Ranker's Return

Chapter 62

Chapter 62

Translator: rainbowturtle

Editor: LD & Jyazen

“Mother.”Hyeonu felt heartbroken when he saw his mother sitting weakly in the middle of the two-patient room. “I told you that I hired a caretaker. Why are you doing this?”

He ran in and grabbed his mother’s hand.It had only been a few months yet her hands felt rougher.

“How can I spend that money? How are you making money?”

“I paid off some of the debt today. Based on this, I can pay it all back within a year. So please, Mother...”

Hyeonu’s mother patted her son’s back silently. “I understand, Hyeonu. The caretaker can start next month.”

‘Not next month, but right now...’ Hyeonu decided to stop persisting with that topic for now. The important thing was something else. “I’m looking for a house around the hospital. It will be a small but clean place.”

“This money...” Hyeonu’s mother was really worried and wondered if her son, Hyeonu, was doing something unreasonable. Maybe he was doing something strange.She worried about it a hundred times a day.

“Mother, I gave in about the caretaker, so please give in regarding the house. I’ll find a place this week. Don’t say anything. This is the only way I can feel at ease.”

After that, Hyeonu deliberately started talking about things that had nothing to do with money. They were trivial stories. He talked about things ranging from his workout to conversations with Yeongchan. It was a normal everyday conversation like from before their family got ruined.

A while later, Hyeonu saw the clock and got up from his seat.“I think I need to go now. I’ll come back next week.”

Hyeonu’s mother waved her hand.“There’s no need. Don’t come if you’re busy. Only come if you have time. Additionally, if you find a caretaker then call me.”

“I understand.” Hyeonu hugged his mother tightly and left the room.


“Kale, have you seen this video?” Ellis called Kale after receiving the video from Hyeonu and asked him to come over. A short time later, Jamie also showed up in his office after hearing the news.

“Alley Leader did another character deletion bet. This time, they are members of the Aisis Guild,” Ellis told them.


“Why them?”

Kale questioned about the Aisis Guild while Jamie, who already knew about the Aisis Guild, asked why they were targeted.

“I saw the video and they approached first. They saw Alley Leader as a cosplayer, not the original person,” Ellis explained.

“Um... Let’s watch the video first before speaking again. My mind is too focused on the video to hear the explanation,” Jamie insisted on watching the video once, and he received Kale’s full support.

“Then I’ll play the video.”

The video was long. It ran for longer than 30 minutes yet it felt short. This was like a movie that contained a victory. It wasn’t artificial or deliberate. The video literally smelled raw. Everyone was angry when the Aisis Guild members blocked and challenged Hyeonu, and they laughed when they treated him as a simple cosplayer. Then once he shattered them in a duel, they felt a sense of cheerfulness and joy.

Soon, the video was over. Jamie, Kale, and Ellis didn’t even realize it because they were so immersed in the video. Ellis was the first one to wake up because it was the second time he had seen the video.“Boss, how do I edit this? Is it fine to do what he wants?”

Jamie’s spirit woke up at Ellis’ words, and he touched his chin. After a brief moment of thinking, Jamie opened his mouth and said, “I think it is right to do what he wants. All we have to do is spread this video faster.”

Kale looked closely at the email and discovered something.“He asked me to include Tian Hu in Masked Fighting King.”

Jamie shook his head at Kale’s words. “This sounds like something we should talk about with Alley Leader. Take care of it. Then just schedule five people, including him. Let’s leave one spot empty.”

The moment Jamie got up, Kale spoke again, “Additionally, Porsche has asked to give him a car.”

“I’ll talk to him about it. Then let’s get to work.”


Hyeonu was talking on his smartphone. The person on the other end of the line was Jamie, Nike’s representative. Jamie told Hyeonu that inviting Tian Hu wasn’t possible.

“So you can’t do it?”

-Unfortunately, that’s correct.It is already too big for someone like him.Even if he joins, you won’t necessarily be able to get revenge.

Hyeonu listened to Jamie’s words. Jamie wasn’t a person who talked nonsense. If so, it might be okay to listen to his comments and revise the plan.

-Let’s go with common sense.Say you beat him mercilessly in Masked Fighting King.What type of blow will it have on him?None at all.He will just gain the image of an eliminated person who was defeated by a powerful masked fighter.

Hyeonu nodded at Jamie’s words.

-Think about Black Skull.That’s how to raise the stakes.Revenge and entertainment—wouldn’t a real professional aim for both?

“Ah!”Hyeonu finally realized that there was a blind spot in his plan.

It was as Jamie said. He had intended to do something similar to his treatment of the Black Skull, but he had been distracted from the plan due to Masked Fighting King.

