Ranker Who Lives Twice

Chapter 117.2 - Mercenary (1)

He thought it was right to say his goodbyes before he left, but the Martial King was looking at him like his mind was an open book.

Yeon-woo didnt know how the Martial King would respond when he told him the truth. But his worries didnt last too long.

Itll be hard to continue hiding it because of the Psychic Medium.

Martial King aside, it made him uncomfortable that the Psychic Medium could read anyones fate without lifting a finger. Also, the Martial King knew he came from the Phoenixs territory anyway.

Since he would soon find out that the Saber God had hunted all the Legendary Beasts, it was probably best to face it head on right now.

So Yeon-woo told the Martial King everything that happened. Like when he had explained to Edora. The relationship he had with Phoenix and Chirpy. And the Saber God.

But he didnt tell him that he had made contracts with the Beasts, of the fact that he was the successor. There was no need to tell all his secrets.

And that was enough. The aura that had been pressing Yeon-woo melted away like snow. The Martial Kings face became strange. Like he was leery of something.


He lightly cursed under his breath, and he pointed his chin at Chirpy, who was glaring at him.

Is that the kid of the Phoenix you were talking about?


Ha! The Cheonghwado bastards are going around doing weird things again? Geez.

He muttered indecipherable words and reached out for a short pipe that was on a table.



He brought it down on Yeon-woos head before Yeon-woo could avoid it.


Yeon-woo groaned and covered his head. His world was spinning.

You little shit.

Yeon-woo looked at him like he was asking what the meaning of this was.

Are you gonna keep on looking at me like that? Do you wanna get beat up again?


As the Martial King threatened him with the pipe again, Yeon-woo flinched back.

His head still hurt from the shock from earlier. He was also annoyed, because he didnt know why he was hit.

The Martial King glowered at Yeon-woo. And he sighed.

What do you think the relationship between a teacher and a disciple is?

They were unexpected words. Yeon-woos eyes became bigger.

What are you

lightsvl m Im asking you what the relationship between a teacher and a disciple is, you damned disciple kid. Do you think its nothing more than learning?


For a second, Yeon-woo couldnt think of anything to say. He felt he was hit even harder than with the pipe.

Even if it was for a few days. I taught you to the best of my abilities. With sincerity. Like it was a part of me. Like teaching my own kid. But. I guess thats not how it was for you?


I get that youre frustrated, but if you have urgent business, shouldnt you run back as quickly as possible to tell your godly teacher? Then, Ill be able to help you, or nag you, or whatever. But you want to quit being a guest? Youre sorry?


Where did this damned bastard come from? I thought you had basic manners watching you take care of Phante and Edora. Did I see wrong? Did you only see me as someone to get something from? What? Am I wrong?

As the Martial King continued.

Yeon-woo couldnt say anything. He was blanking out.

The Martial King was scolding him. He definitely sounded annoyed, but there he also sounded a bit upset too.

To be scolded.

To be nagged at.

When was the last time someone did this to him? He couldnt remember.

On Earth, his Squad Leader had disciplined him occasionally, but that was different.bender

Yeon-woo had tried to hide his problems and solve them by himself. And so the Martial King was upset because Yeon-woo treated him like a stranger.

And so. Yeon-woo saw a bit of his father in the Martial King.

A teacher and a disciple, you ungrateful disciple, is definitely different from a parent and their kid. Since that is a relationship set by heaven. But the relationship between a teacher and their disciple is one that humans set for themselves.

He had an annoyed and stressed expression.

So now Ill ask. What am I to you?

Yeon-woo momentarily thought of the Martial King that he had experienced for a few days. He always had a joking manner, but he sincerely taught Yeon-woo new abilities. And when Yeon-woo successfully learned it, the Martial King always looked on with a proud face. They were definitely the eyes of a teacher looking proudly at his student.

On the other hand. How had he treated the Martial King. He was always on his guard even while learning from the Martial King. He always suspected first. He only looked for evil.

Yeon-woo realized what he had done wrong all this time. He thought he had gotten better with Yul, Khan and Doyle, and Phante and Edora. On one side, it was obvious that he do this, but it was also something that hurt others feelings.

After a long silence, Yeon-woo was able to respond.

.Youre my teacher.

Is that what you think? Really?

The Martial King asked with an irked face.

Yeon-woo laughed and nodded his head.

And Ill think of you as my teacher.

So then that means you didnt think of me as your teacher before? You crazy bastard?

The Martial King shook his head with an unbelievable face. Somehow, he saw himself in him.


The Martial King placed the pipe that wasnt needed anymore back on the table.

Ok. Thats enough. Then go.

Yeon-woo nodded his head. Actually, there was nothing the Martial King could do to help him. Before he was his teacher, the Martial King was the leader of the One-horned tribe. He couldnt flip sides like he was flipping pancakes.

So he couldnt fight along with him. But he could let Yeon-woo roam freely. He was going to quietly cheer on Yeon-woo from the crowds. In his own way.

And take this.

Yeon-woo grabbed the books the Martial King tossed at him. The Second and Last sections of the Eight Extreme Fists.

Thank you.

Ugh. Whatever. Take it and leave. And when I meet you again Im going to punch you first even if youre my disciple. And dont worry about the egg. Itll be safe.

If they met in war, they wouldnt meet as teacher and disciple. Since they would be enemies, they could kill each other using their full power.

But Yeon-woo knew the warmth in those words. And he bowed even further. After staying in that position for a while, he quietly left the room.

..Thank you.

Endlessly repeating the same words in his head, knowing he could never say it enough.

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