Ranker Who Lives Twice

Chapter 292 - Poseidon (4)


He was even more confused.

Yeon-woo had spent some time in the Tower now, but he could still count all the close relationships he made on one hand.

And if they were his friend?

Is it..Kahn or Doyle?

The Fantasy Regiment, one of the four new emerging clans, was large, and many things were known about its members.

However, there was nearly no information about the First Squad, which commanded them all.

It was only known that some players had exuded absolute charisma and convinced 10 rankers to be on their side, and the players who were beneath them made up todays Fantasy Regiment.

There were only guesses about the leader of the Fantasy Regiment. No one knew the truth.

Such a concealed person knew him?

There were only two people who popped up in his head.

Kahn and Doyle.

He had failed every time he tried to look for them or hear news about them.

Yeon-woo sometimes wondered if they were dead or if they had retired and returned to their home planet.

If they were alive, they shouldve left traces somewhere, but he couldnt find anything at all.

But if one of the two was the leader of the Fantasy Regiment?

Its possible. But is it really? Could the two of them become that much stronger in that short amount of time?

The twelve clan leaders of the Fantasy Regiment were all famous for being rankers. A few of them were high rankers who climbed past the 70th floor.

To be the leader of those players, you would have to have the skills as well as the charisma that equaled or surpassed theirs. In the tower, the magic that pulled people towards an individual was how great their martial might was.

However, even if Kahn and Doyle were strong, it was hard to imagine that they had grown that much in such a short amount of time.

Yeon-woo, who had tips and information from his brother, was barely a high ranker now.

But if Kahn and Doyle had become that powerful in that amount of time.

Theres no way rumors wouldnt have spread.

Of course, it wasnt like it was completely impossible.

If the chosen clan leader had a reputation or something that was enough to make up for their lack of skills..

And if that was what pulled people towards them, it might be possible.

I dont know about Doyle, but maybe Kahn.

Doyle was smart but emotional. He was likable, but it was hard for him to receive absolute loyalty.

However, Kahn was different. The guy who Yeon-woo thought was a complete psycho seemed emotional, but he was actually quite logical.

He was decisive and had the magic of pulling people in. If he had the chance, he could definitely create a mighty force.

Whoever it was, Yeon-woo couldnt figure it out, so he asked Creutz.

Who is the Regiment Leader?

However, Creutz shook his head.

Sorry. I cant tell you that here. Hes the target of quite a few people. I have to uphold the rules for the sake of his safety.

Yeon-woo narrowed his eyes.

Are you telling me to go see someone I dont know? Does that make sense to you? Talking about that friend whos so difficult to gauge? What do you want me to think?

Ill apologize again, but we cannot tell you no matter how many times you ask. What we can tell you is to trust the namesake of the Fantasy Regiment and to trust me.

Creutz thumped his chest with his fist as if he really wanted Yeon-woo to trust him.

If its still hard to believe, the Regiment Leader has sent a message that he will be out of closed training soon, so just until he comes, Id like to accompany you. The Regiment Leader can meet up with us later. Of course, it will be that much of an undertaking.

Creutz seemed to be very loyal to the Regiment Leader. He was working hard to keep the leader from being exposed to the public while also arranging a meeting between them .

Yeon-woo could see him being careful in case he rejected the offer.

Usually, in these cases, it was the opposite side who would have the upper hand over Yeon-woo.

I see, so thats how much he doesnt want to disobey the leaders orders.

From what Yeon-woo saw, Creutz definitely wasnt someone who shouldve been under anyone.

Based on the way he carried himself and the elegant aura around him, his ability as a leader was outstanding. It was a completely different style from Benteke, but it was similar in many ways as well.

More than anything, his strength wasnt lacking compared to Yeon-woo or Benteke.

Someone who was able to have the absolute loyalty of such a person.

Yeon-woo became curious about the Regiment Leader.bender

However, he couldnt simply follow the directions of someone he didnt know just because he was curious. His Draconic Eyes showed him that there werent any lies, but there were still some suspicious parts.

It would be more convincing if you get rid of the suspicious people over there.

