Ranker Who Lives Twice

Chapter 315 - The King Of The Underworld (5)

Where is?

Steropes couldnt tell where he was.

He occasionally felt himself floating around without being tied up anywhere. The sudden return to reality was a shock to him.


This isnt possible..!

Hades burst up from his throne with a flustered face for the first time.

According to what he knew, it was impossible for a soul to be used in that way.

He was a god of death, not a god who ruled over death. Also, moving souls in the way one desired was against laws and principles. Gods were beings who enforced rules, not broke them. The fact that Yeon-woo was able to do such a thing was..


Hades plopped down on his throne with a sigh. His wrinkled forehead showed his conflicting state of mind.

At the same time, albeit for a short while, countless emotions swept through his eyes. Jealously, envy. Even greed.

[Hermes smiles bitterly, looking at his uncle.]

[Athena looks at her uncle with still eyes.]

..Dont look at me like that. Its humiliating to be compared to that idiot Poseidon.

Hades knew that his niece and nephew were looking at him through their Channeling with Yeon-woo. And that they were watching warily in case he tried to hurt Yeon-woo.

He snorted. He acknowledged that he made a mistake, but he didnt have any regrets.

Also, he didnt care about something continuing his power. He was already gone from this world. There was no need to be stuck in the past.

Also, he knew what the children of Hermess generation thought of him, so he wasnt displeased by their gazes.

He was just irritated at being compared to Poseidon, the simple fool who crushed anything he didnt like.

[Hermes smiles mysteriously at his uncle.]

[Athena nods at her uncle.]


Hades narrowed his eyes.

So thats how youre using his power? Incredible.

The Black Kings power broke the laws of nature. That, in itself, was a miracle that exceeded what a god could do. It was the power that went beyond a greater godsthe power of a primordial god or a conceptual god.

Hades looked at Yeon-woo with observant eyes.


Yeon-woo had been focusing on the conversation between the three Cyclopes and missed the exchange between Hades and his niece and nephew.



Brontes quickly ran to Steropes and hugged him tightly. Steropes muttered to himself with a blank face, and then his face turned to one of surprise.


Yes! Steropes. How, how are you in this condition! Even you..!



Even our youngest!

The three Cyclops brothers hugged each other, tears dripping down their faces.

It was a reunion they didnt think would come after they split up 200 years ago.

They remained like that for a while, crying. Brontes and Steropes were dead souls and didnt have any tears to shed anyway, but their sadness could be perceived.


Then, Yeon-woo stepped up.

A part of him was crying as well.

The union of dead brothers. That was his greatest wish. He wished it was him and his brother in that position. He also thought it wasnt going to be long until he achieved it.

He felt sorry for interrupting their reunion, but there were things that needed to be done first.

Steropes turned around. He recognized Yeon-woo as the one who called him to this place. His gaze immediately sunk.

So you are the human who called me here.

Yes, sir.

A power that breaks the laws of nature and creates new ones.. you must be his descendant.

Steropes was the one among the three brothers who had mastered theology. This field was occasionally called philosophy sometimes, and all his words were so unclear that it was hard to understand them.

Bad fate is still fate. Its also due to the result of the principles of causality that we brothers could meet like this. Alright. Why have you called me here?

You may have already felt this, but you cant stay here for long. So Ill get to the point.

Yeon-woo explained the situation in Tartarus shortly and why Kynee was needed for Dis Pluto to turn the tables. He said it was only possible after the three Cyclops brothers gathered again.

Steropes listened to Yeon-woo while sitting down, and he organized his thoughts after closing his eyes.

Then, he opened his eyes slowly and spoke.

That means I have to stay here for some time.

Yes, that is so.

And to do that, I must be bound to you.

Yeon-woo nodded.

Steropes had a conflicted face for a moment. A holy being shouldnt be bound to a mere human.

Also, the remnant of the Black King Yeon-woo had inherited was a mortal enemy of the brothers. He was displeased at the fact that he had to follow Yeon-woos orders.


Just then, Brontes gripped Steropess shoulder.

What happened in the past is all in the past. And that child is him. You are dead now, so why are you still caught up in the past?



Brontess eyes were dark.

I dont want us to be split up again.

Arges nodded firmly next to him. His exhausted face looked determined. It was the determination not to lose his two brothers again.

From the time when they were born, they were abused and bullied because of their strange appearances. They were discarded by the world. And so, they were the world to each other. It wasnt an option for them to be split any longer.

In the end, Steropes accepted the persuasion of his brothers. He looked at Yeon-woo with a deep gaze.

Fine, human. Im only accepting because it sounds too good to be true, but I accept to be bound to you.

Yeon-woo nodded. However, Steropes spoke flatly, as if he was telling Yeon-woo not to be too happy.