“Thank you, Jamie. This was my mistake. Then...” Hyeonu thought for a moment before quickly opening his mouth again, “There is one spot remaining. Put Locke—Jung Hanbaek of JT Telecom—in that spot. This is my personal revenge. It is very personal and private, different from the matter with Tian Hu.”

Jamie nodded to himself. Sword Eagle Locke had once been active in streaming and was now a professional gamer in Korea. This was sufficient to make it onto Masked Fighting King.

-I understand.Then Locke will appear this week.Additionally, you should call Porsche soon.They want to gift Alley Leader with a car from their brand.

“A car...”Hyeonu suddenly remembered the Mustang he had owned in the past.‘I wonder where it went...’

It was a car that his father had given him as a gift to celebrate becoming an adult. He missed the Mustang that had been seized and sold somewhere.

“I understand. Porsche... I’ll think about it. Then I’ll call you again next time.”


After the broadcast of Masked Fighting King, there was a trend in the Arena communities. It was to wear a mask from Masked Fighting King and certify it with the community. Naturally, the biggest percentage of them were wearing Alley Leader’s child mask. The masks were hard to find. Even so, they found a way as always. Masks with no options were purchased at the general store, then the appearance was changed using the conversion capsule.

They copied Alley Leader’s actions from the very beginning, and this resulted in a significant increase in the price of low-level rare and unique items. Why?

[Today’s character deletion bet has won.]

[The character deletion bet has been won three times in a row.jpg]

This was the reason—the character deletion bet. Most of the players who weren’t famous rankers emptied their inventories and carried out the character deletion bet with another character they raised and the low-level equipment they bought. This was an unprecedented trend. It was a catchy game where they fought with the character they poured their time, money, and affection into. Just a few months ago, it was something unthinkable.

This was a tremendous help for Hyeonu to implement his plan.


A man appeared in the Hejin Mountains where only rankers could hunt. The man moved alone without a group. Soon, a man wearing a child’s mask found a party and approached it.“Do you want to do a character deletion bet? I accept a team battle or captain battle. I’m alone.”

This party wasn’t a masked party yet he approached and asked for a duel.Moreover, it was a character deletion bet. However, this party responded like it wasn’t strange.

“Is it fashionable these days because of Alley Leader?”

“Are you tired of this? I’m bored because I’ve only been hunting.”

“Why don’t we have a team battle? We have so many people. How can we lose?”

“Yes, let’s do it. Think of it as relieving the stress from filling the quota.”

“We can also rob him and get a day off. His items look okay.”

The party discussed the character deletion bet and sent an okay sign to the masked man. After a while, the duel between the man and the party took place.

[The duel has started.]

The masked man, Hyeonu, smiled as he heard the notification sound.

‘I’ll have killed over 20 people once I kill these guys.’

Since the character deletion bet was becoming more prevalent, it was easy for him to approach the Aisis Guild members. He started lightly with the Crescent Moon Cut. A faint blue sword energy ripped through the air and flew toward the opponent. From the moment he obtained the wind attribute, it wasn’t just his sword energy but all magic power that was blurred. Thus, it wouldn’t be visible unless a person looked closely.



The Aisis Guild members were in a state of chaos. They were frightened by the sight of their fellow guild member’s body being cut the moment the duel began.

“You bastard!”

Their spirits awakened, and they noticed that Hyeonu was the one who killed their companion. They didn’t look back and rushed toward Hyeonu. Unfortunately, they didn’t know they were rushing into the tiger’s mouth, and the price for their ignorance was harsh.

The two warriors who charged over died without using a single skill.Not even their corpses were left. Now there were only two members of the Aisis Guild left. A priest and magician died from the first Crescent Moon Cut. Then two warriors were killed by Hyeonu’s Magic Power Explosion.

Now only a warrior and magician were left. Hyeonu’s choice here wasn’t to wield the sword but to speak. ‘Should I give them some medicine in moderation?’

“Isn’t it impossible for you to hunt in the Hejin Mountains now? 20 of you have died.”

The Aisis Guild members heard Hyeonu’s words and realized that his approach was deliberate.

‘20 people? Then we aren’t the only ones who have been beaten?’

The Aisis Guild members were feeling complicated as Hyeonu continued.

“Do you know why I approached you? It is all thanks to your great guild leader. Do you know why I’m telling you this?”


“It’s for you to go and tell him. Speak to your president. Tell him Alley Leader is waiting. Perhaps a bomb will explode in a few days.”Hyeonu finished speaking and wielded his longsword again. A faint sword energy ripped through the remaining Aisis Guild members.

The duel ended

[You have won the duel.]

[The rewards will be paid in accordance with the rule of ‘winner-takes-all.’]

“Okay. I scratched their nerves and got rid of the main force.”

Hyeonu revisited his plan.

‘There is no need to rush.’

The plan was going perfectly.

“Now I just need to post the video.”

Currently, Hyeonu had six pouches in his hands.

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