Yeon-woo pointed at the gazes he felt following him since fighting Triton.

There were all kinds of gazes. Their appearances and skills all varied.

It meant that it wasnt from just one place, but there were many who were following him. Although they didnt know they had been detected.

Yeon-woo just pretended that he didnt see them. However, he clearly identified where they were. It was to kill them all with his shadows in case something happened.

Creutz tilted his head, not knowing what Yeon-woo was trying to say, and burst out laughing after his subordinate whispered something in his ear.

Those are two of the Six New Stars. It would be stranger if you didnt attract their attention.

He was hearing the word for the first time.

Six New Stars? Who are they?

Hm? You dont know?

Creutz reacted like it was strange.


I guess. If you focused on individual training and climbing the floors, you might not know. Its a relatively new name. But its nice to check up on the changes of the Tower occasionally.

Yeon-woo nodded without saying anything.

He knew that he didnt know a lot about the news in the Tower.

In the One-horned tribe, he had pretty much only done closed training, and in the Tower, he was so focused on climbing the floors that he didnt have time to check.

The Six New Stars are super rookies like you who caused uproars after entering the Tower.



Creutzs explanation was simple.

After the somewhat quiet destruction of Walpurgnisnacht because of the war between the One-horned tribe and Red Dragon, countless emerging forces were rising. New skilled people appeared and showed off their talents.

The Six New Stars was a name for those at the very top of them.

The Hoarder, Cain.

Magic Beauty, Edora.

The Regiment Leader.

The Ruler King Benteke.

Doctor Doom, Ranul.


Along with the clan leaders of the four new emerging clans, you and the daughter of the One-horned tribes Cheongram family was added.

They were called candidates for the next Nine Kings and symbolized the change in generation.

Of course, Doctor Doom and Faceless are quite old to be included in the new wave. But theres no denying that they can challenge the Nine Kings.

Yeon-woo seemed a bit surprised after hearing all the names.


The four new emerging clan leaders were obvious because they were the heads of their respective clans. And he had also shown his abilities in the Walpurgisnacht attack, so there werent many who doubted his skills anymore.

However, he didnt know that Edora would be a part of this, so he was a bit surprised.

Ah, your friend, Magic Beauty, is currently clearing the 42nd floor. Shes surprising everyone with her quick pace. Most people are thinking that shell quickly get the qualification of a ranker on the 50th floor.

He heard that she was on the 35th floor when he left the village; it seemed like she had climbed 7 more floors during that time.

Considering how the levels became more difficult at higher floors, Edoras clear pace was impossibly fast. She climbed the 42nd floor faster than she climbed the 35th floor.

A player whos pace increased the higher they went. Also, she was the daughter of the one everyone considered the strongest in the Tower, the Martial King. Of course people would be paying attention.

Additionally, from what Creutz said, she always had an expressionless face, like a doll.

She didnt work with anyone else, and if she thought someone approached her to use her, she cut them down mercilessly.

There were even a few rankers among them, so no one was able to challenge her easily. The reason why she had the nickname Magic Beauty was because of her cold personality and mannerisms.

She even has a few followers because they fell in love with that side of her. There are some who call themselves Magic Beauty Star. The nickname is so funny that its not. Although, she doesnt seem to care.

Magic Beauty Star was large enough to be counted as an addition to the four new emerging clans if they became organized.

Yeon-woo silently nodded, thinking.

Phante must be painfully jealous if he knows.

Phante was easily jealous, so he would probably be envious of his little sisters fame.

Of course, Yeon-woo wasnt saying it was bad. He would probably be more motivated and work harder.

On one hand, he was also grateful towards Edora.

Edora didnt like revealing her abilities. It wasnt like she tried to hide them, but she didnt like to show off.

The reason that she was causing such an uproar was probably because of Yeon-woos request.

I want you to become stronger. These words had motivated Phante to go into closed training, and they had motivated Edora to climb as well.

Anyways, thats the current situation. The Eight Large Clans are busy ripping each other apart on the higher floors, trying to claim Red Dragons inheritance, and on the lower floors, the four emerging clans and the Six New Stars are showing their power. Also.

