking about acquiring good items. Acquiring rare and unique items every time...His reality was never like this.

‘I want to be like that. I just want a few rare and unique items.’

While Hyeonu was grumbling inwardly, the fifth masked fighter appeared.

“The masked fighter this time...!! The earth—he will protect it! Fly away, Superman!”

-Kuooh...Tears are blocking my vision.

-Why am I more embarrassed?

-Shouldn’t someone hurry and give him a towel?

-We are sharing the embarrassment.

Superman had a familiar appearance in a costume consisting of red underwear, a red cloak, and blue tights. It was a disgraceful costume that the viewers frowned at. Superman walked quickly like he knew it and disappeared from the camera.

“The last masked fighter!!! If Superman can’t catch him, Batman will!!! An American villain! Joker!!!"

Finally, the last masked fighter appeared. It was Joker from the movies, not the one from the playing cards. With torn lips on a face painted white and black paint around the eyes, he was the perfect Joker.

“Let’s begin the great journey in the 2nd episode of Masked Fighting King!”Alley Leader shouted loudly. Then colorful magic filled the sky. “The rules are the same as last time. Therefore, the first fighter to come to the sparring field is Countess’ Hostess!”

Once Alley Leader’s words ended, the female wearing a butterfly mask stepped onto the stage.

“Then if any masked fighter wants to challenge Countess’ Hostess, please come up to the sparring field.”

The moment that Hyeonu finished speaking, one of the masked fighters shot up from his spot. “I’ll challenge you.”

The Hostess’ opponent was Joker.

“Then let’s begin. Go to the designated location and prepare for it.”

At Alley Leader’s words, Joker and the Hostess walked in opposite directions.

“Let’s get started!!!” Alley Leader saw the two people standing in a fixed position and signaled the start of the first match.

[Countess’ Hostess VS Joker]

Countess’ Hostess used a sword that was longer than a usual sword. It was a bit shorter than her height. Meanwhile, Joker held two fairly short swords. They were 30 centimeters long. The Hostess was in the lead when it came to the weapon. Since Joker used short daggers which were shorter weapons, he had to pierce through the gaps in the Hostess’ sword movements to fight a close-range battle if he wanted to win.

Joker knew it was well and rushed to the Hostess. Of course, the Hostess didn’t just watch quietly. She swung her sword toward Joker who was rushing toward her. However, Joker avoided the Hostess’ attacks with dazzling movements. Then he quickly stabbed his dagger at her. His two daggers were fast enough to seem like ten.

Nevertheless, the Hostess was powerful enough to be chosen for Masked Fighting King, and she wasn’t the type to be hit by such clean attacks. So, from then on, Joker started using his skills.

‘Stealth.’ Joker used his skill to hide. He disappeared from the Hostess’ sight and then appeared right in front of her. After that came the next blow!

The Hostess barely managed to move her sword to stop Joker’s strike. Her face would’ve looked flustered if it wasn’t for the mask. Joker’s attack was frustrating to that extent.

‘I was definitely watching him...?’

“So this is how they were all caught.”The Hostess laughed as she reflected on the performers from the last episode. Their actions now made sense to her. She couldn’t hide it. The more she hid it, the more likely she was to be defeated.

‘I can’t help it anymore.’

The Hostess decided to use the skill that symbolized her. Of course, she could’ve hidden it. However, it didn’t make sense to hide it if she would be defeated. Ice started to form on the Hostess’ sword. It was sword energy with the ice attribute.


Everyone knew the name that popped out of Joker’s mouth. Reina, Ice Princess—she was the best female player, 10th in the arena rankings, and the New York Warriors’ captain.

-Crazy!Reina appeared.

-Wow!It seems that Masked Fighting King’s negotiation skills are the best ever.

-Who are the other five?I’m even more curious.

-Two Fists Clenched Tightly is naturally Jin Sijong.

-Yes, he seems to be a good Liru Monk, and the only Liru Monk in the show is Jin Sijong.

‘I have to finish it before Ice Flower comes out.’Joker was also in a hurry.

He had expected his opponent to be ranked, but he hadn’t expected it would be Reina. If the terrifying skills that he had experienced in the arena came out here, it would be his own defeat. This was the best opportunity. He pulled out the attribute of his sword energy.

‘Shadow Slicing!’ Joker’s daggers cut through the air. It didn’t end with a single blow and continued to move.

-Shadow Slicing!!

-I saw it in the stream yesterday.I’m certain.

-Wow, so it’s Reina against Ichino?

Ichino, one of Japan’s most popular streamers—he has a rare class in the assassin tree and was called a ninja because his skills were similar to the ninjas in the manhwas. He wasn’t a professional gamer, but he was within the top 1,000 of the arena rankings. Ichino’s Shadow Slicing disappeared in vain. It was blocked by the ice wall created by Reina.

‘Damn, I wanted to win once.’

Ichino had known through the people around him that Reina would be going to Masked Fighting King. Although he was able to challenge her with confidence, it wasn’t enough. He should’ve won before Reina pulled out her skills. Instead, he had gotten distracted by the desire to compete with Reina and hadn’t kept his composure.

‘I regret it.’ Ichino was filled with regret as he ran toward Reina again.

‘Stealth.’ Ichino used his Stealth skill to conceal his appearance while running. However, Reina had beaten Ichino several times before in the arena.

‘Ice Field.’ Reina’s surroundings started to turn white with frost. The ice crystals formed on the body of the hidden Ichino.

[Player ‘Ichino’ has entered a ‘frozen’ state.]

Ichino got annoyed after realizing that his movements had slowed down. ‘This is a scam no matter how I look at it!’

Ichino released Stealth. Once Ice Field was cast, Stealth was no longer effective. Stealth was only effective when he was invisible. In this state, it was just a skill that consumed magic power. Ichino was weakened. He was an assassin and couldn’t hide from Reina, who was a swordsman. It was just like a goblin in front of an orc. His skills didn’t work against her.

“I’ll surrender.” Eventually, Ichino declared his surrender. He used all his skills except for one trump card, but they failed to inflict any damage on Reina. It wasn’t even due to their opposing natures.

[Countess’ Hostess has won.]

“Yes, both of you have worked hard. Joker, please go down.”

After confirming that the match was over, Alley Leader appeared on the sparring field for the next match.

“Then we’ll take a short break.”

Once Alley Leader’s words were over, mirrors were distributed in front of the masked fighters one by one. It was time for communication.


10 minutes later...

After a pleasant period of communication, the second match began.

“Countess’ Hostess has one victory and will continue to be challenged. Next challenger, please come up!”

However, the masked fighters now knew that the Hostess’ identity was Reina—one of the top 10 in the arena—and were reluctant to go up. They were thinking, ‘I want someone other than me to go up and beat her.’

Then after a few seconds, Alley Leader had almost finished the countdown when someone came up onto the sparring field.

“I’ll challenge you.”

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