QT: Against My Will

Chapter 265

265 5.8 – No World Story – The Sleepless Elite’s Wife

Bing Shi blinked her eyes to see if she saw right, “Why is everything so expensive?”

“Wuwuwu. I don’t know,” XiaoPu got on all fours, prostrating himself before Bing Shi, he begged for forgiveness exaggeratedly, “Forgive me! Wuwuwu, I’m the most annoying and useless system in the history of systemkind.”

“According to whom?” she asked.

“My ex-host,” XiaoPu answered.

Crouching down, Bing Shi extended her palm in his direction, “So does it make me the most annoying and stupid woman in the history of womankind? That’s what I should be according to your ex-host.”

XiaoPu looked up and shook his head frantically, staring at her outstretched hand in terror.

Bing Shi’s lips curved up, “High-five? To celebrate our... what is supposed to be the worst system and host collaboration?”

“...” XiaoPu raised his little palm. She wasn’t as scary as he thought. There was no dangerous aura surrounding her.

Bing Shi avoided XiaoPu’s touch, “Wait... clean your snot and tears first.”


Xiao Pu took a handkerchief out of his pocket. After wiping off his tears, he blew his nose.

Then, both of their palms met in mid-air, high fiving each other with big grins.

“Were you this obedient with your ex-Host too?” she asked.

XiaoPu nodded his head, shook his head, and nodded his head again.

Bing Shi watched her new companion as she prayed for everyone’s safety, hers included.

[[“You can give me the new mission.”]]


As someone who spent thousands of years with an acting pro, XiaoPu was here to help her with her new mission.

Before she could recollect herself, Bing Shi felt as if somebody ripped her head open with a hammer and poured their memories into her head. There wasn’t a world story, she couldn’t have a body of her choice, and besides her, there were going to be other hosts too.

World’s rank: C (7500p)

[[World mission: Learn how to control your presence. Fulfil Silika’s dying wish. Become a world-famous actress so she could afford a good life for her father. Perform at least in three different roles: the main antagonist, the side character, and the main protagonist. Stage at four different settings: romance, drama, action, and reality show.]]





‘Flushable toilets!’

‘Though I did build one...’




‘Now, give me Xuan Mu too, and I’ll be a good, good girl.’

“You bitch! Open the door!” A few men kicked at the door, laughing like maniacs, “We’re going to use your pretty face for a good purpose! Didn’t you want to be an actress?! Now you have a chance to show your skills in our bed!”

Bing Shi opened her eyes abruptly. She looked down at her bleeding wrist. Activating her space, she quickly crushed a rejuvenation pill. Wrapping her wrist tightly with a bandage, she grabbed her extendable metal staff, pressing the button to unlock and release the staff, the stick extended from 2″(5cm) to 47″ (120cm) in a matter of milliseconds.

The HQ prepared many bodies for Bing Shi to occupy. The body which was dying the fastest would receive the first priority.

This Silika girl was scammed by a group of people. Refusing to drown in debts, she decided to commit suicide because of stress and anxiety. She didn’t realize that it would affect her family too.

[[“Kuro. Sorry, XiaoPu, show me the situation outside...”]]

XiaoPu showed Bing Shi the situation on the other side and went out to search for an escape route.

‘Private apartment. Four men. No weapons. My backpack is by the bedside. Keys. Where are the keys?’

Stretching up, Bing Shi squeezed her weak arms and legs, getting used to her new body in a school uniform as fast as she could. She looked for another escape route out of this small bathroom. There were no windows, only the hidden services duct and the ventilation system, which was out of the question. As a structural engineer, she’d always laugh when seeing such an unrealistic scene in a movie.

Leaning against the wall, Bing Shi took a deep breath. The moment the door broke, and a man barged inside, she flung her staff at his chest, the kinetic energy took his breath away. Passing by the falling man, she attacked another’s groin. Sprinting towards the bed, she broke the fourth man’s wrists and tripped the fourth man. “Give me your keys.”

When the man tried to utter a word, Bing Shi hit his cheek with her staff to shut him up, “Yes. Yes. Yes. I know. Your BOSS is a big scary man. Now, keys!”

‘Woah, my new voice is pretty loud.’

When somebody moved, she crushed one’s finger’s bones, “Are you deaf? I asked for the keys!”

“...” The man threw his keys at her with utter disbelief. The authority which oozed out from her order turned them into living statues, which were too afraid to move.

“Don’t move.” Showing his head against the floor, Bing Shi picked up the keys and walked to the desk drawer by the window. Taking out a contract out of it, she grabbed a lighter next to the package of cigarettes, set the contract on fire, and threw it into the metal trash bin, “Thank you for uninstalling the smoke detector.”

“...” Nobody moved from their spots as she took out memory cards from the cameras. Sometimes instincts would tell them not to provoke certain people, and this girl was among them.

“I’d like to ask for a promotion.” Dialling a number, Bing Shi pointed the phone’s camera at the men on the floor, “When you’ll have a role in an action movie, suitable for me, please do contact me.”

After she spoke to their BOSS through the phone speakers, she grabbed her backpack and left the apartment.

‘What. Just. Happened?’ Went through the injured men’s heads.

Putting on a face mask, Bing Shi retreated her staff and followed XiaoPu outside, reminiscing how Ru Quan within Xuan Mu forced her to break her training partner’s bones, for them to take her seriously and for her to take the training as a real-life situation. It was too extreme, she refused. Imagine how hard it was to injure people she knew for years to ones she met a while ago. Ru Quan was going too far for her sake. They ended up arguing and crying a lot.

The overprotective Xuan Mu (old Xuan Mu) would never let her do such a thing, but Ru Quan (new Xuan Mu) didn’t back down, oftentimes he would let her stay inside a remote village to wait until a group of barbarians tore it down. That was when she would fight back with her tears and teeth. The things they did were more than horrendous.

The saying ‘treat others how you want to be treated’ should be thrown into a trash can. Some people needed enlightenment. And so, she changed their attitudes by doing the opposite. Being nice, and peaceful words never worked on such types of people.

[[“XiaoPu, what’s wrong with my presence?”]]

[[Host has the presence of a great leader. You need to learn how to hide it.]]

[[“And that’s bad? That group of people should have some connections in the movie industry. I thought it would be nice to use them. What should have I done better then?”]]

XiaoPu scratched his little head as he walked alongside Bing Shi, unable to answer her question.

[[Host you did awesomely! There were no leads nearby, so everything is fine. Host, you have to learn how to incorporate yourself into this world, so even when you end up as a famous person, you won’t catch the lead’s attention.]]

[[“Aw, you know how to flatter me. Acting alone wouldn’t help me avoid unwanted attention. Basically, I received two main missions that have nothing to do with each other, right? It makes sense now. Thank you for clearing things up. You’re doing amazingly too!”]]

In addition to her mission, Bing Shi had to appease the previous soul’s regrets too.

[[“XiaoPu, do you know some ninja concealment skills?”]]

XiaoPu shook his head, his chip was burning from trying to come up with a plan on how to suppress Bing Shi’s character to such a degree. When they passed by a more crowded street, people kept turning their heads in his Host’s direction. Despite having half of her face covered, some brazen ones dared to take secret photos as if it was a street fashion show!

As they waited for the BUS, Bing Shi went through Silika’s phone. They looked very similar. If she ever had plastic surgery in the past life, this was how she would look like. Proportioned, pointy chin, beautifully shaped nose, and lively big eyes. A face of an idol. The first time this girl went under a knife was on her fifteenth birthday. An illegal, double eyelid surgery. After the first procedure, she had a desperate need to correct her nose and chin too, thus the reason why she was scammed by a group of people.

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