However, I have one condition. Im different from my kind brother. I swear on the Styx River that if you try to ignore these conditions I give after you become my master, Ill destroy my own soul to refuse your orders.

Please speak.

The moment I am bound, Ill follow your orders. However, thats only for things related to Kynee, justice, and order. If you try to use me for your own greed..

That wont happen.

Yeon-woo spoke assuredly.


Steropes glared at Yeon-woo for a while. It was hard to read his hard eyes.

Fine. Lets begin the contract.

He nodded.

Yeon-woo held his hand out to him. He had guaranteed Steropes that he wouldnt use him for personal gain, but actually, Yeon-woo didnt care about that too much.

They had no idea.

The constraints of the Soul Collection were that they couldnt do anything according to their own will.

Once youre bound, thats the end.

He could hear Shanon muttering, Another ones been caught. Flap flap, to himself, but Yeon-woo ignored it.

* * *

After the contract was finished.

From a lowly soul to a Monster Portent. Its beyond lacking compared to my godly body, but this isnt too bad of an upgrade.

Steropes muttered to himself after checking his bodys condition. Arges looked overjoyed that his brothers were here, even though they were only souls.


[You have succeeded in binding an outstanding godly being. You have achieved an unbelieveable feat. Additional Karma is being rewarded.]

[You have gained 10,000 Karma.]

[You have gained an additional 15,000 Karma.]

[The sudden quest (Helm of Darkness) has been created.]

Yeon-woo checked the new continuation quest of Persephones Long-time Wish.

[Sudden Quest / Helm of Darkness]

Summary: The king of Giants, Typhon, has found a way to take the energy of the dead Kronos, and he has increased the combative power of the Titans and the Giants.

The Titans, having become larger, started to plunder parts of the lands to take over Tartarus.

Due to this, Hades and Dis Pluto suffered from continued losses and were forced to retreat into the Temple of the Underground.

While the Temple of the Underground was surrounded by enemies, threatened by the danger of being taken over, you appeared.

When you gathered the scattered three Cyclops brothers, you were able to find a way to increase the power of the Dis Pluto.

First, you have to regain Hadess power.

Help the three Cyclops brothers to create the holy artifact Kynee. Once you have finished this holy artifact, you will receive great admiration from Hades.


Gather materials for Kynee

Apodis Scale (30/45)

Kathran Liquid (0/5)

Silent Conch (12/300)bender

Creating Kynee

Refining 0%

Smelting 0%

Cleansing 0%

CGrafting 0%

Overall progress 0%


Hadess affinity +150

Title Artisan

Authority to use the holy artifact Kynee

Its up.

Kynee was one of the most powerful holy artifacts. Just by attempting to create it, he would gain an incredible amount of Karma and rewards.

Yeon-woo especially focused on the title Artisan.

It was the title that only five people in the Tower had earned, including Henova, Brahm, and Victoria. If he could acquire this..

Ill be able to view more information about the pocket watch.

A title given by the Tower wasnt something to be taken lightly. It was something only given to those who reached the pinnacles in their respective fields.

However, there was something that worried him.

I dont have many of the required materials.

When he looked back at Hades, a cold smile returned to his face.

Theres something we need to deal with before we can fix Kynee.

Argess face turned ashen after realizing what Hades was going to say. Yeon-woo clicked his tongue after guessing what Hades wanted.

Kynee is an outstanding artifact and requires precious materials to make. However, as you know already, we are severely lacking in soldiers and resources. Theres no way well have any of the materials. Even if we did, we cant afford to use them for it.

Yeon-woo nodded in understanding. Even if it was for Kynee, they couldnt give him the resources needed for the war.

That meant.

Ill have to get them myself.

Hades nodded with the same cold smile still on his face.

That is correct.

He mightve looked arrogant for someone asking for help, but Yeon-woo was familiar with that particular attitude. Those who were exhausted mentally to the extreme from a long war. They lived with bitterness and cold smiles on their faces, but some didnt let go of hope until the end.

That was Hades right now. It wouldve been nice if Kynee was created. But he didnt look like he would be disappointed even if it didnt work out.

Hades nodded with the cold smile still on his face.


And we dont have much time. The Titans and Giants are ready to attack anytime, and Kronoss energy is almost completely gone. Do it in that time.

I will.

Yeon-woos eyes flashed.

lightsvel No. I have to.

Hades raised a corner of his mouth. It was a different expression from the cold smile he had shown. It contained the appearance of a warrior ready for combat. He mightve looked like that in the past when he fought with Kronos.

Good. I wish you success, descendant of the Black King.



Black light scattered around him, and the world around Yeon-woo changed.

[The trial of the hidden stage Tartarus has been paused by Hadess authority.]

[You have gained the title Hadess Representative.]

[You are being transported to the 31st floor.]

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