Ranker Who Lives Twice

Chapter 304 - Tartarus (4)

Team: HH, thursdays, Yahiko (300(0)/12)

Persephone herself?

Yeon-woos eyes widened in surprise. He expected Persephone to search for him, but he thought that she would just leave a message behind or descend through someones body. But she had come herself?

This was also holy territory, like Urds on the 16th floor, so Persephone could manifest temporarily too.

Bodi silently nodded.

Yeon-woo followed him. Creutz attempted to follow Yeon-woo, adjusting Zulfikar on his waist, but Bodi stretched out his hand.

She would only like to meet Mr. Cain. Please wait outside. Also, this is Goddess Persephones territory. How about putting that violent weapon down as a sign of respect towards her?

Sorry. That didnt occur to me.

Creutz apologized and put Zulfikar down on the floor after kissing the stone in the hilt.

Bodi accepted his apology with a short nod and turned back to Yeon-woo.

Please follow me.

Yeon-woo followed Bodi into the cottage.

The inside didnt look too different from the outside. There was a piece of leather being refined on the table, and there were different hunting tools on the walls.

It was hard to think that this was really a temple. The only items that were related to gods were the bronze braziers in one corner and an inscribed badge of Persephone.

I miss it.

Yeon-woo heard Rebecca, who was flying in circles around him, mutter to herself. Was she reminiscing about her life as an apostle and hunter? Longing dripped from her voice.

Itll probably be different from most temples you know. Even if it looks simple, please understand. I received the calling of Goddess Persephone not long ago, so I didnt have the time to tidy up.

Bodi smiled faintly, watching Yeon-woo glance around. He had a different expression on his face than when he was talking to Creutz.

Im just surprised to see game being cleaned inside of a temple.

Yes, its definitely not commonplace since its rare to see killing inside of a temple unless its for a sacrifice. However, Goddess Persephone is the daughter of the goddess of earth and harvest, and the wife of the god of death and the Underworld. The seasons of the earth repeatedly see life and death. Even if a kill occurs where she is served, wouldnt that death give life to those living? Then, the living will give birth to new life, and when enough time passes, they will become part of the dead.

Bodi said it wasnt disrespectful because life and death were just common cycles above the ground as he rubbed the leather of the animal.

It was a sudden philosophical message. Yeon-woo thought it might be the main teaching of the religion that served Persephone. It was also the message that Persephone was delivering to Yeon-woo through Bodi before they met.

Life and death were mere cycles. What did this mean to Yeon-woo, who had begun to have the power of death?

Over here.

Bodi led Yeon-woo through a door that led to the back. There was a building in the middle of a garden of beautiful flowers. It looked like a small shrine.

Please enter after taking your shoes off and placing your weapons down. Ill leave you to it then.

Bodi bowed and disappeared into the cottage. Now alone, Yeon-woo took off his shoes like Bodi said and quietly moved through the garden.

He could feel the soft touch of the dirt. The soft and squishy feeling was nice. His sensitive Demonic Dragon Body allowed him to feel beyond it.

The particles of fine dirt, the damp moisture, the squirming worms and bugs, the seeds about to sprout, the soft grass and flowers, the nice scent of flowers, and the smell of the dirt.

Everything in the garden was being relayed to Yeon-woo. It was the feeling of all the life contained in the garden.

The time he walked through the garden was short, but Yeon-woo was able to realize what Persephone was trying to tell him.

And when he opened the door to the shrine..


A fresh spring breeze greeted him. The smell of dirt and flowers and even the fresh scent of fruits. It was a breeze that made him feel better just by touching it.

It was another world beyond the shrine.

Large hills stretched out. Flowers and grass softly fluttered in the wind. The sky was high and blue. The air was especially warm and fresh.

It was a space separated from the outside. This was the real holy territory that gods used when they descended to the lower floors.

On one hand, it was hard to imagine that this was the territory of the lady of the Beyond. When most people thought of Hades and Persephone, they would probably think of them sitting loftily above the hellfire in the darkness, looking down and judging peoples sins.

What are you staring at? Please come inside.

There was a lady standing in the middle of a hillock, looking up at the sky. She fixed the bonnet on her head and turned to him.

Persephones smile was beautiful. It wasnt a pretty face, like what was said in the legends about Hades falling in love with her at first sight, but the word beautiful described it best.

Her easygoing smile comforted him.

Gods exuded an intense, threatening aura for the respect and obedience of mortals, but he couldnt feel any of that from Persephone. If he didnt know she was a goddess, he wouldve thought she was just a normal player.


