Ranker's Return

Chapter 301

Chapter 301

Translator: rainbowturtle

Editor: LD & Jyazen

“Everyone, you need to understand this. I am unmasked right now, so the streaming perspective will be from my perspective. It will probably be that way until the stream is over.”

Hyeonu was unmasked to look like an inspector. He was still wearing his own clothes though. Being on the East Continent didn’t mean there was a difference in clothing from the West Continent. It was the same. There were only differences in the clothes of some nobles and royal families.

-However, will it be immediately believed if he goes and says he is an inspector?

-Anyone who believes it is sick.

-Why is Alley Leader thinking so casually?

-Let’s see his good idea.

There was just something that the viewers didn’t understand. This wasn’t a proper plan. He was just pretending to be an inspector and trying to meet the general official. It was too reckless.

“I’m not reckless. This is what I have to do. The imperial prince said the inspectors are appointed around once every 10 years. However, there is no particular achievement about it. It is really just a nominal position. There are probably only a few people who know there is such a position,”Hyeonu said with confidence.

Just like his voice, Hyeonu was really confident about this.

‘I just need the two of us to be close at the start.’

From the beginning, he had no intention of using words of persuasion. Hyeonu was just thinking about hitting the person and then running away.

‘Now one knows in detail about the inspector now that the position has become obsolete.’

It was natural that Hu An wouldn’t have the proper information. Hyeonu just had to present Liu Yongyun’s golden plaque, and there was a high probability that Hu An would believe him.

“Be comfortable but focus. It will end quickly.”

Armed with confidence, Hyeonu finished speaking and headed for Namju.

-Bluffing dominates his body.

-The bluffing man!

-What is he thinking? Ending it in no time...

The viewers who didn’t know what Hyeonu was thinking thought he was still bluffing today. Nevertheless, Hyeonu moved quickly without seeing their comments. The distant building filled his mind, and Hyeonu suddenly had a thought.

‘They don’t know much about inspectors anyway. Do I really need to take off my mask?’

This thought came to his mind, and his head felt like it had been beaten by something. In any case, everything else was false. Was it really necessary to show his face?

‘Yes. There is no need to take it off.’

Hyeonu continued to walk toward the gates of the inner city. One step, another step...

At one point, Hyeonu held a mask depicting a smiling child.



-Uh?Wearing a mask?


The viewers posted repeated question marks when they saw Hyeonu wearing the mask. It was an action that contradicted with Hyeonu’s previous explanation. Hyeonu wore the mask and naturally approached the guard.

“Call Hu An, the General Official of Namju,” Hyeonu proudly ordered the guard. It was just like he was an inspector.

“Who are you, and why are you looking for the General Official?” The guard was as polite as possible to Hyeonu. The overbearing feeling Hyeonu gave off made it impossible for the guard to speak loudly even when hearing ridiculous words. Hyeonu made the most of this.

“When will Hu An come? Is it good to delay so much? Will you take responsibility for it?”Hyeonu grasped the heavy atmosphere and suppressed the guard with words. The moment the guard tried to answer, Hyeonu cut off his words and started talking again: “If you are worried about accountability, then I’ll tell you my identity. Tell him that the inspector has come.”

The guard cocked his head like he didn’t know the word ‘inspector.’ Still, he couldn’t overcome the pressure Hyeonu was giving off and turned around to run madly.

“Everyone watching, take a good look. It’s almost over now. It will be over very quickly.” Hyeonu made a big fuss with the viewers. Every time Hyeonu emphasized it, the viewers’ curiosity continued to amplify.

-What is he going to do...?

-No Tang-E?

-Isn’t Tang-E hiding and going to fire a lightning strike?

-In any case, Hu An will die.

Alley Leader wouldn’t come all the way here just to walk away. The question was how he would kill Hu An. In the opinion of the viewers, he could not simply assassinate the official and leave quietly. Hyeonu pressed his lips together tightly when he saw two men walking closer from the inner gates. It was the guard and a man dressed in luxurious clothing. This was the appearance of Hu An.

‘Can he change his appearance?’

Hu An looked too weak to be one of the secret camp’s leaders—a named monster. In fact, he seemed no different from ordinary people. It was hard to believe he had a considerable level of swordsmanship. ‘How can he have no muscles?’ It wasn’t just Hyeonu who had this thought. The viewers felt the same way.

-No, how is this the number one person?

-Perhaps it’s actually the 50th person who is the best?

-That’s possible.

-So Alley Leader gave the strongest to Brother Sijong?

-That is possible.

There was even a conspiracy theory that Hyeonu deliberately handed over the difficult people to New World. Hyeonu wasn’t aware of such a thing and was still thinking about Hu An.

‘Is there a way to control muscles with magic power like in novels?’

“It doesn’t matter much,” Hyeonu muttered, shaking his head slightly.