Creutz put emphasis on his words.

The one at the very top is you, Cain.


Yeon-woo didnt say anything for a moment and looked back.

lightsvl m The countless eyes that were still watching him from far away. They were probably from the four clans, skilled players equal to them, or subordinates of the Eight Large Clans.

Whoever they were, it meant that the spotlight of the Tower was on him.

Yeon-woo realized that his war with Triton had a bigger impact than he thought.

But it must be uncomfortable and annoying to have all those eyes following you. You have to focus on the war with Triton, but you dont know how they might bother you. Most of them are hoping you decrease Tritons numbers or destroy them completely.

Yeon-woo looked back at Creutz again.

So are you telling me to receive your protection if I dont want to be bothered?

If you dont like how thats phrased, what about working together? Or you can say that you hired us. Well help you meet with the Regiment Leader, and you can focus on the war with Triton without being interrupted.

I can protect myself.

Are you saying that wed only get in the way? Then Ill have the knightage move back. Instead, its fine even just by myself, so allow me to follow you quietly.

Yeon-woo scoffed in disbelief. It seemed like Creutz was planning on following him no matter what he said.

For a moment, he thought of chasing him away by fighting him, but then he would have to fight all of the Illusion Knights, and Creutzs skills were on par with Bentekes, so it was possible that the damage on his side would be greater, so he shut down those thoughts.

There was nothing he could earn from fighting with the Illusion Knightage. He didnt need to turn people who had good intentions towards him into his enemies, and right now, he had to concentrate on the war with Triton. He had to get Benteke somehow.

Eventually, Yeon-woo waved his hand.

Fine, do whatever you want. But not the knightage. Theyre annoying.


Creutz nodded, looking at the Illusion Knightage. Then, they all began to scatter, putting distance between them. It was to protect them from ranged attacks and prevent outside intervention.

The players who had been trying to approach Yeon-woo began to move further away. The Illusion Knightage was one of the most powerful groups within the Fantasy Regiment. Of course they wouldnt want to fight them.

However, there were still gazes that didnt move away.

They were all holding their auras in, but their empty presence could be felt nevertheless. They were people who didnt fall short of Creutz or people who could defeat him. Yeon-woo thought it might be the other five New Stars or a second party.

There are a lot of strong people within the Tower, indeed.

Yeon-woos two eyes became deep.

Also, I dont plan on working with you. If you want to follow me, youre on your own.

Dont worry.

Yeon-woo scoffed.

You should think before you answer.



Creutz was about to ask what he meant, but Yeon-woo suddenly spread his wings of fire apart and kicked off from the ground. He used Blink and Wind Path. In the blink of an eye, he left the oasis.

Creutz was flustered. The Hoarders movement abilities were already well-known. It wasnt easy to follow Yeon-woo with the heavy armor he had on. It seemed like he would have to run furiously under the scorching sun.

He sighed and whistled with his thumb and middle finger in his mouth.


Just then, a 3-meter-long wyvern came flying over to him.

It was the means of transportation of the Illusion Knightage and their pride, the Flying Dragon.

Creutz got on the wyvern easily and pulled at the leash around its neck. He would have to fly for a while to catch up to Yeon-woo.

* * *

Wait! Hey! Thats not fair.

Weve been moving comfortably so far. Well have to run like hell now.

Tahahaha! I bet this will be fun too.

The player confirmed that Yeon-woo and the Illusion Knightage were moving and slowly stood up.

The players entire body was covered in white bandages like a mummy, and it was hard to tell their gender or age. Under the bandages, different voices were talking to each other. It was like there were multiple people in a single body.

The famous player who had never shown his face to the world, the unidentifiable player, Faceless, lightly hit the ground.

* * *

Were moving.

At the words of the robed black magician, the other magicians who followed him all stood up from their spots.

It was the clan of Doctor Doom and his disciples, Necropolis. They disappeared through a red portal on the ground.

All the life from where they had been was sucked up, and everything dried up and died.

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