Shes familiar.

Persephone didnt feel unfamiliar for some reason. He even felt glad to meet her, like she was an old friend he hadnt seen in a while. Was it because the powers of the Black King dealt with death?

Nice to meet you.

Yeon-woo entered the shrine and bowed. He had an indifferent but polite attitude.

Persephone widened her eyes like it was unexpected and smiled brightly again.

Yes. Nice to meet you. Youre exactly the same as I heard from Athena and Hermes. Actually, I wanted to meet you too. Although I didnt know we would see each other like this.

Although Persephone wasnt a part of the twelve Olympians who ruled over Olympus, as Demeters daughter and Hadess wife, she was one of the higher beings. She frequently associated Athena and Hermes, who were part of the same generation as her.

Would you like to come sit here?

Persephone waved her hand lightly in the air. Then, in the middle of the hillock, a small table, two chairs, and a tea set were provided. It was like they were having a picnic.

When Yeon-woo approached the table, the chair moved out automatically. He hesitated, unable to sit down immediately.

This situation was awkward to Yeon-woo. It was so different from when he had met other gods. Urd and Poseidon couldnt even compare to what was happening now, and Hermes and Athena always showed him goodwill, but they neer lowered themselves to his level. They tried to put distance between him as a supernatural and a mortal.

However, he didnt feel any of that from Persephone, and it was actually stranger that she acted as if they were there to talk about the weather.

Persephone laughed delicately as if she read what he was thinking. It was a charming smile that definitely made ones heart beat faster. Then she placed a teacup in front of Yeon-woo.

You dont have to feel awkward. Even if were all gods, each of our actions and personalities is different. This is just mine. Immortals, mortals. Gods, humans. Were all beings with the same souls. The only difference is whether one vanishes earlier or not.. and in truth, its not as if gods dont die either.

It was definitely a strange message. Gods and humans were the same. They were equal beings. If the gods and demons who deemed themselves superior heard this, how would they react?

Shes different from other gods.

Yeon-woo began to look at Persephone in a positive light. He didnt think she was faking it. There was no reason for her to.

No, gods and demons couldnt lie about their actions. They always had to be true to themselves to protect the mindset and domain they ruled over.

After coming to understand her a bit, he understood her actions too. Her formal and polite way of speaking meant that she respected him as another being.

Yeon-woo wordlessly sat across Persephone. They sat eye to eye.

Persephone beamed and poured black tea into Yeon-woos cup. Then, she pushed a few plates of cookies in front of him.

These are flower cookies made from the flowers here. Theyll go well with the black tea. Please try some.

Yeon-woo took off his mask and took a bite of the flower cookies like she said to. His eyes widened.

lightsvl m It was sweet. At the same time, it was fresh. It felt like his mouth became refreshed and his head became clear. The gentle taste danced on the tip of his tongue.

He took a sip of the black tea as well. The sweetness in his mouth settled down and freshness was brought in its place. Energy spread throughout his body.

His soul felt like it had begun to float. The Philosophers Stone cried out happily.

Yeon-woo realized what the black tea and flower cookies were made of.


The drink the gods of Olympus enjoyed. It was the elixir that gave one strength. Of course, what Yeon-woo drank was a diluted version of real Nectar, but Yeon-woo was grateful for it. The Divine Blessings were already reacting to it, and more holy power grew within him.

Can I take some of these flower cookies?

Persephone smiled.

Is it because of the Dragon Human named Ananta?

Yes, maam.

Persephone seemed to have read some of his thoughts since they were in her territory.

Yeon-woo didnt plan on hiding the truth, so he nodded. He thought that the elixir the gods of Olympus drank would be helpful to Ananta.

If thats the case, take as much as you want. Ill tell Bodi to wrap some for you.

Thank you.

Persephone waved her hand as if it was nothing and spoke directly.

I heard you were searching for the three Cyclops brothers.

Persephone filled up his cup again. Yeon-woo nodded silently.

Yes, that is correct.

May I ask why? Ive watched Player ### from here through the system, but I wanted to hear your thoughts directly from you.

To be exact, Im searching for Kynee.

Kynee.. are you talking about my husbands helm?


Kynee. The helm that Hades used to trick Kronos in the Titanomachy. It was known for hiding the presence and boosting the morale of its user.

Do you have it?

Persephone shook her head. Her bright smile turned bitter. The breeze turned cold, influenced by the changes in her emotions.