It didn’t matter if Hu An was hiding his true appearance or using magic power to control his physical abilities. Rather, it was better if it wasn’t visible. This meant there would be a delay in dealing with the situation. Hu An was managing his facial expressions, but he couldn’t hide his feelings. As he trembled in a fluster, several complex emotions appeared on his face.

‘Inspector?’ Hu An questioned inwardly.

It had been 20 years since he infiltrated the city as an official. This inspector was one he had never heard of or seen before.

‘However, there is definitely something I’ve seen before.’

It was when he gained knowledge related to the empire to infiltrate Namju. He remembered seeing it then. There had been those individuals who wandered around the region to observe the situation—individuals who condemned the nobility who engaged in tyranny. The position of inspector was clearly real.

Despite that, Hu An couldn’t believe the man in front of him was one. The man was wearing a mask of a smiling child. A person wearing a frivolous outfit simply couldn’t be an inspector with such great power. Nevertheless... Hu An discovered one thing.

‘The dignity and majesty that surrounds him...’ It continued to trigger at Hu An’s senses.

“I heard you are... an inspector. You called me?” Hu An spoke cautiously and warily.

“Why? You don’t believe it? Perhaps you will believe it if I show you this...” Hyeonu showed the golden plaque he had received from Liu Yongyun. In recent years, this golden plaque was used as a symbol of the imperial family and wasn’t something that could be easily pulled out. It was still the same now.

‘This...’ Hu An thought before saying, “The symbol of the Yuxin imperial family...”

His eyes instantly grew wider. It was impossible for him to not recognize this. This was the golden plaque that the Secret Camp—no, the Gucheon Secret Department wanted to get the most. The holder of the gold plaque, which represented a guest of the Yuxin imperial family, would receive the same treatment as the royal family just once.

It was described like this, but in reality, it could be used to get help from the emperor once. The golden plaques of the past proved it.

‘Holding this means that even if he isn’t an inspector, he has a position equivalent to it...’ Hu An concluded inwardly. Then he said, “Inspector, what made you come to Namju? Can I guide you to the lord of the castle?”

Hu An was faithful to his role. He erased the emotions from his face and became the General Official of Namju as usual.

“I didn’t come to see the lord this time. I came to see Hu An,” Hyeonu stated.

“Huh? You are here to see me?”

“Yes, I’ve heard a pretty interesting story. It is something you’d be most interested in.”

Emotions once again reappeared on Hu An’s face. He was flustered. The inspector said he had come here to see Hu An...Those words gave off a strange nuance. It was very confusing.

‘What does he want to say?’Hu An’s heart started beating wildly. The sense of intimidation he felt from the man seemed to have disappeared, and an ominous feeling took its place.

Hu An said, “What does that...?”

‘He asked.’Hyeonu smiled with satisfaction. Things were proceeding steadily as he had planned. Now he just needed to be left alone with Hu An.

“......”Hyeonu opened his mouth, but no sound came out.His mouth was just open like a goldfish.

Hu An’s pupils expanded when he saw it.

“How about sending away the guards? It doesn’t matter to me... Won’t it be troublesome if rumors are spread and the city lord hears it?” Hyeonu whispered quietly.

Hu An nodded hard. This story shouldn’t spread.

The moment rumors started flowing...

He felt terrible just imagining it, and his back was now covered with sweat.

“Why don’t we move places? There were too many eyes here.”

Hearing Hu An’s words, Hyeonu nodded. Hu An moved ahead, and Hyeonu followed him silently.

‘It would be nice if it is a dark place...’

According to Hyeonu’s wish, Hu An led Hyeonu to the outskirts of the inner city. There were weeds and stones scattered all over the place.

When Hu An got to the place he wanted, he paused and asked Hyeonu, “What does that mean? Is the lord related to the Gucheon Secret Department? Do you know how serious that is? If this spreads, the lord will be cast out. He won’t be able to overcome the struggle with existing forces.”

Hu An spoke with a serious face. Those who didn’t know anything about him would believe he was a truly loyal official. However, it didn’t work on Hyeonu at all. This was because Hyeonu already knew Hu An was a leader of the Secret Camp.

“I know. That is why I didn’t say it on the spot before,” Hyeonu replied.

“That was a great decision, Inspector.”

“In fact, I have one more thing I want to say.”

“Something else... What is it?”There was tension on Hu An’s face.

Hyeonu hesitated like he was wondering if he should say it or not. The tension on Hu An’s face gradually faded and was replaced with frustration instead. Then Hyeonu opened his mouth and said, “1st group leader of the Secret Camp, Hu An. Disguised as the General Official of Namju in Mujang Seong. Your specialty is brilliant swordsmanship.”

Hu An’s face turned red with confusion, and he looked like he didn’t know what to do.He was baffled by the completely unexpected words.

“What does that...”

Hu An didn’t finish his words. This was his end.

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