He loves me, and I love him. But we still have secrets about our private lives. He hates his items being touched more than anything in the world. And with him gone, its even harder to find where it is.

He didnt have many apostles either, Persephone added on at the end.

Yeon-woos eyes flashed.

You dont know where your husband is?

After he left saying he would be gone for a short while because something happened in Tartarus.. he still hasnt returned.


Tartarus was the abyss in the lowest floor of the Beyond that Hades ruled over. No, it was better to describe it as a prison than the Beyond.

It was where the Titan species and Giant species were locked up, and it was a mysterious place that even gods and demons were scared of because once entered, there was no escape.

What had happened there, and why was Hades missing after going there?

The three Cyclops brothers disappeared after passing through the gates on Hadess summons. The bronze door that leads to Tartarus should be behind those ten gates.

Yeon-woo felt a picture being drawn in his head. Something had happened in Tartarus, Hades had called the three Cyclops brothers to stop it, and they had all disappeared.

In the end, it meant..

I have to go to Tartarus.

He needed to find Hades somehow because he desperately needed the power of the Black King.

Olympus has tried everything to find him, but no one has found anything.

The gods of Olympus probably had limits to what they could do. Tartarus was Hades property. No, it was his holy territory. Gods and demons would be restricted from entering each others holy territory.

That means..

Since you say your goal is finding Kynee, Ill put it bluntly. I want your help in searching for him.

Im only a normal human.

Youre also an agent of death.

Yeon-woos eyes flashed.

Do you know about the Black King?

Of course. All gods and demons who rule over death know him. All their power is from him. The same goes for me and Hades. We cannot escape from him.

Then can you tell me who..

Persephone shook her head with a sullen smile.

Im sorry. Im bound by the Styx River, so I am not to say anything related to him. I cannot even speak his name.

Persephone took a bite of a flower cookie. Her bite mark was left in the cookie.

However, I can tell you this one thing. My mothers generation is extremely fearful of him. But the next generation, such as Hermes and Athena, want to break away from the pledge of the Styx. The same goes for me. Ill help you. Even support you, if you wish. In return, please help me find my husband.

Tears brimmed in her beautiful eyes.

I.. dont have the qualifications and cannot cross into Tartarus. However, its possible for mortal Player ### to. Your fate is helping you.

Yeon-woo tightly closed his mouth.

I want to know if hes dead or alive at the very least. I just want to see him. So please help me.

Yeon-woo nodded.

I will.

He had been planning on searching for Hades anyway. It wouldnt make much of a difference to have Persephones request added on top of it. The only problem was whether he could cross over into Tartarus, where even the gods of Olympus hesitated to enter.

First, the gates.

It was then.

[The sudden quest (Persephones Long-time Wish) has been created.]

[Persephones Blessing has given through the quest.]

[Persephones Prayer has given through the quest.]

[Persephones Grace has given through the quest.]

Yeon-woo slowly stood up as he saw the messages popping up. It seemed like this was why Persephone wanted to meet him.

On one hand, he was able to find something out. While Zeuss generation didnt look upon him nicely, Hermes and Athena didnt care about any of it. And that they were bound by the Pledge of Styx.bender

Thank you.

Yeon-woo was about to leave the holy territory after hearing Persephones words of thanks. Just then, remembering something, he paused to ask Persephone a question.

I have a question.

Yes. Please speak.

Do you know where my brothers soul is? I heard its not tied to the Beyond.

Persephone had a regretful face.

Im sorry. Im taking care of the list of the dead in my husbands place, but I dont know everything. Still, since its your request, Ill try to look into it. Cha Jeong-woos soul is also a great topic of interest for us now.

Thank you.

Yeon-woo finished his goodbyes and left the holy territory.

* * *

Bodi was waiting outside of the shrine.

Did you greet the goddess well?

Yeon-woo nodded quietly. A faint smile appeared on Bodis face.

After Hades disappeared, Goddess Persephone became lonelier and lonelier. Recently, she heard that Goddess Demeter isnt well either. Its a relief that she seems more at peace now.

Bodi sighed, and he led Yeon-woo to where Creutz was.

While following him, Yeon-woos eyes were somber. When he brought up his brother, Persephones eyes had wavered for a moment. Her trembling eyes. They were eyes filled with guilt and sadness.

It was only for a short moment, but he didnt miss it.

She knows something.

That moment..

The hands of the pocket watch in his chest began to move rapidly.



He heard a familiar voice coming from somewhere.

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